Cultural and Creative Art BECE Past Questions : Test Your Understanding
Time: 2 hours
- This paper consists of ninety objective questions and ten alternatives to practicals.
- Write your Examination number in the space provided below.
(Complete your name as it should be written, Surname first followed by other names.)
- Do not open this Question Booklet until you are instructed to do so. While waiting, read the following instructions carefully:
(i) Attempt all questions. In Section A, each question is followed by four options lettered A-D.
(ii) Find the correct option for each question and shade your answer.
(iii) Do not spend too much time on any one question. If you find a question difficult, leave it and return to it later.
(iv) You are advised to work completely on your own.
INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions.
- Fine art as a branch of visual art comprises:
- (a) Drawing, painting, and sculpture
- (b) Printing, drawing, and textile
- (c) Textile, painting, and carving
- (d) Creative and painting
- The consumption of prohibited substances is called drug:
- (a) trafficking
- (b) trade
- (c) abuse
- (d) addition
- One of the most essential qualities of lettering in graphic design is:
- (a) colour
- (b) flexibility
- (c) legibility
- (d) sketch
- Which of these chords moves from iv-i?
- (a) Authentic
- (b) Perfect
- (c) Finished
- (d) Plagal
- Which of the following easels is ideal for supporting an artist’s board in a still life drawing class?
- (a) Sheep easel
- (b) Horizontal easel
- (c) Camel easel
- (d) Donkey easel
- Apart from ‘Court Art’, Benin also practices:
- (a) Folk art
- (b) Airport art
- (c) Palace art
- (d) Basic art
- A process of working together as a group in order to achieve a goal is called:
- (a) Individual work
- (b) Complimentary work
- (c) Teamwork
- (d) Planned work
- A musical form that has two sections is called:
- (a) ternary
- (b) binary
- (c) musical
- (d) melody
- Igbo Ukwu was scientifically excavated at the following three sites:
- (a) Igbo-Isiah, Igbo-Richard, and Igbo-John
- (b) Igbo-Isaac, Igbo-Isiah, and Igbo-John
- (c) Igbo-Isiah, Igbo-Chukwu, and Igbo-John
- (d) Igbo-Isiah, Igbo-Richard, and Igbo-Jonah
- The object used as a skeletal support in sculpture is called:
- (a) An armature
- (b) A spatula
- (c) A mannequin
- (d) A frame
- A crotchet note has one beat; therefore, the duration of rest is:
- (a) 2 beats
- (b) 3 beats
- (c) 2 beats
- (d) 1 beat
- The female lead character in a play is known as:
- (a) An antagonist
- (b) A protagonist
- (c) A champion
- (d) A leader
- In figure drawing, “Head” is used as a:
- (a) unit of measurement
- (b) point of focus
- (c) first point of drawing
- (d) seat of observation
- A dried unfired clay work is called:
- (a) grog
- (b) terra-cotta
- (c) bone dry
- (d) glazing
- The big board used in advertising commercial products and activities along major roads is called:
- (a) Sign board
- (b) Poster board
- (c) Display Board
- (d) Bill board
- The following are processes of preparing art works for display EXCEPT:
- (a) Mounting
- (b) Scrapping
- (c) Labelling
- (d) Framing
- The application of perspective in landscape drawing brings out the visual feeling of:
- (a) depth and distance
- (b) solidity and depth
- (c) solidity and form
- (d) tonality and depth
- In playing the scale on a musical instrument, the performer plays the notes:
- (a) at once
- (b) together
- (c) step by step
- (d) in harmony
- The materials used by actors and actresses are known as:
- (a) camouflage
- (b) costumes
- (c) dresses
- (d) masks
- Identify the major qualities of a good poster among the following:
- (a) Attractive, interesting, and informative
