Category: Civic Education

First Term Lesson Notes For Week 9 From Primary 1 To Primary 6

Week 9 First Term Lesson Notes / Plans For Primary 1 To Primary 6    Previous Week :  Week 8 First Term Lesson Notes From Primary 1 To Primary 6   Primary 1 Week 9 First Term Plan Lesson Notes English Studies Primary 1 Week 9 First Term Plan Lesson Notes  Identification and Pronunciation of

Exam Questions Second Term SS 2 Civic Education

S S 2 CIVIC EDUCATION 1. ________is a body of rules and regulations through which a society is governed to maintain peace and order. (a) programme (b) virtue (c) integrity (d) law 2. There are _______forms of democracy (a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 5 (d) 2 3. ____________is a system where citizens choose their representative

Civic Exams Pry 4 First Term

Edu Delight Tutors Tapa Street off Freeman Street FIRST TERM EXAMINATION  CLASS: BASIC FOUR SUBJECT: MORAL INSTRUCTION TIME: 1 HOUR When we forgive, we should also _____. (a)fight (b)forget (c)hate (d)curse Corruption is a ______ behavior of people who are in office or public places. (a)humble (b)honest (c)dishonest (d)sincere Moral instruction is a/an _______ subject.(a)important

Primary 4 Civic Education 1st, 2nd and 3rd Term Lesson Notes

Primary 4 First Term Scheme Of work Civic Education First Term Civic Education Primary 4 Week 1   Our values   week 2   Respect for other people’s culture   Week 3   Community leadership   Week 4 Communalism   Week 5   Types of Government   Week 6   Difference between traditional and constitutional


SECOND TERM EXAMINATION   CLASS: PRIMARY   3     SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION   NAME:……………………………………………………………………………………   Answer all questions   Every Nigerian ______ pays some amount of money as tax to the government of the country (a) goat (b) friend (c) citizen (d) student Citizens of a country work together for the success of their ________


I WISH I HAD KNOWN THESE PROFOUND  DISTINCTIONS  BETWEEN  INTELLIGENCE AND WISDOM!!! 1. Intelligence results in arguments. Knowledge results in settlements. 2. Intelligence is energy of will. Knowledge is energy OVER  will. 3. Intelligence is warmth, it burns. Knowledge is heat, it comforts. 4. Intelligence is pursuit of data, it tires the seeker. Knowledge is


WHY STAFF ARE NOT UNITED. THE IMPLICATIONS AND CORRECTIONS An important cause of stagnation in schools is division… When there is division in a school the school CAN NEVER grow… I am not mincing words, teachers having factions, management staff against teaching staff A school owner important work is to stop divisions among staff no