Category: Civic Education

How To Make Our Dirty And Filthy Clothes Clean And Sparkling

Subject :  Civic Education   Topic : How to make make our stinking and dirty clothes clean and nice   Class : Grade 4 / Class 4 /Primary 4 / Year 4   Term :Third Term   Week :week 11   Instructional Materials : dirty clothes, bucket of water, clothes, tablets of soap Previous Knowledge

Personal Hygiene. Health Issues. Care of Our Clothes

Subject : Civic Education Topic : Personal Hygiene Health Issues Care of Clothes Class : Basic 4/Primary 4 Term : Third Term Week : Week 8 Instructional Materials : Soap Sponge Bathing pail Types of special clothes Different samples of uniform Samples of male clothing and female clothing Previous Knowledge : The pupils have been

Attitude Towards Accident Victims

Subject : Civic Education Topic : Attitude To Accident Victims Class : Basic 4 / Primary 4 Term : Third Term Week : Week 7 Instructional Materials : Traffic lights, pictures of accident victims, pictures of vehicles involved in crash Previous Knowledge : The pupils have been taught solution to the problem of traffic Regulations

Solutions To Problems Of Traffic Regulations.

Subject : Civic Education   Topic : Solution to problems of traffic Regulations   Class : Basic 4 / Primary 4   Term : Third Term   Week : Week 6   Instructional Materials : Pictures of road traffic signs and symbols Previous Knowledge : The pupils have been taught the problems and menace of

Problems Of Traffic Rules and Regulations

Subject : Civic Education Topic : Problems of Traffic Rules and Regulations   Class : Primary 4 / Basic 4   Term : Third Term   Week : Week 5 Instructional Materials : Pictures of traffic signs Pictures of traffic enforcement officers Previous Knowledge : The pupils have been taught agencies that enforce traffic rules

Agencies Enforcing Traffic Regulations

Subject : Civic Education   Topic : Agencies Enforcing Traffic Rules And Regulations like LASTMA, Federal Road Safety Corps, Traffic Police   Class : Primary 4 / Basic 4 Term : Third Term Week : Week 4 Instructional Materials : Wallcharts, cardboard with pictures of traffic officers Previous Knowledge : The pupils have been taught

Reasons we need to obey traffic Regulations

Subject : Civic Education Topic : Reasons we need to obey traffic Regulations Class : Basic 4 / Primary 4 Term : Third Term Week : Week 3 Instructional Materials : Wallcharts, newspaper, resource person from road safety Corp Previous Knowledge : The pupils have been taught the meaning of traffic Regulations. They have also

Traffic Regulations And Controls In Nigeria. Primary 4

Subject : Civic Education   Topic :Traffic Regulations and Control In Nigeria   Class :BASIC 4 / Primary 4   Term :Third Term   Week :Week 2   Instructional Materials : Improved Street light 🚦 The Highway code Listen to a traffic news or report on Lagos traffic radio Pictures of traffic or road signs
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