- (b) Repetitive, attractive, and worthy
- (c) Interesting, colourful, and regular
- (d) Drawing, regular, and colourful
- The basic difference between a book cover design and a book jacket in art is the:
- (a) Author
- (b) Illustration
- (c) Title
- (d) Flap
- 3/4 is a:
- (a) simple triple
- (b) compound duple
- (c) compound triple
- (d) simple quadruple
- Blacksmith is classified under:
- (a) craft
- (b) ceramics
- (c) graphics
- (d) painting
- Another name for decorative stitches is:
- (a) weaving
- (b) weft
- (c) embroidery
- (d) knitting
- The coming together of different people to achieve a common goal is called:
- (a) disunity
- (b) unity
- (c) love
- (d) force
- The artist commissioned to produce drawings for book publication is known as:
- (a) Illustrator
- (b) Cartoonist
- (c) Book artist
- (d) Book commissioner
- The bronze statue of ‘Anyanwu’ (Awakening) in front of the Lagos Museum was produced by:
- (a) Ben Enwonwu
- (b) Demas Nwoko
- (c) Erhabor Emokpae
- (d) Uche Okeke
- A place where works of art are usually displayed for people to view, appreciate, and buy is regarded as:
- (a) Art studio
- (b) Art gallery
- (c) Art theatre
- (d) Art room
- Naturalistic art of Ife is noted for:
- (a) Impressionism
- (b) Scarification
- (c) Commercial
- (d) Friction
- The value of a crotchet and a semi-breve is:
- (a) 2 and 4 beats
- (b) 3 and 4 beats
- (c) 1 and 4 beats
- (d) 4 and 2 beats
- Pre-historic paintings were mostly found on:
- (a) wood
- (b) bone
- (c) slab
- (d) cave
- In calabash decoration, to ‘scrape’ is also regarded as:
- (a) Cutting away the background in order to make the pattern drawn on it stand out
- (b) Cutting the calabash to reveal hollow
- (c) Cutting the calabash into pieces
- (d) Cleaning the calabash with a sharp object
- The above diagram is a pattern. Repeat:
- (a) half slide
- (b) mirror
- (c) half drop
- (d) simple
- The coil method in modelling involves:
- (a) cutting of slabs into shapes
- (b) rolling and cutting of a grog
- (c) rolling of clay balls into snake-like shapes
- (d) weathering
- Identify an ideal pencil for sketching in an art class:
- (a) 1 H pencil
- (b) 2 B pencil
- (c) 3 B pencil
- (d) 4 B pencil
- In pottery, when a pot is fired a second time, it is known as:
- (a) biscuit firing
- (b) hard firing
- (c) glaze firing
- (d) gloss firing
- The state of being an element of trustworthiness is:
- (a) Selfishness
- (b) Honesty
- (c) Humility
- (d) Kindness
- Ivory carvings are found in ancestral altars in:
- (a) Oyo
- (b) Uyo
- (c) Onitsha
- (d) Benin
- A system of moral principles and rules of conduct among individuals or groups in a society is called:
- (a) Tradition
- (b) Belief
- (c) Ethics
- (d) Culture
- One of these is an art composer:
- (a) Fela Showande
- (b) Davido
- (c) Ebenezer Obey
- (d) Wizkid
- One of the following is a good example of outdoor painting:
- (a) Composition
- (b) Still life
- (c) Life
- (d) Landscape
- The following are studio artists EXCEPT:
- (a) Jimoh Buraimoh
- (b) Sunday Adeniyi
- (c) Bruce Onabrakpeya
- (d) Kolade Oshinowo
- To protect the hand from the effects of dye and chemicals, the artist is required to use:
- (a) gloves
- (b) hand mask
- (c) cup
- (d) clothes
- Identify a non-element of art among the following:
- (a) Colour and Texture
- (b) Value and Space
- (c) Variety and Proportion
- (d) Line and Form
- The list of all people that feature in a play is referred to as:
- (a) Actresses
- (b) Cast
- (c) Actors
- (d) Audience
- Patriotism is the demonstration of ___ for one’s country:
- (a) hatred
- (b) concern
- (c) love
- (d) interest
- Which of these items is an example of three-dimensional art?
