FIRST TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: PRIMARY 5 SUBJECT: BIBLE KNOWLEDGE NAME:………………………………………… Instructions for Teachers: Ensure that students work in a quiet environment. Remind students not to engage in any form of cheating or malpractice during the examination. Explain to the students that any form of cheating will result in disqualification. Allow students to ask for clarification
Multiple-Choice Questions Which of these is a type of clothing? a) Apron b) Knife c) Blender d) Refrigerator What is an apron used for? a) Cleaning floors b) Protecting clothes while cooking c) Playing sports d) Sleeping Which material is best for making an apron? a) Wool b) Cotton c) Silk d) Leather What is
Ethnic Groups Examples Yoruba Mode of dressing: Aso-Oke Food: Amala and Ewedu Language: Yoruba State they belong to: Lagos Hairstyle: Shuku Hausa Mode of dressing: Babban Riga Food: Tuwo Shinkafa Language: Hausa State they belong to: Kano Hairstyle: Zannuwar Igbo Mode of dressing: Isi Agu with George wrapper Food: Fufu and Egusi soup Language: Igbo
SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE CLASS: S.S.S TWO DURATION: 1HR 30MINS OBJECTIVE PAPER 2 SECTION 1 In each of the following sentences, there is one underlined word and one gap. From the list of words lettered A to D, choose the one that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the underlined word and that will, at
Exam Questions (2020- 2021) – First Term, Second Term and 3rd Term Examination Primary 6 (Basic 6) (2020- 2021) All Primary 6 Subjects – Edu Delight Tutors (2020- 2021) Primary Five Combined Examination Questions For Three Terms 1st Term Examination 2nd Term examination 3rd Term Examination Primary 6 (Basic 6 ) All Primary Five
SSS 3 Second Term Lesson Notes Here, you will find detailed lesson notes for Senior Secondary School 3 (SSS 3) across different subjects. These notes align with the Nigerian curriculum and help students prepare for exams like WAEC, NECO, and JAMB. 📚 Subject Categories 🔹 Art Students Christian Religious Knowledge (CRK) Civic Education Commerce Economics
Third Term Senior Secondary School 2 (SSS 2) Subject Combination For Art Students , Commercial Students and Science Students Key Subjects That Must Be Offered By Every Students 1. SS 2 THIRD TERM ENGLISH LANGUAGE LESSON NOTES 2. Mathematics (compulsory for students to choose and sit for) SSS 2) Third Term 3. Yoruba/Hausa/Igbo
Third Term Senior Secondary School 3 (SSS 3) Subject Combination For Art Students , Commercial Students and Science Students Key Subjects That Must Be Offered By Every Students 1. English (compulsory for students to choose and sit for). (SSS 3) Third Term 2. Mathematics (compulsory for students to choose and sit for)