Category: Security Education

Revision Security Education Primary 4 Week 11 First Term Lesson Notes / Plans 

Subject: Security Education Topic: Revision (Reporting Suspicious Movement, Elements of Security, Safety rules in school and at home, Security Education) Duration: 45 minutes Term: First Term Week: 11 Previous Lesson: Elements of Security Learning Objectives: Identify and report suspicious movements in the school and home environments. Understand the key elements of security. Demonstrate knowledge of

Primary 4 Third Term Security Education Lesson Notes

Primary 4 Third Term Lesson Notes Security Education [mediator_tech] Weekly Topics Revision of Second Term Work Security Education Important phone numbers and their uses Emergency Phone Numbers In Nigeria List of Lagos State Emergency Phone Numbers (cont) List of Personnel To Contact During Emergency Emergency Situations That Could Be Reported eg Robbery, Accident, Sexual Assault

Third Term Examination Security Education Primary 4

Subject: Security Education Class: Primary 4 Term: Third Term Type: Lesson Notes Week: Week 11 Topic: Third Term Examination Security Education Primary 4 The emergency phone number for the Nigerian Police Force is ____. a) 112 b) 122 c) 199 d) 767 The emergency phone number for the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) is ____.

Third Term Mid Term Test Security Education Primary 4

Subject: Security Education Class: Primary 4 Term: Third Term Type: Lesson Notes Week: Week 10 Topic: Third Term Mid Term Test Security Education Primary 4 The emergency phone number for Lagos State Emergency Management Agency (LASEMA) is ___________. a) 112 b) 767 c) 110 d) 999 LASTMA is responsible for managing ___________ in Lagos State.

Lagos State Emergency Services and Call Numbers (cont)

Subject: Security Education Class: Primary 4 Term: Third Term Type: Lesson Notes Week: Week 9 Topic: Lagos State Emergency Services and Call Numbers (cont) Previous Lesson Lagos State Emergency Services and Call Numbers     [mediator_tech]       Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to Understand the different

Third Mid Term Security Education Primary 4

Subject : Security Education Class : Primary 4 Term : Third Term Type : Lesson Notes Week : Week 7 Topic : THIRD TERM MID TERM TEST SECURITY EDUCATION PRIMARY 3 ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS 1. What is a natural disaster caused by heavy rainfall or overflowing water bodies called? a. Earthquake b. Tornado c.