Category: Scheme

Nursery Rhymes 2nd Term Exams

TERM:       SECOND TERM EXAMINATION  Edu Delight Tutors  CLASS:         NURSERY SUBJECT: POEM     There are two black bird   Who is in the garden   Baby! Baby!!           Baby!!!   Who sat and watch   Johnny! Johnny!!   Once I saw a little bird   If you do good   A lion! A lion!!   London

Nursery 2 Lesson Notes and Scheme of work For Nursery 2 Third Term

Nursery 2   Third Term Nursery 2 Lesson Notes and Scheme of work For Nursery 2   Age 2 to 4 years     Third  Term  Civic Education Nursery 2 Third Term Scheme of Work Social Habits Health Habits Basic Science and Technology Number Work or Number Readiness Letter Work Nursery 2 Third Term Readiness Readiness

Scheme of work For Nursery 2 Second Term Lesson Notes

Nursery 2   Second Term Nursery 2 Suggested Notes and Scheme of work For Nursery 2   Age 2 to 4 years     Second Term  Civic Education Nursery 2 Second Term Lesson Note and Scheme of Work Social Habits Nursery 2 Second Term Lesson Note And Scheme of Work Health Habits Nursery 2 Second Term

All Subjects Nursery 1 Third Term Lesson Notes

Nursery 1   Third Term Nursery School Suggested Notes and Scheme of work For Nursery 1 Age 1 to 3 years   Third Term  Civic Education Social Habits Health Habits Basic Science and Technology Number Work Letter Work  Personal Development Nursery 1 Third Term Scheme of Work With Lesson Notes   KINDERGARTEN ENGLISH LANGUAGE, MATHEMATICS AND

Weather and Dresses

  Nursery 1 Subject: Science Topic:Weather and Dresses   Home work   Re-write the five types of weather.   Sunny – _______   Cloudy – _______   Windy – _________   Rainy – ___________   Stormy – __________

Nursery school suggested subjects

List of subjects that are offered in Nursery classes before the pupils move to primary section Reading Readiness. Number Readiness. Elementary Science Writing Drawing and Painting. Rhymes Social Studies Story telling Physical Exercises Bible Knowledge Moral Instruction Computer