Example: 14 N 7 = 21 , 28 , 35
1. 14 N 3 = _________ ___________ _________
2. 0 N 60 = _________ _________ _________
3. 220 N 100 = _________ _________ _________
Sample :
8. 9.
11. (12)
13. 14.
Example: –
Hint: odd factor
540 = PEN
28. SIREN = ___________________
29. 5 8 7 6 4 = _______________________
30. 6 4 1 4 0 1 9 = _______________________
Example: chair is to sit as shoe is to foot.
1. Drum is to beat as trumpet is to __(blow, sound,strike)
2. Boys are to men as girls are to ________
(women, aunt, uncle)
3. Atlas and maps; dictionary and ___
(hook, learning, meaning)
4. Feather is to bird as fin is to ___(goat , fish, hen)
Pick out the wrong member
Example: owl , eagle, rose, pigeon , rose
5. Hat coat Jacket shirt __________________
6. Cassava , yam , mango , potato ________________
7. Ugly , heavy, handsome, pretty, __________________
8. Bungalow , mansion, hut, farm , __________________
Give a general name for each of the list below
Cockroach , grasshopper, bee insects
9. netball , hockey, tennis ________________
10. Dictionary, textbook, diary, ____________________
11. Abuja , Accra, Abidjan , __________________
12. Car, Bicycle , bus , ____________________
Underline from the bracket two words that goes together
Boys: Men (mother, girls, sister, women)
13. Pig: Pork (sheep , beef, veal, mutton)
14. Morning: evening (youth, boy , midday, aged)
15. Butcher: Meat (cane, fishmonger, mutton, fish)
Example: Giant is to giantess as god is to goddess
16. Nephew is to niece as ______________ is to priestess.
17. Brother is to sister as _____________ is to lioness.
18. _____________ is to landlady as Jew is to Jewess
Choose a word from the options to complete these
Example: Back and behind; finish and complete (start, stop, complete)
19. Profit and gain; ancient and ____(fresh, aged, poor, old)
20. Fall and drop; tiny and ___(large , small, scanty, big)
21. Consent and agree; gift and ____(book, present, honour, take)
22. Deceive and cheat; robust and ___(slim, fat, small, slender).
Choose from the list a word which is opposite in meaning to the first word.
Example: sharpclever, keen, even, Blunt
23. Below over, above, law, High
24. Doctor criminal, nurse, patient, student
25. Proud gentle, humble, arrogant, kind
26. fat fair, flesh, thin, Big
Choose the correct answer
Example: A building where goods are kept is called warehouse
27. Horses are kept in a ___(stable, garage, nest)
28. Boutique is where ______ are sold. (dresses, food, drinks)
29. The building for acting drama is a ___(hospital , hotel, theatre)
30. ______is where football is played (barracks, football field, abattoir)
1. God gave us a commandment to ___one another (a) hate (b) love (c) dislike
2. Jesus fasted for 40days and _____nights. (a) 20 (b) 30 (c) 40
3. To ____means to break God’s law (a) repent (b) sin (c) forgive
4. The blind beggar at Jericho was ___(a) Zacchaeus
(b) Nicodemus (c) Bartimaeus
5. When we fail to do what we are asked to do we are _____(a) disobedient (b) respectful (c) obedient
6. The chief tax collector that cheated people was ___(a) Zacchaeus (b) Peter (c) Nicodemus
7. _____ is when we feel sorry for our sins .
(a) sin (b) disobedience (c) repentance
8. The paralytic man at Capernaum could not ___
(a) walk (b) see (c) talk
9. Jesus raised _____ from the dead. (a) John
(b) Lazarus (c) Mary
10. Forgiveness means _____(a) sin (b) pardon
(c) offence
11. We need ____ for our prayers to be answered
(a) fear (b) doubt (c) faith
12. Nicodemus was a ruler of the ___(a) Jews (b) Israelites (c) Pharises
13. There is great ___in heaven over a sinner that repents. (a) sorrow (b) joy (c) unhappiness
14. Jesus prayed in the garden of ___(a) Gethsemane (b) Eden (c) Nazareth
15. ___brings us to a close relationship with God. (a) offence (b) prayer (c) sin
16. Jesus taught the ______the Lord’s prayer (a) Jews
(b) scribes (c) disciples
17. When we forgive people, we will be _____ also
(a) forgiven (b) punished (c) abused
18. _____ was a very short man that wanted to see Jesus. (a) Herod (b) Nicodemus (c) Zacchaeus
19. The blind beggar at Jericho could not ____(a) see
(b) ear (c) talk
20. The _____ son asked his father to give him his own share. (a) slave (b) younger (c) elder
21. Jesus speaks in _____(a) Tiv (b) Greek (c) parables
22. Showing love to one another promotes ____ (a) sin
(b) unity (c) fighting
23. Jesus cast out demons from ____(a) Mary Magalene (b) Martha (c) Hannah
24. ____asked Jesus how he could be born again. (a) Matthew (b) James (c) Nicodemus
25. The way God cares, feeds and protect us is a way of showing his ____(a) love (b) dislike (c) hatred
1. _______________ has power to forgive sins
2. The blind beggar sat by the _________begging
3. _____________climbed a sycamore tree to see Jesus?