- (a) Teapot
- (b) Poster design
- (c) Printing
- (d) Picture
- The following pigments—blue, green, and violet—are good examples of:
- (a) warm colours
- (b) primary colours
- (c) cool colours
- (d) neutral colours
- A kind of stage where the audience is seated around the acting space is called:
- (a) proscenium stage
- (b) theatre-in-the-round stage
- (c) spectacle stage
- (d) thrust stage
- 6/8 time is a time:
- (a) simple triple
- (b) compound triple
- (c) simple duple
- (d) compound duple
- G major has ___ sharp or sharps:
- (a) 3
- (b) 2
- (c) 1
- (d) 0
- Which of these materials needs a fixative?
- (a) Charcoal
- (b) Ink
- (c) Crayon
- (d) Gouache
- The technique of applying colours heavily on canvas is called:
- (a) Polychrome
- (b) Mural
- (c) Tint
- (d) Impasto
- Benin Art of bronze casting was influenced by:
- (a) Esie Art
- (b) Nok Art
- (c) Ife Art
- (d) Owo Art
- The act of moving the hand or body with the expression of the face to tell a story without speaking is:
- (a) opera
- (b) mime
- (c) mummy
- (d) dance
- Which of the following letters occupy more space in lettering construction?
- (a) O
- (b) V
- (c) I
- (d) W
- The term in art which shows that the farther an object is from the observer, the paler its colour, is regarded as:
- (a) perspective
- (b) foreshortening
- (c) fading
- (d) diminishing
- Which of the following statements suggests ‘imaginative composition’?
- (a) Copying of old painting
- (b) Drawing from posed model
- (c) Drawing from arranged object
- (d) Illustrating story from memory
- The alphabetical succession of sound, ascending or descending from a starting note is:
- (a) Clef
- (b) Scale
- (c) Time signature
- (d) Music
- In sculpture, additive methods is to modelling as ___ method is to carving:
- (a) moulding
- (b) cutting
- (c) reduction
- (d) subtractive
- The following are the activities that take place in a typical rehearsal EXCEPT:
- (a) Reading
- (b) Blocking
- (c) Spreading
- (d) Polishing
- The following are principles of choreography EXCEPT:
- (a) Order
- (b) Proportion
- (c) Beauty
- (d) Variety
- One of the following is a unit of design that is used to form a pattern:
- (a) Ogee
- (b) Diamond
- (c) Motif
- (d) Embroidery
- One of the following is an aspect of dance:
- (a) Body awareness
- (b) Hand awareness
- (c) Audience awareness
- (d) Costume awareness
- Another name for pen lettering is:
- (a) Gothic lettering
- (b) Roman lettering
- (c) Letter construction
- (d) Calligraphy
- The major coordinator during rehearsal is referred to as:
- (a) Coordinator
- (b) Stage manager
- (c) Presentation manager
- (d) Production manager
- A picture that is totally built up from bits of colour paper and cloth is called:
- (a) Nature
- (b) Mosaic
- (c) Still life
- (d) Collage
- Who is regarded as the father of church music in Nigeria?
- (a) Fela Showande
- (b) T.K.F. Philips
- (c) Akin Euba
- (d) Ayo Bankole
- Rubber stamp print is a typical example of:
- (a) Stamp printing
- (b) Silk printing
- (c) Intaglio printing
- (d) Relief printing
- Which of these combinations is a tint of Red?
- (a) Addition of white to red
- (b) Addition of black to red
- (c) Addition of little yellow to red
- (d) Addition of pigment to blue
- A play that is full of sad events and ends mostly with death or bloodshed is called a:
- (a) Melodrama
- (b) Tragicomedy
- (c) Tragedy
- (d) Horror
- In ceramics, building up of a lump of clay into a hollowware, starting from the centre of the lump of clay, is called a:
- (a) Building up method
- (b) Pulling method
- (c) Traditional method
- (d) Scoop method
- Who is a Comedienne?
