NEW SCHEME PRY 6 SOCIAL STUDIES 2ND TERM WEEK 1 TOPIC: REVISION OF LAST TERM EXAMINATION WEEK 2 TOPIC: RESOURCES UTILIZATION SUB TOPIC(S): Importance of natural resources Over utilization of natural resources Dangers of over utilization of natural resources Problems of underutilization of natural resources WEEK 3 TOPIC: LABOUR FORCE SUB TOPIC(S): Meaning
Social Studies Primary 6 Second Term Examination Week 12: Examination Questions on Topics Covered Throughout the Second Term General Instructions for Teachers and Students For Teachers: Supervise the examination fairly and ensure all students are comfortable. Avoid giving hints or answers to students during the examination. Mark the scripts honestly, using the marking scheme provided
Lesson Plan: Synthetic and Naturally Occurring Drugs Subject: Social Studies Class: Primary 6 Term: 2nd Term Week: 11 Age: 11–12 years Topic: Synthetic and Naturally Occurring Drugs Sub-Topics: Meaning of Synthetic and Naturally Occurring Drugs Examples of Synthetic and Naturally Occurring Drugs Duration: 40–50 minutes Behavioral Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils should
Lesson Plan: Basic Concept of Drug and Drug Abuse Subject: Social Studies Class: Primary 6 Term: 2nd Term Week: 10 Age: 11-12 years Topic: Basic Concept of Drug and Drug Abuse Sub-Topics: Meaning of Drugs and Drug Abuse Consequences of Drug Abuse Duration: 40-50 minutes Major Sections Behavioral Objectives Keywords Set Induction Entry Behavior Learning
Peace Education Lesson Plan – Week 9 Subject: Social Studies Class: Primary 6 Term: 2nd Term Week: 9 Age: 11-12 years Topic: Peace Education Sub-Topics: Meaning of Peace Education Characteristics of Peace Education Attributes of Cooperation What is Unity? Values that Promote Peace National Unity: Meaning and Symbols (National Anthem, National Flag, Currency, etc.) Duration:
Lesson Plan: Gender Discrimination Subject: Social Studies Class: Primary 6 Term: 2nd Term Week: 5 Age: 10–11 years Topic: Gender Discrimination Sub-topics: Meaning of gender discrimination Areas where discrimination occurs Consequences of gender discrimination Solutions to gender discrimination Duration: 40 minutes Behavioral Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Define
Lesson Plan: Resources Utilization Subject: Social Studies Class: Primary 6 Term: 2nd Term Week: 2 Age: 10–11 years Topic: Resources Utilization Sub-topics: Importance of natural resources Over-utilization of natural resources Dangers of over-utilization of natural resources Problems of underutilization of natural resources Duration: 40 minutes Behavioral Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils should
Social Studies Lesson Plan: Revision of Last Term Examination Subject: Social Studies Class: Primary 6 Term: Second Term Week: 1 Age: 10–11 years Topic: Revision of Last Term Examination Sub-topic: Topics from last term: External influence on Nigerian life, Influence of working parents on Nigerian families, Intermarriage and intramarriage, Marital failures, Religious tolerance, Wages and
Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options 1.) _______ is the legal union of a man and a woman to become husband and wife. (a) Family (b) Marriage (c) Relationship (d) Divorce 2.) The smallest social unit in a community is the _______. (a) School (b) Family (c) Government (d) Society 3.) _______ is the act of using
FIRST TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: PRIMARY 6 SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES NAME: ______________________ PART A: Multiple Choice Questions 1.) ____________ is the legal union of a man and a woman to become husband and wife. (a) Level (b) Marriage (c) Family 2.) The smallest social entity of any community is the ___________. (a) Father (b) Family (c)