4. The prodigal son’s father had _________ sons.
5. Who said son of David have mercy on me at Jericho? _______________________
6. Jesus fed __________________ people with five loaves of bread and two fishes.
7. As Christians we should pray for __________________ and ________________
8. Sin can bring ____________________________
9. Jesus told _______________________ today salvation
Has come to your house.
10. ______________ was a ruler of the Jews that went to Jesus by night.
11. ______________________ wasted all that he had in a distant country.
12. The sinner Jesus was going to be his guest is ___________________
13. We should pray having ______________________
14. Jesus was passing through _______________ when he met Zacchaeus.
15. Jesus is the son of ____________________________
1a. What is prayer? ______________________________
b. Write three importance of prayer.
i. _________________________________________
iii. _________________________________________
2. List three advantages of showing love to one another
i. _________________________________________
iii. _________________________________________
3. Write four reasons why Jesus prayed.
i. _________________________________________
iii. _________________________________________
iv. ________________________________________
4. List two conditions necessary for forgiveness of sins.
i. _________________________________________
5. Write the memory verse John 3 verse 16.
1. The duties which we have to do as members of the family are _____ (a) responsibilities (b) duties (c) rights
2. An example of civic value is ____ (a) disloyalty (b) obedience (c) disobedience
3. The form of government where the king or queen rules is ____(a) oligarchy (b) democracy (c) Monarchy
4. Parent’s responsibility to their children is to ____
(a) pay their school fees (b) beat them (c) punish them
5. Behaviours and attitudes that are expected of us as members of a society are ____(a) civic rights (b) civic duties (c) civic values
6. Ethnicity can be caused by _____ (a) poverty (b) patriotism (c) tolerance
7. There are ______tiers or arms of government in Nigeria. (a) 6 (b) 3 (c) 5
8. One of the problems of local government is ____ (a) lack of senses (b) lack of manner (c) corruption
9. Washing dishes at home is ____responsibility . (a) father’s (b) children’s (c) mother’s
10. A large group of people that share same culture, language or history is a ___(a) nation (b) community (c) citizen
11. We need civic values for us to ____(a) quarrel among one another (b) promote democracy (c) fight among one another
12. Nigeria is made up of _____major ethnic groups. (a) three
(b) two (c) many
13. The federal government assists the state government in providing social amenities like ____(a) schools (b) prison yards (c) offices
14. The reason for building our nation is _____ (a) for war (b) for fighting (c) for development
15. The common language spoken in Nigeria is _____language. (a) French (b) English (c) Yoruba
16. The president of Nigeria is ____(a) Professor Yemi Osibanjo (b) General Muhammadu Buhari (c) Mr Akinwunmi Ambode
17. We must _____ to other people’s views (a) listen (b)abuse (c) neglect
18. One of the characteristics of a nation is _____ (a) common ancestor (b) common views (c) common economy
19. One of the solutions to the problems of ethnicity is ____ (a) inter-marriage (b) conflict (c) waste of resources
20. Members of a home have different roles to perform. ( true or false)
21. A monarchy can also be called a ____form of government. (a) constitutional (b) presidential (c) traditional
22. _____heads the federal government (a) Governor (b) chairman (c) president
23. There are ____ states in Nigeria (a) 20 (b) 36 (c) 19
24. Ethnicity has negative effect when it is ____used. (a) rightly (b) wrongly (c) correctly
25. Building a great nation is the responsibility of every _____(a) foreigner (b) stranger (c) citizen
1. ________________ and _________ are examples of members of a home.
2. A monarch could be a ______________ or a queen .
3. ____________, _____________ and ___________are the major ethnic groups Nigeria.
4. The Federal capital territory of Nigeria is at _________________________
5. _______________ provide food, clothing and shelter for their children.
6. We should build our nation to promote ___________
7. Nigeria has a _________ system of government
8. As good citizens we must _______________members of our community.
9. _____________ run errand for their parents.
10. _______________ manages the affairs of a state.
11. ____________ is the total way of life of the people
12. ____________________ and _______________ are symbols on the coat of arms of Nigeria.
13. As good citizens we must not ____________ other people’s properties
14. All the people in a nation has a common _______ used to communicate.
15. ______________ and _____________ are examples of civic values.