- (a) A male person that makes the audience laugh
- (b) A female person that makes the audience laugh
- (c) A person that works hard in a play
- (d) A personality that commands respect
- Anatomical studies are highly essential in:
- (a) Still life drawing
- (b) Nature drawing
- (c) Medical drawing
- (d) Figure drawing
- In perspective drawing, all parallel lines converge at:
- (a) Vanishing point
- (b) Horizon line
- (c) Aerial line
- (d) Straight line
- The following are parts of a choir EXCEPT:
- (a) Bass
- (b) Tenor
- (c) Soprano
- (d) Staff
- Which of the following is a characteristic of Benin Art?
- (a) They consist of stone carvings
- (b) They are pierced in the eye
- (c) Memorial heads have high collar of beads
- (d) Eyes are in triangular shape
- The best means to get a true copy of a sculptural piece or ceramic ware is through:
- (a) Picture
- (b) Casting
- (c) Modelling
- (d) Reproduction
- The following are areas of specialization in dance as a profession EXCEPT:
- (a) Exotic dancer
- (b) Repetiteur
- (c) Show girls
- (d) Call girls
- One of these is a pair of complementary colours:
- (a) Red and green
- (b) Blue and green
- (c) Yellow and orange
- (d) White and black
- Which of these is NOT a craft?
- (a) Tie-dye
- (b) Basketry
- (c) Pottery
- (d) Music
- Another name for abstract is:
- (a) Regular shapes
- (b) Non-representational
- (c) Geometric shape
- (d) Non-coordinated lines
- Basically, letters are broadly classified into two, namely:
- (a) Hieroglyphic and Calligraphy letters
- (b) Egyptian and Roman letters
- (c) Calligraphy and Block letters
- (d) Romans and Gothic letters
- The ‘lost wax’ technique of casting is called:
- (a) Cire perdue
- (b) Wax design
- (c) Bronze casting
- (d) Plaster casting
- Drawing and painting of branches of a plant, flowers, and fruits is regarded as:
- (a) Man-made drawing
- (b) Plant drawing
- (c) Still life drawing
- (d) Nature drawing
- The classes of African musical instruments are:
- (a) 5
- (b) 4
- (c) 3
- (d) 2
- The surface quality of an object is called:
- (a) Motif
- (b) Collage
- (c) Pattern
- (d) Texture
- Which of these is a technique of transferring design on cloth in embroidery?
- (a) Tracking
- (b) Tailoring tracing
- (c) Printing
- (d) Direct drawing
- __________ is a type of stitch that is used to secure a raw edge of cloth neatly.
- (a) German stitch
- (b) French stitch
- (c) Catch stitch
- (d) Open stitch
- Another name for dance drama is:
- (a) Musical dance
- (b) Narrative dance
- (c) Melody
- (d) Opera dance
- In tie-dye fabric production using two colours, i.e., purple and yellow, the dyeing process starts with ______ colour first, and later followed by ______ colour.
- The dyed fabric is allowed to ______, the fabric is untied, after ______ and ironed.
- (a) Yellow, purple, oxidize and dried
- (b) Purple, yellow, dried and oxidized
- (c) Yellow, purple, dried and oxidized
- (d) Purple, yellow, oxidized and dried
- Portrait Painting
- Tjanting → ???
- Kiln → Ceramics
- Bust → ???
- (a) Graphics, Craft
- (b) Ceramics, Graphics
- (c) Graphics, Drawing
- (d) Textile, Sculpture
- Embroidery is the art of decorating cloth with different patterns of stitches using thread with needles manually or by machine to form a pattern. The media needed for embroidery are:
- (a) Fabric, Spatula, loom, hook and warp
- (b) Fabric, thread, needle, thimble and scissors
- (c) Fabric, needle, scissors, warp and weft
- (d) Fabric, needle, scissors, thimble and warp
- Fill in the technical names of the following Tonic solfa below in the order it was written below.
