LAGOS STATE EXAMINATION BOARD TEDAC UNIT List of Books from the Approved List for JSS III 2024/2025 Academic Session GROUP: DRAMA Book Title Author Publisher Year Harvest of Shame E.D. Omodgun Sumob 1997 A Miracle in Two Paragraphs A. Godetime Pen Digital 2022 Time and Tide Femi Adedina Gazelle Book 2018 GROUP: PROSE Book Title
Weekly lesson topics for kindergarten students aged 5 focused on New Testament Bible stories for the third term: Week 1: The Birth of Jesus The nativity story Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem Creating a nativity scene The Birth of Jesus Christian Religious Studies Kindergarten Third Term Lesson Notes Week 1 Week 2: Jesus in the Temple
Lagos State Kindergarten Christian Religious Studies Examination Subject: Christian Religious Studies Class: Kindergarten Term: Third Term Week: 12 Duration: 1 hour Fill-in-the-Blank Questions (30 questions) Jesus gave a sermon on a ____. a) Beach b) Boat c) Mountain d) Road Jesus taught about being ____. a) Angry b) Rich c) Kind d) Famous “Blessed are
Lagos State Kindergarten Christian Religious Studies Lesson Plan Subject: Christian Religious Studies Class: Kindergarten Term: Third Term Week: 11 Age: 5 years Topic: Revision and Review Duration: 40 minutes Objective Questions Jesus gave a sermon on a ____. a) Beach b) Boat c) Mountain d) Road Jesus taught about being ____. a) Angry b) Rich
Lagos State Kindergarten Christian Religious Studies Lesson Plan Subject: Christian Religious Studies Class: Kindergarten Term: Third Term Week: 10 Age: 5 years Topic: The Prodigal Son Sub-topic: Parable of Forgiveness and Redemption Duration: 40 minutes Behavioural Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Retell the story of the Prodigal Son.
Lagos State Kindergarten Christian Religious Studies Lesson Plan Subject: Christian Religious Studies Class: Kindergarten Term: Third Term Week: 8 Age: 5 years Topic: Feeding the 5000 Sub-topic: The Miracle of Feeding the Multitude Duration: 40 minutes Behavioural Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Retell the story of Jesus feeding
Lagos State Kindergarten Christian Religious Studies Lesson Plan Subject: Christian Religious Studies Class: Kindergarten Term: Third Term Week: 7 Age: 5 years Topic: Jesus Calms the Storm Sub-topic: The Story of Jesus Calming the Storm Duration: 40 minutes Behavioural Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Retell the story of
Lagos State Kindergarten Christian Religious Studies Lesson Plan Subject: Christian Religious Studies Class: Kindergarten Term: Third Term Week: 6 Age: 5 years Topic: The Sermon on the Mount Sub-topic: The Teachings of Jesus on the Mount Duration: 40 minutes Behavioural Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Retell the story
Lagos State Kindergarten Christian Religious Studies Lesson Plan Subject: Christian Religious Studies Class: Kindergarten Term: Third Term Week: 5 Age: 5 years Topic: The Wedding at Cana Sub-topic: The Story of Jesus’ First Miracle Duration: 40 minutes Behavioural Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Retell the story of the
Lagos State Kindergarten Christian Religious Studies Lesson Plan Subject: Christian Religious Studies Class: Kindergarten Term: Third Term Week: 4 Age: 5 years Topic: Jesus Calls His Disciples Sub-topic: The Story of Jesus Calling His First Disciples Duration: 40 minutes Behavioural Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Retell the story