CLASS: Primary 6 SUBJECT: Bible Studies NAME: ___________________________________________ SECTION A: OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS Choose the correct answer from the options provided. Paul’s former name was _______ (a) Samuel (b) Stephen (c) Saul Paul was a _____ by profession (a) teacher (b) tent maker (c) plumber Paul was ________ by birth (a) Jew (b) Muslim (c)
FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 2022/2023 CLASS: Primary 6 SUBJECT: Verbal Reasoning NAME: ___________________________________________ SECTION A: ODD ONE OUT Pick out the word that does not belong to the group. (a) Hen (b) Ostrich (c) Goat (d) Cock (e) Duck (a) Jumping (b) Running (c) Singing (d) Trotting (e) Walking (a) Bus (b) Boat (c) Car (d)
FIRST TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: Primary 6 SUBJECT: Creative Art NAME: ___________________________________________ SECTION A: MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS Choose the correct answer from options A – C. The drawing of man-made objects is called _____ (a) Life drawing (b) Composite drawing (c) Still-life drawing ____ is the art of entertaining with lyrics and sound. (a) Dancing (b)
FIRST TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: Primary 6 SUBJECT: Home Economics NAME: ___________________________________________ SECTION A: MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS Choose the correct answer from options A – C. A meal that contains all the classes of food in the right proportion is known as a __________ diet. (a) super (b) balanced (c) breakfast A _______ is a list of
FIRST TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: Primary 6 SUBJECT: History NAME: ___________________________________________ SECTION A: MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS Choose the correct answer from options A – C. When did Nigeria gain her independence? (a) October 1st, 1966 (b) October 1st, 1960 (c) October 1st, 1914 Who was the first Nigerian President? (a) Obafemi Awolowo (b) Olusegun Obasanjo (c) Dr.
FIRST TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: Primary 6 SUBJECT: English Language NAME: ___________________________________________ COMPREHENSION PASSAGE Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. Abdul wandered in the desert for nearly three days but found no water. He thought of nothing but water to drink. At about ten o’clock on the third night, feeling very tired
The Federal Government of Nigeria has announced a strategic plan to transition all national examinations to a fully computer-based format by 2027. This initiative, revealed by the Minister of Education, Dr. Tunji Alausa, during the inauguration of the Committee on Improvement of Quality Examinations in Nigeria in Abuja, aims to standardize examination practices and enhance
General Instructions for Teachers and Students To Teachers: Create a conducive and quiet environment for the examination. Supervise the students diligently and avoid any form of favoritism. Collect any unauthorized materials from students before the exam begins. To Students: Write your name, class, and date clearly at the top of your answer sheet. Read each
Home Economics Questions and Answers 1. Define Consumer A consumer is an individual or group who purchases and uses goods or services to satisfy their needs and wants. In the context of food safety, a consumer is someone who buys or consumes food products. 2. Mention Four Rights of the Consumer The rights of the
1. Definition of Nationalism Nationalism is the strong feeling of pride, loyalty, and devotion to one’s country, accompanied by the desire for self-determination and independence from foreign control. In the context of Nigeria, nationalism refers to the efforts and movements aimed at achieving political, economic, and cultural freedom from colonial rule. 2. Four Factors That