Category: Civic Education

Revision of Second Term’s Work On Civic Education For Primary 4

Subject : CIVIC Education   Topic : Revision of second term’s work on civic education   Class :Primary 4   Term :Third Term   Week :Week 1   Instructional Materials : Wall charts, cardboard, online materials Previous Knowledge : Revision of previous term’s work on civic education   Behavioural Objectives :  At the end of

Civic Education Primary 4 Third Term Lesson Notes

Primary 4   Third Term Scheme of Work   Civic Education   Weekly Lesson Notes Civic Education Primary 4   Revision of Second term’s work / Students Readiness Assessment Civic Education Primary 4 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 1 Meaning, Problems, and Ethnic Groups in Nigeria Civic Education Primary 4 Third Term Lesson Notes Week

Civic Education Primary 4 Second Term Revision

Answer the following questions What is marriage.  What is patriotism  What is cooperation  What is tolerance  Write out four duties of gardener at home What are civil vales  Give four examples of civil values  What is ethnicity [mediator_tech] Mention two disadvantages of ethnicity  Mention two duties of every member of the society to the constituted


FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 2018/2019 CLASS: PRIMARY 4         SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION NAME:………………………………………………………………………………… 1.) ________ are the accepted standards or moral conduct by which members of a society live and relate with one another (a) politics (b) science (c) values (d) games 2.) Our values guide our behavior (a) no (b) yes (c) yes and no (d)

Civic Education First Term Primary 4 Examination

1ST TERM EXAMINATION  CLASS: PRIMARY 4   SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION   NAME: … Instruction: Answer all questions SECTION A:   1. __________ are the standards of behaviour which we regard as normal. (a) culture (b) value (c) religion   2. There are ___________ types of value (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3   3. ______________
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