Mid Term Test Christian Religious Studies SS 3 Second Term Lesson Notes

Christian Religious Studies SS 3 Second Term – Week 7 Mid-Term Assessment

Assessment Components

Part A: Objective Questions (Multiple Choice)

Choose the correct answer for each question.

  1. The Holy Spirit came upon the disciples on the day of ______.
    a) Easter
    b) Pentecost
    c) Passover
    d) Christmas
  2. Saul was on his way to ______ when he encountered Jesus.
    a) Jerusalem
    b) Damascus
    c) Rome
    d) Antioch
  3. The first Christian martyr was ______.
    a) Peter
    b) Stephen
    c) Paul
    d) John
  4. Peter healed Aeneas in ______.
    a) Lydda
    b) Joppa
    c) Samaria
    d) Jerusalem
  5. Cornelius was a ______ before becoming a Christian.
    a) Pharisee
    b) Tax collector
    c) Roman centurion
    d) Priest
  6. Who delivered the first sermon after the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost?
    a) John
    b) Peter
    c) Paul
    d) James
  7. The Jewish leaders opposed the apostles because they were preaching about ______.
    a) Moses
    b) Jesus Christ
    c) The prophets
    d) John the Baptist
  8. Saul was blinded for ______ days after his encounter with Jesus.
    a) Three
    b) Seven
    c) Ten
    d) Forty
  9. Ananias was sent by God to restore Saul’s sight in ______.
    a) Joppa
    b) Lydda
    c) Damascus
    d) Jerusalem
  10. The Roman official who imprisoned Peter was ______.
    a) Herod
    b) Pontius Pilate
    c) Caesar
    d) Agrippa
  11. The first Gentile convert in the Bible was ______.
    a) Cornelius
    b) Simon the Tanner
    c) Barnabas
    d) Philip
  12. The pool where Jesus healed a paralyzed man was called ______.
    a) Bethesda
    b) Siloam
    c) Jordan
    d) Galilee
  13. The main theme of Peter’s sermon at Pentecost was ______.
    a) Moses’ Law
    b) The resurrection of Jesus
    c) The miracles of Jesus
    d) The Ten Commandments
  14. The Pharisee who advised the Jewish leaders not to kill the apostles was ______.
    a) Caiaphas
    b) Gamaliel
    c) Nicodemus
    d) Annas
  15. Stephen’s face was described as looking like ______ when he was about to be stoned.
    a) A demon
    b) A warrior
    c) An angel
    d) A ghost
  16. Peter stayed with a tanner named ______ in Joppa.
    a) Cornelius
    b) Aeneas
    c) Simon
    d) Philip
  17. The disease caused by the HIV virus is called ______.
    a) AIDS
    b) Tuberculosis
    c) Malaria
    d) Diabetes
  18. Jesus healed the official’s son in ______.
    a) Capernaum
    b) Nazareth
    c) Jericho
    d) Bethlehem
  19. Saul’s opposition to the gospel ended when he met ______ on his way to Damascus.
    a) Peter
    b) John
    c) Jesus
    d) James
  20. The Jewish Christians criticized Peter for eating with ______.
    a) The Gentiles
    b) The Pharisees
    c) The scribes
    d) The Romans

Part B: Theory Questions (Short Answer Questions)

  1. What is the significance of the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost?
  2. How did Peter defend himself before the Jewish leaders after healing the lame man?
  3. What was Saul’s mission before his conversion to Christianity?
  4. Mention three miracles performed by Peter in Acts.
  5. Who was Cornelius, and why was his conversion important?
  6. Describe how Saul was converted on his way to Damascus.
  7. What lesson can Christians learn from Stephen’s faith?
  8. What role did Ananias play in Saul’s conversion?
  9. How did Peter’s vision in Joppa change his understanding of the gospel?
  10. What was the reaction of the Jews when Saul began preaching about Jesus?
  11. How did the church respond to Herod’s persecution of Peter?
  12. What are some ways HIV/AIDS can be transmitted?
  13. Mention two symptoms of HIV/AIDS.
  14. What lesson can we learn from Jesus’ healing of the man at the Pool of Bethesda?
  15. Why was the baptism of Cornelius significant?
  16. What was the main message of Peter’s sermon at Pentecost?
  17. Who was Gamaliel, and what advice did he give about the apostles?
  18. What does the story of Jesus healing the official’s son teach us about faith?
  19. How did Stephen die, and who was present at his execution?
  20. What did Jesus say to Saul when he appeared to him on the way to Damascus?

Part C: True or False Questions

State whether each statement is True or False.

  1. The Holy Spirit came upon the disciples at Passover.
  2. Peter’s first sermon at Pentecost led to 3,000 people repenting.
  3. Stephen was the second Christian martyr.
  4. Saul met Jesus on his way to Jerusalem.
  5. The pool of Bethesda was where Jesus healed a blind man.
  6. Herod arrested Peter and killed him.
  7. The first Gentile convert in the New Testament was Cornelius.
  8. Jesus healed a sick official’s son in Capernaum.
  9. The early Christians were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues.
  10. Gamaliel advised the Jewish leaders to kill the apostles.
  11. Peter stayed with Cornelius in Joppa.
  12. Saul was blinded for five days after his conversion.
  13. Peter had a vision of a sheet filled with unclean animals.
  14. The apostles were arrested and beaten but continued preaching.
  15. Stephen prayed for those who stoned him before he died.
  16. Jesus healed the paralyzed man by the Pool of Siloam.
  17. Saul’s name was immediately changed to Paul after his conversion.
  18. Peter healed a sick man named Aeneas.
  19. Herod was struck by an angel and died because he did not give glory to God.
  20. The Pharisees supported Jesus’ disciples after His resurrection.

Part D: Fill-in-the-Gaps Questions

Complete the sentences with the correct words.

  1. The Holy Spirit came on the day of ______.
  2. Peter and John healed a lame man at the ______ Gate.
  3. Saul was on his way to ______ when he encountered Jesus.
  4. Stephen was stoned to death because he preached about ______.
  5. Jesus healed a sick official’s son in the town of ______.
  6. The first Gentile convert in the New Testament was ______.
  7. The Holy Spirit appeared as tongues of ______ on the disciples.
  8. Saul’s sight was restored by a man named ______.
  9. Peter had a vision of a sheet filled with ______ animals.
  10. Cornelius was a ______ in the Roman army.
  11. The pool where Jesus healed the paralyzed man was called ______.
  12. Herod arrested Peter and planned to ______ him.
  13. Stephen’s face shone like an ______ before his death.
  14. The name of the paralyzed man healed by Peter in Lydda was ______.
  15. Jesus healed the blind man by making ______ and putting it on his eyes.
  16. The apostles were arrested for preaching about ______.
  17. Saul was blinded for ______ days after his encounter with Jesus.
  18. Gamaliel was a ______ who advised the Jewish leaders.
  19. Peter stayed in the house of Simon, a ______.
  20. HIV/AIDS affects the ______ system of the body.


This mid-term assessment evaluates students’ knowledge of Christian Religious Studies SS 3 topics covered so far. It includes multiple-choice, theory, true/false, and fill-in-the-gap questions to ensure comprehensive testing of students’ understanding.