Primary 3

Readiness Test Home Economics Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 1

Comprehensive Lesson Plan Subject: Home Economics Class: Primary 3 Term: Second Term Week: 1 Age: 7 – 8 years Topic: Readiness Test Sub-topic: Understanding Readiness in Personal and Home Activities Duration: 40 minutes Behavioural Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Define readiness and explain its importance in daily activities.

Revision Test Christian Religious Studies Primary 3 Second Term

Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 1: Welcome Test Subject: Christian Religious Studies Class: Primary 3 Term: Second Term Week: 1 Age: 7 – 9 years Duration: 40 minutes Behavioral Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Recall key lessons from the first term. Demonstrate

Second Term Examination Questions Security Education Primary 3 Second Term

Second Term Examination – Security Education (Primary 3) Instructions for Teachers and Students Teachers’ Instructions: Ensure a quiet and organized examination environment. Read and explain the instructions clearly to the students before they begin. Distribute question papers and answer sheets carefully. Ensure that students do not copy from each other. Supervise the exam without giving

Welcome Test History Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 1

HISTORY PRIMARY 3 SECOND TERM LESSON NOTES WEEK 1: WELCOME TEST & REVISION AND READINESS TEST Subject: History Class: Primary 3 Term: Second Term Week: 1 Age: 7 – 8 years Duration: 40 minutes Topic: Welcome Test and Second Term Revision and Readiness Test Sub-topic: Review of First-Term Topics Behavioral Objectives By the end of

French Primary 3 First Term Lesson Notes

French Grammar for Primary 3 First Term, incorporating a mid-term assessment and a final examination: Week 1: Introduction to French Topic: Greetings and Introductions Content: Basic greetings (Bonjour, Bonsoir, Au revoir), Introductions (Je m’appelle…, Comment tu t’appelles?) Week 2: Numbers and Counting Topic: Numbers 1-20 Content: Learning to count from 1 to 20 in French

Revision Yoruba Primary 3 First Term Lesson Notes Week 11

Subject: Yoruba Class: Primary 3 Term: First Term Week: 11 Topic: Revision Sub-topic: Yoruba Language Duration: 40 minutes Entry Behaviour: Students should be familiar with basic Yoruba words and expressions. Key words: Yoruba, language, revision, words, expressions. Behavioral Objectives: Students will recall and pronounce basic Yoruba words. Students will use common expressions in everyday conversations.

Revision Security Education Primary 3 First Term Lesson Notes Week 11

Security Education Primary 3 First Term Lesson Notes Week 11 Subject: Security Education Class: Primary 3 Term: First Term Week: 11 Age: 8 years Topic: Revision and First Term Review Sub-topic: Assessment on Topics Covered in First Term Duration: 40 minutes Behavioural Objectives: By the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to: Answer

Revision Social Studies Primary 3 Week 11 First Term Plan Lesson Notes

Subject: Social Studies Class: Primary 3 Term: First Term Week: 11 Topic: Revision – Marriage (Meaning, Types, Objects Used) Duration: 40 minutes Entry Behaviour: Ask students what they remember about marriage from the last class Key Words: Revision, Recall, Social Studies, Marriage, Meaning, Types, Objects Behavioural Objectives: Recall and explain the meaning of marriage. Identify