1a. What is government? __________________________
b. Write two types of government
i. _______________________________________
ii. _______________________________________
2a. Write three responsibilities of children at home
i. _________________________________________
ii. _________________________________________
iii. _________________________________________
b. Write three responsibilities of parents
i. ____________________________________________
ii. ___________________________________________
iii. ___________________________________________
3a. What is a nation? _____________________________
b. List three characteristics of a nation.
i. ____________________________________________
ii. ___________________________________________
iii. ___________________________________________
c. Write two reasons why we should build our nation
i. ____________________________________________
ii. ___________________________________________
4a. List three examples of civic values
i. ____________________________________________
ii. ___________________________________________
iii. ___________________________________________
b. Write three needs for civic values
i. ____________________________________________
ii. ___________________________________________
iii. ___________________________________________
5a. Write three arms or tiers of government
i. ____________________________________________
ii. ___________________________________________
iii. ___________________________________________
b. Write three ways of solving the problems of ethnicity
i. ____________________________________________
ii. ___________________________________________
iii. ___________________________________________
1. ________ is when work is divided into smaller units. (a) division of income (b) wages (c) division of labour
2.A community leader is also known as ___
(a) traditional leader (b) president (c) governor
3. _____ is a situation whereby someone has work to do. (a) resources (b) employment
(c) unemployment
4. ___heads the local government (a) chairman (b) president (c) governor
5. An example of a human resource is _____
(a) cocoa (b) teacher (c) money
6. ______ is a material that is processed into a new form. (a) raw material (b) processed material (c) crude material
7. _______ is used for making doors and windows
(a) cocoa (b) rubber (c) timber
8. ____is a situation someone has no work to do (a) unemployment (b) resources (c) employment
9. ______ is the government that is nearest to the people. (a) federal government (b) local government (c) state government
10. ______ is the total amount an individual receives (a) apprentice (b) labour (c) income
11. ____is used to produce petrol (a) iron (b) crude oil (c) cocoa
12. _____ is the money used to start a business.
(a) loan (b) interest (c) capital
13. ____is a place where we keep our money.
(a) bank (b) farm (c) hospital
14. _______ are the things God has given to us.
(a) capital resources (b) natural resources (c) human resources
15. There are ___ local government in Nigeria (a) 204 (b) 400 (c) 774
16. Traditional rulers help to ____quarrels among their members. (a) settle (b) promote (c) increase
17. We must _____other people’s views and opinions (a) disrespect (b) respect (c) abuse
18. The ____ is the government that controls the affairs of many local governments. (a) local government (b) chairman (c) state government
19.______ is used for making cement (a) cocoa
(b) limestone (c) steel
20. Goods that are brought into Nigeria are called ______ (a) local goods (b) imported goods
(c) exported goods
21. ____is used in making iron rods. (a) steel (b) timber (c) rubber
22. The ____is next in power to the federal government (a) local government (b) state government (c) chairman
23. The traditional leader in the Igbo land is called ___(a) Oba (b) Emir (c) Obi
24. Goods that are sent out of Nigeria are called ___-(a) exported goods (b) local goods
(c) imported goods
25. ___is when people have the same or different opinion about something (a) public law (b) public opinion (c) private law
1. Nigeria is blessed with a lot of ________________________
2. We should ____________________ our natural resources
3. ________________, _______________ and _____________ are levels of government
4. Division of labour makes work _____________.
5. _________, _____________ and __________ are examples of traditional rulers
6. A group of people that come together to achieve a particular aim is a ____________
7. __________, _________ and _____are arms of government in Nigeria.
8. People earn ____________ from the work they do.
9. In the ____________ days people carry heavy loads on their head.
10. Some materials can be changed into various
11. ___________ heads the state government
12. when people borrow money from the bank it is called a ______________________
13. Cassava is processed into _________________
14. People come together to form ____________
15. __________ government is also called grass root government.
1. Write the titles of these traditional rulers in the following areas.
a. Hausa land ____________________________
b. Yoruba land _________________________
c. Igbo land ____________________________
2. Write three functions of local government
i. ____________________________________________
ii. ___________________________________________
iii. ___________________________________________
3. Write three reasons why people should be employed
i. ____________________________________________
ii. ___________________________________________
iii. ___________________________________________
4a. What is division of labour? ________________
b. Write three reasons for division of labour
i. ____________________________________________
ii. ___________________________________________
iii. ___________________________________________
5a. Write the uses of these raw materials
Palm oil: _________________________________
b. Write two ways of conserving or keeping our natural resources.
