Category: Civic Education

Common Crimes: Fake Drugs, Drug Abuse

FIRST TERM E-LEARNING NOTE   SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION   CLASS: JSS 1   Week : Week 1   Topic : Common Crimes: Fake Drugs, Drug Abuse   Previous Knowledge : Pupils are conversant with some of the previous topics that have been taught in the previous lessons most especially Common Crimes: Rape and Murder  


FIRST TERM E-LEARNING NOTE   SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION   CLASS: JSS 1   Week : Week 10   TOPIC : COMMON CRIMES OF  RAPE AND MURDER   Previous Knowledge : Pupils are conversant with some of the previous topics that have been taught in the previous lessons most especially Common Crimes: 419, Embezzlement   Behavioural

Common Crimes: 419, Embezzlement

FIRST TERM E-LEARNING NOTE   SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION   CLASS: JSS 1   Week : Week 9   Topic :  Common Crimes: Embezzlement, 419 or Advance Fee Fraud   Previous Knowledge : Pupils are conversant with some of the previous topics that have been taught in the previous lessons most especially Common Crimes: Falsehood and

Common Crimes: Falsehood and Theft

FIRST TERM E-LEARNING NOTE   SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION   CLASS: JSS 1   Week : Week 8   Topic :  Common Crimes: Falsehood and Theft   Previous Knowledge : Pupils are conversant with some of the previous topics that have been taught in the previous lessons most especially Natural Talent   Behavioural Objectives : At


  Edu Delight Tutors Plan Lesson Notes online Teaching Revision Questions CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… 1.) Why is civic education important? (a) for fighting (b) for conflict (c) for national development 2.) What does civic education teach us about? (a) society (b) family (c) village 3.) A ______ works in a school

Civic Education Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes

SECOND TERM CIVIC EDUCATION FOR PRIMARY TWO (2) WEEK 1: Second Term Revision and Readiness Test Civic Education Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 1     WEEK 2:  Community : Meaning and Types Civic Education Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 2     WEEK 3: Members of our community Civic Education

Class: Basic 2 Subject : Civic Education. Topic: Assessment Questions. Questions :

Class: Basic 2 Subject : Civic Education. Topic: Assessment Questions. Questions : 1. ————— is a pupil chosen to help teacher to perform duties in class. a. Classmaid b. Class servant c. Classmonitor 2. ————– and —————– are ‘dos’ and ‘don’t’ that guide behaviour of pupils in schools. a) disobedience and obedience. b) rudeness and

How To Save Our Money

Class : Basic 2.   Subject : Social/Studies.   Topic : Savings.   Content: Savings is money not spent but kept for later use. Money should be saved to pay for unexpected events or emergencies. For example, a person’s car could break down, a home appliance might need repairs, or a person could fall sick

Civic Education Primary 2 Test

  Class: Basic 2. Subject : Civic Education.     Questions : ——————- is a place where we pass out waste material from our bodies. ( a. toilet b.dinning room room)   A ————— environment is essential for good health. ( a.loud b.clean c.dirty)   —————- is a group of people who share the

Duties of class monitor

  Class: Basic 2. Subject : Civic Education. Topic : Duties of class monitor.   Content The class monitor is a pupil chosen to help the teacher to perform certain duties in class. Duties are those responsibilities expected of those who serve. Class monitors perform the following duties: The class monitor makes sure that the
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