SS 3

Mock Exams SS 3 Literature

LITERATURE 1. A story which explains a natural phenomenon is A. legend B. parable. C. myth. D. fiction. 2. A narrative in which characters and events are invented is A. fiction. B. epistolary. C. autobiography. D. biography. 3. Lines and stanzas are to poetry as action and dialogue are to A. music. B. prose. C.

SS 3 Mock Exams Government

GOVERNMENT 1. The first military coup in Nigeria took place on (a) Jan. 15, 1965 (b) Feb. 15,1966 (c) Jan. 15, 1966 2. The first military coup in Africa happened in (a) Egypt (b) Nigeria (c) Ghana 3. Who handed over power to a democratically elected president in 1979? (a) Murtala Mohammed (b) Olusegun Obasanjo

SS 3 Mock Exams Further Maths

  SS3 Further Mathematics Second Term Examination SECTION A: OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS (Fill in the blank spaces with the correct option a, b, c, or d.) The variance of a binomial distribution is given by ______.a) npb) √npqc) npqd) p² The mean (µ) of a Poisson distribution is the same as ______.a) Standard deviationb) Variancec) Meand)

Mock Exams SS 3 Economics

ECONOMICS 1. The group of countries in the South east of Asia whose economies are referred to as Asian Miracle is A. ASEAN B. Asian Tiger C. China D. America. 2. What is needed to boost a country’s economy? A. Debt B. High savings rate C. Transfer payment D. Risk. 3. Those five country’s Economies

Data Processing SS 3 Mock Exams

DATA PROCESSING SS 3 SECOND TERM MOCK EXAMINATION PART A: Objective Questions (Fill-in-the-Blank with Options) Data models describe _____ data for storage in data management systems.a) Structuredb) Unstructuredc) Integerd) Alphabetic The key that matches a primary key in another table is called a _____ key.a) Foreignb) Surrogatec) Primaryd) Candidate A graphical representation of entities and

Ss3 Geography Exam Questions 2nd Term

Edu Delight Tutors . SECTION B Mt Everest is in which continent? (a) Europe (b) Australia (c) Asia (d) Africa Alps mountain is in which continent? (a) Europe (b) North America (c) South America (d) Asia Andes mountain is in which continent? (a) South America (b) North America (c) Asia (d) Europe The Rockies mountain

CRS 2nd Term SS 3 Exams

Edu Delight Tutors Second Term Examinations CRS SS 3. SECTION A Jesus Christ appeared to his disciples for ___days after his resurrection. A.20 B.30 C.40 D. 50 There were __________disciples praying and waiting in the upper room before the coming of the Holy Spirit. A.600 B.300 C. 120 D.200 Jesus told his disciples to tarry

Ss 3 civic 2nd Term Exams

  SECTION A The act of choosing a leader by voting is called (a) franchise (b) appointment (c) election _________ is a document that contains the name and details of people who are qualified to vote during election? (a) ballot paper (b) ballot box (c) voters register which of these forms of government best promote

Ss 3 Chemistry Exams 2nd Term

Edu Delight Tutors SS 3 Chemistry Exams 2nd Term SECTION A ____ is an example of radiation (a) Aloha (b) Carbon (c) Uranium (d) Nucleus. Alpha particle was deflected towards negative plate while Beta deflected toward (a) Neutral plate (b) Negative plate (c) Zero plate (d) positive plate Examples of radioactive elements are except (a)

Ss 3 Economics Exams 2nd Term

SS3 2ND ECONOMICS QUE. SECTION A 1. Economic growth is the ____________ A. rate of increase in a country’s full employment and real output. B. rate of increase in a nations total population rate.C. increase in inflation.D. growth in birthrate. 2. An increase in the quantity of goods and services produced in a country which