i. ____________________________________________
ii. ___________________________________________
1. _____ is growing flowers and plants on a piece of land at home or in the school. (a) weeding (b) gardening
© harvesting
2. ___ soil is the best for planting crops (a) loamy (b) sandy (c) clay
3. ____ are organisms that damage crops by feeding on them. (a) weeds (b) fertilizer (c) pests
4. _____ is used for transplanting seedlings from nursery to beds. (a) hand trowel (b) spade rake (c) axe
5. Plants growing where they are not wanted are called ______(a) crops (b) seeds (c) weeds
6. ____are animals that are active at night (a) bat (b) lizard (c) snail
7. ____is used for tasting food. (a) nose (b) tongue (c) cheek
8. The _____support food into the mouth. (a) cheek (b) tongue (c) lips
9. ____is used to kill weeds. (a) herbicide (b) fertilizer (c) manure
10.A liquid present on the tongue is called ____(a) blood (b) saliva (c) sweat
11. ____ method is the use of chemicals to kill weed.
(a) biological (b) mechanical (c) chemical
12. One of the following is not a common pest of crops. (a)rat (b)bird (c) butterfly
13. ____ is used for harvesting rice and cocoa pods.
(a) rake (b) sickle (c) shovel
14. ____is the chemical used to control pest
(a) pesticide (b) herbicide (c) manure
15. One of the following is not a plant disease .
(a) cow (b) rice blast (c) maize rust
16. Herbivores feed on _____(a) flesh (b) grasses and weeds (c) plants and animals
17. ______is used for watering crops (a) pick axe
(b) hand fork (c) watering can
18. Food enters the body through the ___(a) mouth
(b) lips (c) tongue
19. ____is used for gathering weeds and grasses.
(a) garden fork (b) rake (c) shears
20. ____ system is the breaking down of food into smaller pieces for the body to use. (a) breathing (b) feeling (c) feeding
21. ______ is the first set of teeth in children (a) temporary teeth (b) adult teeth (c) permanent teeth
22. The use of farm equipments to control weed is ___
(a) chemical method (b) biological (c) mechanical method
23. ____ are used for biting and cutting food. (a) canine (b) incisors (c) molars
24. An example of a plant that is grown from its root is _____ (a) sweet potato (b) cassava (c) sugar cane
25. A ____is a disorder in human beings , animals or plants (a) nutrient (b) disease (c) balanced diet
1. An adult has ___________ teeth.
2. _________ are equipments we used on farms and gardens to grow plants.
3. Farm animals feed on _______________________
4. The teeth in our mouth are of various ___________ and size
5. Plants can be grown from the seed, stem and _________________________
6. Farm tools are used for ________________ and __________________
7. __________________ is an example of a plant that is grown from its stem.
8. _______________ and ________ are examples of pest.
9. _____________ is used for tearing food.
10. The first set of teeth consists of ____________ teeth.
11. _____________ and __________ are examples of weeds
12. __________________, _________________ and _______________ are examples of gardening tools.
13. _______________ need to be taken care of so as to produce healthy leaves, flowers and fruits.
14. The first four front teeth in our mouth is ____________________________
15. __________________ is used for clearing weeds and cutting bushes, trees and branches.
1a. Write three conditions necessary for growing crops.
i. _______________________________________
ii. _______________________________________
iii. ________________________________________
b. List four ways we can take care of our gardening tools.
i. _______________________________________
ii. _______________________________________
iii. ________________________________________
iv. _________________________________________
2. List the four types of teeth in the human body.
i. _______________________________________
ii. _______________________________________
iii. ________________________________________
iv. _________________________________________
3. Write four methods of controlling pest and diseases.
i. _______________________________________
ii. _______________________________________
iii. ________________________________________
iv. _________________________________________
4. List four plant diseases
i. _______________________________________
ii. _______________________________________
iii. ________________________________________
iv. _________________________________________
5. Write three importance of weed
i. _______________________________________
ii. _______________________________________
iii. ________________________________________
1. _____ is the application of manure to ornamental plants. (a) weeding (b) manuring (c) watering
2. One of the method of making compost is ____
(a) hole method (b) pit method (c) sand method
3. A _______ seed is the seed that is free of diseases, pest and weed. (a) bad (b) good (c) spoilt
4. ____provides nutrients to the roots of crops.
