Category: C.R.S

Explain How Nigeria Gained Her Political Freedom

Alright, class, let’s talk about how Nigeria gained her political freedom 🇳🇬. Here’s a simple list to help you understand: Colonial Rule: Nigeria was under British colonial rule for many years. The British controlled the country and made important decisions. Independence Movements: Nigerian people wanted to govern themselves. They protested and fought for independence. Leadership:

Civic Education Nursery 2 Second Term Lesson Note and Scheme of Work

Early Childhood Care Education Schemes of Work Nursery 2 Second Term Lesson Plan   Weekly Lesson Notes   Week 1 Revision   Week 2 SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS   Week 3 NAMING CEREMONY   Week 4  KINSHIP   Week 5  CHIEFTAINCY   Week 6  Nursery 2 Examination link    Week 7  RELIGIUOS INSTITUTIONS   Week 8  PEACE

Nursery 2 First Term Examinations Bible Knowledge

FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 2021/2022 CLASS: NURSERY II SUBJECT: BIBLE KNOWLEDGE   NAME:…   1.Who is our creator __________ (a) God (b) satan (c) teacher 2.Who killed Abel (a) Cain (b) God (c) Joseph 3.______________ builds an ark (a) Noah (b) Moses (c) John 4. Jesus had _____________ disciples (a) 19 (b) 12 (c) 5 5.

2nd Term CRS Exams Nursery 2

TERM: SECOND TERM EXAMINATION Edu Delight Tutors CLASS: NURSERY 2 SUBJECT: C.R.S. 1. Obedience to God brings ______(a) sorrow (b) failure (c) blessings 2. Was Jesus obedient to God? (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe 3. Jesus was  rude to his earthly parents (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe 4. Obedient to our parent is

2nd Term CRS Nursery 1 Exams

TERM:       SECOND TERM EXAMINATION  Edu Delight Tutors  CLASS:         NURSERY 1 SUBJECT: C.R.S   Underline the correct answer. We are children of ______ (a) devil (b) God We must ______ other people.         (a) hate        (b) love We ______ together. (a) pray  (b) sick It is good to ______ together. (a) pray  (b) fight Good Christian


  THIRD TERM E-LEARNING NOTE SUBJECT: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS KNOWLEDGE CLASS: JSS 1 SCHEME OF WORK WEEK TOPIC Call to Freedom Political Freedom for the Israelites Deborah and Barak Eminent Nigerians Obtained Freedom for Their People Other Eminent Nigerians: Human Right Society Call to Repentance: Paul, David Call to Repentance: John the Baptist, The Prodigal Son

The son of Elkanah

EDU DELIGHT TUTORS   (NURSERY & PRIMARY) FIRST TERM EXAMINATION   CLASS: PRIMARY 4                                   SUBJECT: BIBLE KNOWLEDGE     NAME:………………………………………………………………………     1.)   ___________ is the son of Elkanah (a) Jonah (b) David (c) Samuel (d) Moses   2.)   As children of God, we are to ___________ (a) Love (b) hate (c) fight (d)


EDU (NURSERY & PRIMARY) Edu Delight Tutors SECOND TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: VOCATIONAL APTITUDE NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… The chickens raised for eggs are called ____ (a) cock (b) layers (c) chick Poultry farming is raising of ________ (a) birds (b) wild (c) domesticated Another name for cock is (a) duck (b) lion (c) rooster The


EDU (NURSERY & PRIMARY) Edu Delight Tutors SECOND TERM EXAMINATION  CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: BIBLE KNOWLEDGE NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… Every first born son of the Jews was to be dedicated to the ______ (a) satan (b) devil (c) lord They offered two doves and two young pigeons as sacrifice (a) yes (b) no What is the name