Doh | 1st Tonic |
Ray | 2nd |
Meh | 3rd Mediant |
Fah | 4th Dominant |
Soh | 5th |
Laho | 6th Leading note |
Teh | 7th |
Doh | 8th Upper tonic |
- (a) Supertonic, Subdominant, Submediant and Upper tonic
- (b) Aberant, Tonic, Supertonic and low tonic
- (c) Upper tonic, Submediant, Subdominant and Supertonic
- To produce a good composition of mosaic artwork, a flat surface is needed. The desired images are ______ on it, and ______ the collected materials until it covers up the drawn images, its foreground and background.
- (a) Spread, images and fix
- (b) Add, adhesive and fix
- (c) Sketch, adhesive and fix
- (d) Fix, paint and fix
- In creating a dance pattern, a choreographer first considers the ______, then ______, arranging the movements, and finally ______ the structure and performance.
- (a) Audience, Idea, movements, final and polishing
- (b) Idea, audience, movements, final and polishing
- (c) Movements, idea, audience, final and polishing
- (d) Movements, idea, audience and polishing, final
- The following people are Nigerian contemporary artists and their areas of specialization. Supply the missing area of specialization in the order it was written below.
1 | Jimoh Akolo | Art Educator |
2 | ??? | ??? |
3 | Kolade Oshinowo | Sculptor |
4 | ??? | ??? |
5 | Emokpae Erhabor | ??? |
6 | Bruce Onabrakpeya | ??? |
7 | Felix Idubor | ??? |
8 | Lamidi Fakeye | ??? |
- 2: Akinola Lasekan (Painter)
- 4: Tunde Odunlade (Painter)
- 5: Demas Nwoko (Architect and Sculptor)
- 6: Babatunde Lawal (Art Historian and Critic)
- The following people are Nigerian contemporary artists and their areas of specialization. Supply the missing area of specialization in the order it was written below.
1 | Jimoh Akolo | Art Educator |
2 | ??? | Traditional carver |
3 | Kolade Oshinowo | Sculptor |
4 | ??? | Printmaker |
5 | Emokpae Erhabor | Painter |
6 | Bruce Onabrakpeya | Printmaker |
7 | Felix Idubor | Sculptor |
8 | Lamidi Fakeye | Traditional carver |
- 2: Lamidi Fakeye (Traditional Carver)
- 4: Bruce Onabrakpeya (Printmaker)
- 6: Felix Idubor (Sculptor)
- In a drama production, a make-up artist applies make-up on actors and actresses in order to make them suitable for the role they want to act. Some types of make-up in drama are _____ and _____.
- (a) foundation, straight and character makeup
- (b) first, development and dress make-up
- (c) basic, tonal and auxiliary make-up
- (d) basic, studio and spectacular make-up
- Colour is the decomposition of light into seven colours on the colour spectrum. The three properties of colour are _____ and _____.
- (a) analogous, complementary and triad
- (b) complementary, triad and analogous
- (c) hue, intensity and value
- (d) tonal, monochrome and purity
- The African instrument that takes its sources of sound from the vibration of their entire body is referred to as _____ . Two examples of such instruments are _____ and _____.
- (a) membranophone, talking drum and flute
- (b) idiophone, gong and beaded gourd (‘Sekere’)
- (c) aerophone, trumpet, flute and goje
- (d) chordophone, guitar and lutes
- 98: (a) foundation, straight and character make-up
- 99: (c) hue, intensity and value
- 100: (b) idiophone, gong and beaded gourd (‘Sekere’)
Table of Contents
This brief provides the answers to a comprehensive quiz covering a wide range of topics in art, music, and drama. The quiz spans 100 questions, each addressing fundamental concepts and specifics related to various artistic disciplines.