(a) water (b) disease (c) pest
5. All grasses and shrubs are packed with a ______ (a)hand trowel (b) axe (c) rake
6. ______ is the act of cutting away portion of growing plant. (a) pruning (b) planting (c) manuring
7. ____plants are flower plants that are used to beautify a house (a) weeding (b) ornamental
(c) mulching
8. An example of a crop that can be grown from its stem is ____ (a) cassava (b) sweet potato (c) yam
9. ______ are the most common raw materials used to make compost (a) sand (b) stone (c) spoilt fruits
10. _____is a medium of exchange. (a) land (b) labour (c) money
11. _____ is when dried grass is used to cover the growing seedling (a) mulching (b) pruning (c) watering
12. _____ is permanent and fixed in nature. (a) labour
(b) land (b) money
13. In _____method decomposition of materials is carried out in dug out pits. (a) heap (b) pit (c) pile
14. Small shrubs and grasses are cleared with a _________ (a) watering can (b) cutlass (c) sickle
15. Insects can be controlled using ___(a) fertilizer (b) manure (c) pesticide
16. _____ is used to uproot a seedling from the nursery to the field. (a) sickle (b) pick axe (c) hand trowel
17. _____ are generally set at the bottom of the water. (a) fishing trap (b) feeding trough (c) watering trough
18. _____is work done by human beings in agriculture (a) labour (b) land (c) money
19. ____ are needed to kill weed. (a) nutrient (b) manure (c) herbicide
20. Compost is a mixture of ____ matter which decays to form humus. (a) plant and animal (b) chemical (c) soil and sand
21. ____is used for moving small load of soil, potted plants and animal dung. (a) hoe (b) wheel barrow (c) axe
22. ____are used to carry people and farm produce across river. (a) fishing spear (b) fishing trap (c) canoes
23. _______ are instruments farmers use to carry out simple farming operations. (a) compost (b) crop farm tools (c) labour
24. ______ is an example of an ornamental plant.
(a) weed (b) manure (c) hibiscus
25. ______ is an example of a crop that can be planted from its seed. (a) maize (b) cassava (c) sugar cane
1. Transplanting is the removal of seedling from the nursery to the _______________________
2. Manure can be either organic or _______________
3. Agricultural production cannot take place without _____________________
4. Example of inorganic fertilizer is __________________
5. Some farm tools can be used in _______________ and animal rearing
6. _______________ is an example of a mulching material.
7. _____________, _____________ and __________ are examples of ornamental plants.
8. An unwanted plant growing where it is not wanted is known as _______________________
9. Applying water to keep the soil wet is ___________
10. ___________________ and ___________________ are used for catching fishes.
11. A good seed is a seed that is free from ___________
12. A tool used for transplanting seedling is a
13. Good seeds should be selected for _____________
14. A _______________ is used to water our seedlings.
15. Agricultural land can be used for _______________ and __________________
1. Write four crop farm tools
i. _______________________________________
ii. _______________________________________
iii. ________________________________________
iv. _________________________________________
2.List two methods of making compost
i. _______________________________________
ii. _______________________________________
3. Write four steps in raising ornamental plants
i. _______________________________________
ii. _______________________________________
iii. ________________________________________
iv. _________________________________________
4. List four basic factors of production
i. _______________________________________
ii. _______________________________________
iii. ________________________________________
iv. _________________________________________
5. Write the uses of the following animal farming tools.
Fishing net: ______________________________________
Basket: __________________________________________
Spade __________________________________
Watering can : __________________________________
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1. _____ is a box containing first aid treatment. (a) last aid box (b) first aid box (c) first aiders
2. The food we eat must be ___prepared
(a) unhygienically (b) hygienically (c) badly
3. ___ values are principles of behavior accepted by a family (a)physical (b) civic (c) family
4. Community efforts help in putting _______ together to achieve certain objectives. (a) resources (b) effort (c) health
5. The main objective of first aid is to ____life.
(a) kill (b0 destroy (c) safe
6. ____ is the immediate treatment given to someone who is injured or ill. (a) first aid (b) last aid (c) self
7. The way a family lives and works is called _____
(a) life style (b) behavior (c) body abuse
8. The ingredients we obtain from food is ____ (a) water (b) nutrients (c) faeces
9. A ________ is a group of people living in the same area. (a) festival (b) culture (c) community
10. _____ are also referred to as combative sport.
(a) martial arts (b) social arts (c) marital arts
11. The way a person or group acts is called ____
(a) body abuse (b) behavior (c) health
12. _____ is used for measuring body temperature (a)antiseptic (b) paracetamol (c) thermometer
13. ____refers to the health condition of a group of people or community. (a) community health (b) community condition (c) community effort
14. _____ is another name for first aid box. (a) first aider (b) first aid kit (c) first aid
15. ______ are food that protect the body against diseases (a) protein (b) carbohydrate (c) vitamin
16. _____ is used or instant energy and quick recovery from exhaustion. (a) glucose (b) iodine (c) plaster
17. _______ diet is a meal containing all the classes of food into their right proportion (a) inadequate (b) balanced (c) unbalanced
18. ____ is when we observe necessary health rules. (a) personal health (b) diseases (c) first aid
19. ____is used to clean and dress wound. (a)paracetamol (b) glucose (c) cotton wool
20. In cold and wet weather ____clothes are worn. (a)light (b) loose (c) thick
21. We should keep our school environment ___(a) dirty (b) unclean (c) clean
22. ___helps food to digest properly (a) carbohydrate (b)fat and oil (c) water
23. ____ are persons that have been trained to take care of accident victims. (a) first aid (b) first aid box (c) first aiders
24. ____ are needed by living things to live a healthy life and grow well. (a) germs (b) diseases (c) nutrients
25. ____ centres provide basic health services for the community. (a) health (b) football (c) market
1. ___________ should have first aid box.
