SUBJECT : CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES CLASS : SS 2 TERM : THIRD TERM SUBJECT: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES CLASS: SS2 SCHEME OF WORK Praying with Purpose: Understanding the Types and Power of Effective of Prayer (James 1:6-8, 4:1-3, John 5:14-15) Praying with Purpose: Understanding The Lord’s Prayer and its Significance in Our
THIRD TERM SUBJECT: C.R.S CLASS: SS2 Asa is an example of a parent (a) who failed to direct his children’s path (b) who admonished his children (c) whose children perverted justice (d) whose children interfered with God’s sacrifice
SUBJECT : CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES CLASS : SS 2 TERM : THIRD TERM WEEK TEN TOPIC: THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST The second coming of Christ refers to the expectation of Christians that Jesus Christ will come again into this world to take the faithful Christians
SUBJECT : CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES CLASS : SS 2 TERM : THIRD TERM WEEK NINE TOPIC: THE RESURRECTION The Accounts of the Resurrection: (Matthew 28:1-8; Mark 16:1-8; Luke 24:1-11) Hello, students! Today, we will be delving into the biblical accounts of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, as recorded in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and
SUBJECT : CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES CLASS : SS 2 TERM : THIRD TERM WEEK EIGHT TOPIC: IMPARTIALITY What is Impartiality? Impartiality is a principle of justice that states that decisions should be based on objective criteria, rather than on the basis of bias, prejudice or preferring the benefit to one person over another for
SUBJECT : CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES CLASS : SS 2 TERM : THIRD TERM WEEK SEVEN TOPIC: CHRISTIAN ATTITUDE TO WORKS Meaning of Christian attitude to work: Hello students, today we will be discussing the Christian attitude towards work. As Christians, our faith should shape our approach to work and how we view it in our
SUBJECT : CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES CLASS : SS 2 TERM : THIRD TERM WEEK SIX TOPIC: DIGNITY OF LABOUR (1 THESS 3:6-15, 2:9, COL 3:23-25, EPH 6:5-8, TITUS 3:1 The bible instructs that whatever our hands find to do, we should do it with all our mind. God himself worked hard during creation and
SUBJECT : CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES CLASS : SS 2 TERM : THIRD TERM WEEK FIVE TOPIC: SKILL ACQUISITION AND EMPOWERMENT Meaning of school acquisition: Skill acquisition can be defined as a way of being skillfully empowered for future purpose. It can also be a conscious and deliberate effort to carry out a task scheduled
SUBJECT : CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES CLASS : SS 2 TERM : THIRD TERM WEEK FOUR TOPIC: SOCIAL VICES AND WITNESSING TO CHRIST (I Pt 5:7-11) Meaning of social vices: Social vices are behaviours and practices that are not acceptable in the society or that the society frowns at. It is also bad habits or
SUBJECT : CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES CLASS : SS 2 TERM : THIRD TERM WEEK THREE TOPIC: CHRISTIAN LIVING IN THE COMMUNITY A community is a society where people live. Every Christian who lives in community should live as a child of God. Christians should distinguish themselves from others in all standards. They should show