Key Areas Covered:
- Art Forms and Techniques: Answers include information about types of art (e.g., sculpture, painting), specific techniques (e.g., impasto, mosaic), and artists.
- Music and Drama: Questions explore elements of music theory, stage management, and performance art.
- Crafts and Design: The quiz addresses crafts like embroidery and tie-dye, as well as design principles.
- Cultural Context: It includes details about Nigerian contemporary artists, African musical instruments, and historical art techniques.
Selected Answers:
- Art Techniques: Impasto (Q53), Mosaic (Q67)
- Music: Scale (Q59), G major (Q51)
- Drama Production: Stage manager (Q66), Makeup types (Q98)
- Cultural Art Forms: Casting (Q78), Idiophone instruments (Q100)
This brief encapsulates essential knowledge for students and enthusiasts of art, music, and drama, providing a foundational understanding of key concepts and practices in these fields.
Here are the answers to the questions from 1 to 100:
- (a) Art
- (b) Sculpture
- (b) Monochrome
- (c) Artistic discipline
- (b) Culture
- (d) Primary colors
- (d) Acrylic
- (a) Hand and Body movements
- (a) Tapestry
- (c) Colour wheel
- (d) Pastel
- (d) Form
- (b) Freehand
- (c) Calligraphy
- (b) Context
- (a) Batik
- (b) Cloth
- (b) Composed and recorded for a specific event
- (b) Performance Art
- (a) Mirror
- (b) Graphic design
- (d) Decorative stitches
- (a) Craft
- (c) Embroidery
- (b) Unity
- (a) Illustrator
- (a) Ben Enwonwu
- (b) Art gallery
- (b) Scarification
- (a) 2 and 4 beats
- (d) Cave
- (a) Cutting away the background in order to make the pattern drawn on it stand out
- (c) Half drop
- (c) Rolling of clay balls into snake-like shapes
- (d) 4 B pencil
- (c) Glaze firing
- (b) Honesty
- (d) Benin
- (c) Ethics
- (a) Fela Showande
- (d) Landscape
- (b) Sunday Adeniyi
- (a) Gloves
- (c) Variety and proportion
- (b) Cast
- (c) Love
- (a) Teapot
- (c) Cool colours
- (b) Theatre-in-the-round stage
- (b) Compound triple
- (b) 2
- (a) Charcoal
- (d) Impasto
- (c) Ife Art
- (b) Mime
- (d) W
- (a) Atmospheric perspective
- (d) Illustrating story from memory
- (b) Scale
- (d) Subtractive
- (c) Spreading
- (a) Order
- (c) Motif
- (a) Body awareness
- (d) Calligraphy
- (b) Stage manager
- (d) Collage
- (b) T.K.F. Philips
- (d) Relief printing
- (a) Addition of white to red
- (c) Tragedy
- (b) Pulling method
- (b) A female person that makes audience laugh
- (d) Figure drawing
- (a) Vanishing point
- (d) Staff
- (c) Memorial heads have high collar of beads
- (b) Casting
- (d) Call girls
- (a) Red and green
- (d) Music
- (b) Non-representational
- (c) Calligraphy and Block letters
- (a) Cire perdue
- (c) Still life drawing
- (b) 4
- (d) Texture
- (d) Direct drawing
- (c) Catch stitch
- (b) Narrative dance
- (c) Yellow, purple, dried and oxidize
- (d) Textile, Sculpture
- (b) Fabric, thread, needle, thimble and scissors
- (a) Supertonic, Subdominant, Submediant and Leading note
- (c) Sketch, adhesive and fix
- (b) Idea, audience, movements, final and polishing
- (b) Painter, Printmaker, Sculptor, Traditional carver
- (d) Basic, studio and spectacular make-up
- (c) Hue, Intensity and Value
- (b) Idiophone, Gong and Beaded gourd. ‘Sekere
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