2. Paracetamol are ________ relieving tablets
3. We must keep our homes and surroundings ___________________________
4. _____________ is one of the three most important needs of man.
5. Community effort is when members come together to provide ______________ and _____________ that will benefit them.
6. ____________ and _____________ are the contents of a first aid box.
7. Eat a ___________________ diet to live a healthy life.
8. ________________ and __________ are examples of classes of food or nutrients.
9. We wear clothes to ________________
10. We should wear ______________ clothes during hot weather.
11. An example of a first aider is ______________
12. When we put on clean clothes we will appear _____________________
13. _____________ refers to the health condition of a group of people .
14. Judo is a type of ___________________ arts
15. ________________ is any substance that we eat to make us to grow.
1. Write four ways of keeping the school environment clean.
i. _______________________________________
ii. _______________________________________
iii. ________________________________________
iv. _________________________________________
2. List four first aid materials
i. _______________________________________
ii. _______________________________________
iii. ________________________________________
iv. _________________________________________
3. Write the uses of four items of a first aid box
i. _______________________________________
ii. _______________________________________
iii. ________________________________________
iv. _________________________________________
4. List four classes of food
i. _______________________________________
ii. _______________________________________
iii. ________________________________________
iv. _________________________________________
5. Write three importance of community efforts for health promotion.
i. _______________________________________
ii. _______________________________________
iii. ________________________________________
1. _____ family watched the news? (a) salawu’s (b) Bamigbade’s (c) Johnson’s
2. ____ is the pepper grinder (a) Amope (b) Alani (c) Chinwe
3. ____ is the name of the village best teacher (a) Jerry (b) Dotun (c) Dairo
4. ____lectured her dad on Ebola. (a) Tomiwa (b) Lara (c) Bimpe
5. ___tested HIV positive (a) Amope (b) funsho (c) Azeez
6. ____ ate food on the mat. (A) Pa Alani (b) Mr Bamigbade (c) Pa Salawu
7. _____ enlighted the pupils about Ebola . (a) Amope (b) Mrs Bamigbade (c) Mrs Timipre
8. What news broke out? (a) HIV (b) Ebola (c) AIDs
9. _________ and ________ discussed at the backyard (a) Tomiwa and Chinwe (b) Lara and bimpe (c) Funsho and Dairo
10. Who spread the news about salt and water? (a) Funsho (b) Tomiwa (c) Daira
11. ______ is the name of the hunter (a) Alani (b) Oba ode (c) Dotun
12. Pa salawu’s village is ___(a) Iwoye village (b) Ijoko village (c) Baale village
13. The robbery took place at ____(a) 11p.m (b) 12pm (c) 2a.m
14. ____came out of the bush. (a) Pa salawu (b) Alani (c) Oba ode
15. ___is the name of the man that brought Ebola to Nigeria. (a) John Thomas (b) Patrick sawyer (c) John Patrick
16. _____headed the gang of robbers (a) tipper (b) Janki (c) G-boy
17. -___convulsed beside the grinding machine
(a) Alani (b) Funsho (c) Salawu
18. ____is the name of the headmistress of Tomiwa’s school (a) Mrs Abiola (b) Mrs Johnson (c) Mrs Timipre
19. _____ drove the bus. (a) Pa salawu (b) Mr Bamigbade (c) Oba ode
20. How many passengers were standing in the bus? (a) 15 (b) 9 (c) 8
21. ______ is the name of Tomiwa’s school (a) high rise school (b) stand high private school (c) May pride school
22. Mr Bamigbade was ___during the lecture (a) sleeping (b) eating (c) reading
23. Which of these countries was Ebola not spread? (a) Ghana (b) Nigeria (c) Sierra-leone
24. ____waited to hear the girl’s discussion (a) Three guys (b) six guys (c) two guys
25. People ran away from the hunter because of the _____he was carrying (a) dog (b) snail (c) bush meat
