Category: Technical Drawing


THIRD TERM E-LEARNING NOTE   SUBJECT:TECHNICAL DRAWING CLASS: SS2   THIRD TERM SCHEME OF WORK   WEEK 1& 2:       Revision on building details; Simple working drawing and details. WEEK 3 & 4:      Construction details of parts of building e.g foundation, wall openings, jamb, sill, lintel.      WEEK 5 & 6:  

SSS 2 (BASIC 11) Technical Drawing FIRST TERM e – LEARNING NOTES

  SSS 2 (BASIC 11) Technical Drawing   FIRST TERM e – LEARNING NOTES         SCHEME OF WORK WEEK TOPICS THEME: PICTORIAL DRAWING 1. Revision of last term’s work. 2. Auxiliary Views of Geometrical Solids: (a) Uses and types of auxiliary views: (i) 1st auxiliary view (ii) 2nd auxiliary view 3. Auxiliary

SSS 2 (BASIC 11) Technical Drawing FIRST TERM

  SSS 2 (BASIC 11) Technical Drawing   FIRST TERM e – LEARNING NOTES             SCHEME OF WORK WEEK TOPICS THEME: GEOMETRICAL CONSTRUCTIONS Revision of last term’s work. Special Curves: Locus definition, applications and construction of special curves. E.g. Parabola, hyperbola, involutes, epicycloids, etc. Special Curves: (b) Construction of special
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