Category: Creative Art

Choral Singing : explaination on choral singing; classify choral singing; list types of singing Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 6 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Subject: Cultural and Creative Arts Topic: Choral Singing Duration: 1 hour Class: Primary 6 Term: First Term Week: Week 6 Learning Objectives: Understand the concept of choral singing. Classify choral singing into different types. Identify and describe various types of singing. Embedded Core Skills: Vocal skills Listening and comprehension Teamwork and collaboration Learning Materials: A

Imaginative and Creative Drawing – How to Draw and Analyze from Imagination to Become Creative Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 6 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Lesson Plan Presentation Grade: Primary 6 Subject: Cultural and Creative Arts Topic: Imaginative and Creative Drawing – How to Draw and Analyze from Imagination to Become Creative Week: 5 Duration: 45 minutes Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students should be able to: Understand the concept of imaginative and creative drawing. Apply imagination


  FIRST TERM PRIMARY 6 CULTURAL AND CREATIVE ART FIRST TERM WEEKS TOPICS/CONTENTS 1 &2 Still Life Drawing 3-4 Introductions to Life Drawing Imaginative Composition – Meaning of Imaginative Composition 6-7 Experiences that can be composed 8-9 Introductions to the tie and 10-11 Producing tie and dye using any method 12 Introduction of beads making


PRIMARY 6 CCA THIRD TERM E-NOTE   SCHEME OF WORK   1-2 – Values and maintenance – Meaning of value – Relationship between values and maintenance   3-4    How to add value through maintenance e.g by     Recycling   Examples – Old newspapers and magazines especially the colored page – Broken plastic can

Utilization of Natural Resources

SECOND TERM PRIMARY 6 CULTURAL AND CREATIVE ART SECOND TERM   Subject :  CULTURAL AND CREATIVE ART Term : SECOND TERM Week: WEEK  11 and 12 Class : PRIMARY 6 / BASIC 6 Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of Introduction to Staging a Play that was previously taught as a topic during

Introduction to Staging a Play

SECOND TERM PRIMARY 6 CULTURAL AND CREATIVE ART SECOND TERM   Subject :  CULTURAL AND CREATIVE ART Term : SECOND TERM Week: WEEK  10 Class : PRIMARY 6 / BASIC 6 Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of Casting and Rehearsal that was previously taught as a topic during the last lesson Topic

Creating Drama

SECOND TERM PRIMARY 6 CULTURAL AND CREATIVE ART SECOND TERM   Subject :  CULTURAL AND CREATIVE ART Term : SECOND TERM Week: WEEK  6 and 7 Class : PRIMARY 6 / BASIC 6 Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of Introduction To The Elements Of Drama that was previously taught as a topic

Introduction To The Elements Of Drama

SECOND TERM PRIMARY 6 CULTURAL AND CREATIVE ART SECOND TERM   Subject :  CULTURAL AND CREATIVE ART Term : SECOND TERM Week: WEEK  4 and 5 Class : PRIMARY 6 / BASIC 6 Previous lesson :  The pupils have previous knowledge of Melody Making Choir that was previously taught as a topic during the last