26._____discussed personal hygiene with the children (a)Tijani (b) master Omoniyi (c) Master Azeez
27. ___is the name of the village best doctor (a) Doctor Animashaun (b) Doctor David (c) Doctor Alaba
28. ___celebrate her daughter’s medical report of not having Ebola but HIV. (a) Bamigbade (b) Amope (c)Bimpe
29.The name of Tomiwa ‘s friend is ___(a) chinwe
(b) Lara (c) Bimpe
30. _______ had to leave his own bus for a man vomiting inside. (a) Oba ode (b) Pa salawu
(c) Bamigbade
1. Add 3437 and 5210 (a) 4678 (b)8647 (c)6478
2. Subtract: 4251 from 6643 (a) 4329 (b) 3292
(c) 2392
3. Find the sum of 5.41 and 4.38 (a) 9.79
(b) 6.89 (c) 9.09
4. Find the value of 72 (a) 39 (b) 56 (c) 49
5. Write 5/10 as a decimal (a) 0.5 (b) 0.05
(c) 0.005
6. Find the H.C.F of 10 and 20 (a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6
7. Solve 72 + 52 (a) 54 (b) 74 (c) 102
8. Add 256, 162 and 409 (a) 827 (b)526 (c)809
9. Find the square root of 64 (a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 8
10. Find the value of 112 (a) 121 (b) 100 (c) 144
11. Simplify 3 3/4 + 4 1/5 (a) 4 7/20 (b) 6 9/20 (c) 7 19/20
12. Add 4112, 3604 and 2173 (a) 6789 (b)8899 (c) 9889
13. Find the missing number
(a) 26.4 (b) 23.4 (c) 36.8
14. Multiply 38 by 12 (a) 350 (b) 651 (c) 456
15. Factor of 24 = 1,2,3,4,6 _____,12, 24. (a) 8 (b) 10 (c) 15
16. Divide 236 by 4 (a) 29 (b) 30 (c) 59
17. Complete this multiple 7,14,21 ____(a) 28,35
(b) 30,32 (c) 28,34
18. Find the L.C.M of 10, 12 and 15. (a) 25 (b) 60 (c) 40
19. Find the missing numbers: 25, 36, 49 ______ ____
(a) 70,60 (b) 41, 50 (c) 64, 81
20. Simplify 4 2/3 – 3 1/4 (a) 12/3 (b) 15/12 (c) 43/12
21. Multiply 6. 273 by 5 (a) 21.235 (b) 40.690 (c) 31.365
22. Subtract: 2/5 – 1/10 (a) 6/10 (b) 3/10 (c) 9/10
23. What number multiplies itself to give 144?
(a) 10 (b) 13 (c) 12
24. Solve 42 x 72 (a) 60 (b) 65 (c) 63
25. Subtract: 6.734 from 3.875 (a) 2.859 (b) 7.234
(c) 5.068
1. Multiply the following
a. b.
Simplify the following fraction
3. 5/6 – 3/4 (4) 6 5/8 – 4 1/3
5. 6.
8. Solve : 52 + 42 (9) 82 + 62
10. Find the missing numbers 3009 – = 1560
11. 25 , 36, 49 , _________, ________
14. Divide 236 by 4 =
15. Which of these numbers 1,2,3,4,6 is not a factor of 20?
1. There are 4538 oranges, 227o are sold. How many are left
2a. Find the square root (a) 49 (b) 81
3. What is the sum of the HCF of 6 and 8 and the H.C.F of 12 and 18?
4. Divide 165 groundnuts by 11 children.
5. Multiply the LCM of 14 and 35 by 3
Udo and his four sons lived in a little village named Ikenze. All of them were good farmers. They had a flock of sheep and a herd of cattle. Their house, though made of mud and thatch, was one of the best in the town. The family was rich and had plenty food to eat.
Udo, then seventy-two years old was unhappy because his sons were always quarrelling among themselves.
One evening , he called them together and gave each a bundle of brooms to break .They tried in turn but were unable to do so. He then untied the bundle and asked them to break each rib one by one. This they did easily. ‘United, we stand; divided we fall said Udo. You all now see the importance of unity . If you live in love and peace together, you will overcome any group of enemies or difficulties but if you continue to quarrel and act singly, you may be easily hurt.
The sons promised to do as he advised. They agreed to settle, all future disputes peacefully. ‘ We have learnt the lesson at last, ‘they said ‘ that unity is strength’.
1. How did Udo and his sons earn their living?
2. What was their house made of?
3. Why was Udo not satisfied with his sons?
4. With what did Udo teach his sons about unity?
5. How did the sons break the brooms?
6. How could the sons overcome all enemies and difficulties? ____________________________________
7. What important lesson did the sons learn?
Kalu, the shepherd, once took his flock of sheep to a grassy lowland. He was rich, for his animals always fetched a good price in the market.
He liked to be funny and people often laughed at his jokes.
