Social Studies Primary 4 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 10 Subject: Social Studies Class: Primary 4 Term: Third Term Security Agencies and Their Primary Duties Subject Social Studies Class Primary 4 Term Third Term Week 10 Topic Security Agencies and Their Primary Duties Sub-topic Defining security, identifying security agents in Nigeria, and understanding their duties.
Social Studies Primary 4 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 9 Subject: Social Studies Class: Primary 4 Term: Third Term Week: 9 Topic: Simple First Aid Treatment Sub-topic: How to Apply Simple First Aid and Report an Accident Duration: 40 minutes Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Describe how
THIRD TERM Primary 4 Social Studies Third Term PRIMARY 4 First Aid Basics and Emergency Hotlines Social Studies Primary 4 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 8 Subject: Social Studies Class: Primary 4 Term: Third Term Week: 8 Topic: First Aid and First Aid Box Sub-topic: Contents and Uses of a First Aid Box Duration: 60
THIRD TERM Primary 4 Social Studies Third Term PRIMARY 4 First Aid Basics and Emergency Hotlines Social Studies Primary 4 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 6 Subject: Social Studies Class: Primary 4 Term: Third Term Week: 6 Topic: First Aid and Emergency Hotlines Sub-topic: Definition of First Aid and Aid Box Who is a First
Social Studies Primary 4 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 5 Subject: Social Studies Class: Primary 4 Term: Third Term Week: 5 Topic: Road Safety and Security Agents Sub-topic: Solutions to Road Accidents and Security Agents at Accident Scenes Duration: 1 Hour Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Identify
Social Studies Primary 4 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 4 Subject: Social Studies Class: Primary 4 Term: Third Term Week: 4 Topic: Understanding Road Accidents Sub-topic: Effects on Victims, Damage to Roads and Vehicles Duration: 1 Hour Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Describe the effects of road
Social Studies Primary 4 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 3 Subject: Social Studies Class: Primary 4 Term: Third Term Week: 3 Topic: Road Safety and Signs Sub-topic: Causes of Road Accidents, Road Maintenance, Road Signs and Their Meanings Duration: 1 Hour Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Identify
Social Studies Primary 4 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 2 Subject: Social Studies Class: Primary 4 Term: Third Term Week: 2 Topic: Roads and Road Accidents Sub-topic: Types of Roads and Road Accidents Duration: 1 Hour Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Define a road and a road
Examination: Social Studies (Primary 4, Second Term) Week: 14 Subject: Social Studies Class: Primary 4 Term: Second Term General Instructions for Teachers and Students This examination will test your knowledge of topics covered this term. Read all instructions carefully before answering the questions. Answer all the questions neatly and to the best of your ability.
Subject: Social Studies Topic: Revision – Meaning of Culture and Elements of Culture Duration: 40 minutes Term: 1 Week: 11 Previous Lesson: Introduction to Culture Learning Objectives: Understand the meaning of “culture.” Identify elements of culture. Recognize the significance of culture in everyday life. Embedded Core Skills: Listening Observation Communication Learning Materials: Whiteboard and markers