School Documents

Prescribed List of Literature-in-English Texts for WASSCE 2026-2030

Prescribed List of Literature-in-English Texts for the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) 2026-2030: Diverse Selection: The list covers a wide range of literary genres including prose, drama, and poetry, representing both African and non-African authors. Classic Works: Students will engage with timeless classics such as William Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra and Harper Lee’s

School’s financial management and staff welfare strategies!

School Fee Management: Balancing income and expenses is essential for a school’s financial health. Increasing the number of paying parents is critical to school profitability. The ideal ratio of paying vs. non-paying parents is often around 6:1. An effective school can increase school fees while still maintaining enrollment. Understanding the value chain helps in managing

Teacher Management Challenges

Navigating the realm of teacher management in schools is akin to steering a ship through turbulent waters. Imagine this scenario: as a new academic session unfolds, school leaders are confronted with the pressing issue of staff management, an ordeal riddled with multifaceted challenges. Consider the case of Ms. Johnson, a dedicated teacher who lives a

Unified Schemes of Work For Primary Schools English Studies Primary 1 To Primary 3

ACHIEVEMENT STANDARDS At the end of the session, Students should be able to; describe English sounds and pronounce English words accurately; summarize any given comprehension passage; use capital letter correctly, while writing write clearly and observe the spacing between the letters; respond to simple command; read fluently, increase their vocabulary capacity; produce 4 and 5

New Lagos State scheme of work Physical Development Nursery 1 Nursery 2 Kindergarten

PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT Gross Motor skills, coordination of fine muscles with dexterity, eye hand coordination, sense of balance, physical co-ordination and awareness of space and direction, nutrition, health status and practices Motor Development Fine Motor development through activities such as bending, peg-boards and puzzles, large muscle development through running (short distances), jumping balancing activities e.t.c  


SCHEDULES FOR YOUR CHILDREN DURING HOLIDAY PERIOD: 1. Morning devotion.6am – 6:30am 2. Dressing of bed..6.30am -7am 3. Personal clean up. 7am – 7:15 am. 4. Domestic chores.. 7:15am-8am. 5. Breakfast.8am-8:30am 6. Rest. 8:30am – 9am 7. Homework, reading, lessons and reflections.10am – 1pm 8. Lunch. 1pm 9. Siesta and quiet time. 1pm-3pm 10. Walk,