Numeration and notation of numbers

    Nursery 2 Third Term Nursery   School Suggested Notes and Scheme of work For Nursery 2 Third Term     TERM THREE Week 1 & 2 Topic: Numeration and notation of numbers- 100 – 150 Odd numbers and even numbers Writing in words and figures Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils

Play with the magnet

TERM THREE Week 1& 2 Topic: Play with the magnet Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to understand that magnet could stick to iron though not all the iron. It does not stick to wood,plastic etc. classification of objects.A GAME- Finding the treasure could create fun in this lesson. Evaluation:


SUBJECT: LETTER WORK CLASS: NURSERY 2 Read and write Aa to Zz Write two letter words 1. _______________ 2. _____________ Fill in the missing sounds 3. S u____ 4. k ____ y Name these parts of the body   6. Complete these objects in the classroom 7. penc__l 8. r ____ler Choose the write option

Write out objects in school

Nursery 2. Write the names of the objects 1.🍦———— 2.🎂———– 3.🍬———– 4.👃———- 5.👠———— 6.🎒———– 7.👗———– 8.🥄———– 9.🥪———- 10.🥚‐———

Write five sentences on My Mother

    Class: Nursery 2   Subject: English language    Topic: Write five sentences on the topic below                                        My mother    1. ———————   2. ————————   3. ————————–   4. —-‐———————–   5. —————————-

Second Term Nursery 2 School Suggested Notes and Scheme .

Second Term Nursery School Suggested Notes and Scheme of work For nursery 2   Week 1 Identification of letters    Week 2 Introduction to Nursery rhymes   Week 3 Fill the box with the right answer   Week 4 Nursery Rhymes   Week 5 Nursery Rhymes   Week 6 Types of Fruits   Week 7

Six letter words

  Class: Nursery 2 Subject : English language Topic : Six letter words, Consonant letters   Six letter words 1.Bucket   2.Insect   3.Banana   4.Orange   5.Rabbit.etc.   Consonant letters.   B C D F G H J   K L M N P Q R   S T V W X Y Z