Kalu became bored one afternoon and wanted to have some fun. He ran to the village shouting wolf! Wolf! Wolf!. The villagers ran to help him when they heard the alarm. They thought that a wolf was attacking his sheep. They became surprised and angry when they saw that there was no wolf and the animals were feeding quite undisturbed. Kalu started to laugh. “A trick, a joke,’ he told the villagers who soon went back to their homes.
A month later, a wolf actually came, attacked the sheep and killed some of them . In fear, Kalu ran speedily to the village calling for help. Nobody came to his aid because they thought it was another trick. The killing of Kalu’s sheep made him poor and he learnt the great lesson never to raise false alarm in future.
8. Kalu was a ___________________________
9. Kalu took his flock to ______________________
10. When the villagers heard the alarm they ____________________________________
11. The villagers became annoyed when _______________________________________________
12. Kalu laughed and told the villagers that
13. One month afterwards, ______________________
14. When the wolf attacked killed some sheep, kalu
15. Nobody came to Kalu’s aid because _____________
16. Kalu became poor and learnt the lesson __________
Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verb
17. The boys have ________________ their promise. (keep)
18. We __________________ well last night. (sleep)
19. Has Peter __________________ anything in the market? (buy)
20. The child has __________________ her finger (cut)
21. He has ________________ the sheep out of the farm. (drive)
Choose the correct form of adjective in the brackets
22. He is the (fastest, fat, fatter) boy in the class.
23. Give me the (best, good, better) of the apples.
24. Ben is the (smallest , small, smaller) of the triplets.
25. of the two girls, Anna is (much, more, most) careful.
26. Everest is the (high, higher , highest) mountain in the world.
Punctuate the following sentences
27. Audus brother works in enugu
28. we saw mr Tamuko at eight o clock
29. he cant do the work I gave him
30. did you see the bag
31. they saw mr abus father in june
Choose the correct form of adverbs in the brackets
32. Can you do your work ______(quietly) (a) quietly (b) more quietly (c) most quietly
33. He drives the car ____________ than you. (carefully)
(a) more carefully (b) carefully (c) most carefully
34. The baby slept _____ in the cot than on the bed (peacefully) (a) peacefully (b) more peacefully (c) most peacefully
Write the adverbs in box below in the correct place in the table for number 35-40.
quickly, in my room, soon, in hospital, on Saturday, slowly, two days ago, quietly, here.
Adverb of manner Adverb of place Adverb of time
e.g quickly here soon
35. In hospital Two days ago
36. In my room
Write a composition on one of the following topics
1. My best friend
2. My school
3. How I spent my Christmas holiday.
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1. Who is the author of the book “Never again”
(a) Effiong Affiong Asquo (b) Chinwa Achebe (c) Wole Soyinka
2. The name of Ngozi’s father is ____(a) Ade
(b) Emmanuel (c) Ikondo
3. Gift was brought from ____ local government
(a) Agege (b) Umuahia (c) ikondo
4. The name of gift sister’s husband is ___(a) Emmanuel (b) Anthony (c) Christopher
5. The name of JSS 3B class teacher is ___
(a) Christopher (b) Edward (c) Emmanuel
6. The main character in the book title “Never again” is ____(a) Ngozi (b) Christopher (c) Gift
7. The name of Gift maths teacher is ___
___(a) Emmanuel (b) Anthony (c) Christopher
8. “Life here is simply pleasant” who made this statement? (a) Gift (b) Ngozi (c) Aunty Ima
9. Gift introduced ___ to Mrs Anthony as her friend
(a) Edward (b) Christopher (c) Ngozi
10. Gift parents had ____children (a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 3
11. “Gift, am sorry that girl is having a very bad influence on you” who was referring to as that girl? (a) Ima (b) Ngozi (c) Gift
12. Gift lied to Mr Christopher that her aunty was ____(a) travelling (b) in the shop (c) ill
13. Ngozi introduced ____ to Gift as her boy friend (a)Martins (b) Victor (c) Christopher
14. “Are you sure he will approve me? Who said it?
(a) Rose (b) Ngozi (c) Gift
15. The principal met Ngozi and Gift at the ___(a) Super market (b) club house (c) hospital
16. Gift was handed ___ weeks suspension (a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 6
17. Hurry up with it, we don’t have all the night ____responded (a) Ngozi (b) Martins (c) Victor
18. Cheating was their normal lifestyle , who are they talking about here? (a) Ngozi and Gift (b) Martins and Victor (c) Rose and Gift
19. That’s what you get when you move with all these uncritized and local girls. Who was regarded as uncritized and local girls? (a) Rose (b) Gift (c) Ngozi
20. The name of Gift class teacher is ___ (a) Christopher (b) Edward (c) Emmanuel