Mid Term Test Christian Religious Studies SS 3 Second Term Lesson Notes
Christian Religious Studies SS 3 Second Term – Week 7 Mid-Term Assessment
Assessment Components
Part A: Objective Questions (Multiple Choice)
Choose the correct answer for each question.
- The Holy Spirit came upon the disciples on the day of ______.
a) Easter
b) Pentecost
c) Passover
d) Christmas - Saul was on his way to ______ when he encountered Jesus.
a) Jerusalem
b) Damascus
c) Rome
d) Antioch - The first Christian martyr was ______.
a) Peter
b) Stephen
c) Paul
d) John - Peter healed Aeneas in ______.
a) Lydda
b) Joppa
c) Samaria
d) Jerusalem - Cornelius was a ______ before becoming a Christian.
a) Pharisee
b) Tax collector
c) Roman centurion
d) Priest - Who delivered the first sermon after the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost?
a) John
b) Peter
c) Paul
d) James - The Jewish leaders opposed the apostles because they were preaching about ______.
a) Moses
b) Jesus Christ
c) The prophets
d) John the Baptist - Saul was blinded for ______ days after his encounter with Jesus.
a) Three
b) Seven
c) Ten
d) Forty - Ananias was sent by God to restore Saul’s sight in ______.
a) Joppa
b) Lydda
c) Damascus
d) Jerusalem - The Roman official who imprisoned Peter was ______.
a) Herod
b) Pontius Pilate
c) Caesar
d) Agrippa - The first Gentile convert in the Bible was ______.
a) Cornelius
b) Simon the Tanner
c) Barnabas
d) Philip - The pool where Jesus healed a paralyzed man was called ______.
a) Bethesda
b) Siloam
c) Jordan
d) Galilee - The main theme of Peter’s sermon at Pentecost was ______.
a) Moses’ Law
b) The resurrection of Jesus
c) The miracles of Jesus
d) The Ten Commandments - The Pharisee who advised the Jewish leaders not to kill the apostles was ______.
a) Caiaphas
b) Gamaliel
c) Nicodemus
d) Annas - Stephen’s face was described as looking like ______ when he was about to be stoned.
a) A demon
b) A warrior
c) An angel
d) A ghost - Peter stayed with a tanner named ______ in Joppa.
a) Cornelius
b) Aeneas
c) Simon
d) Philip - The disease caused by the HIV virus is called ______.
b) Tuberculosis
c) Malaria
d) Diabetes - Jesus healed the official’s son in ______.
a) Capernaum
b) Nazareth
c) Jericho
d) Bethlehem - Saul’s opposition to the gospel ended when he met ______ on his way to Damascus.
a) Peter
b) John
c) Jesus
d) James - The Jewish Christians criticized Peter for eating with ______.
a) The Gentiles
b) The Pharisees
c) The scribes
d) The Romans
Part B: Theory Questions (Short Answer Questions)
- What is the significance of the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost?
- How did Peter defend himself before the Jewish leaders after healing the lame man?
- What was Saul’s mission before his conversion to Christianity?
- Mention three miracles performed by Peter in Acts.
- Who was Cornelius, and why was his conversion important?
- Describe how Saul was converted on his way to Damascus.
- What lesson can Christians learn from Stephen’s faith?
- What role did Ananias play in Saul’s conversion?
- How did Peter’s vision in Joppa change his understanding of the gospel?
- What was the reaction of the Jews when Saul began preaching about Jesus?
- How did the church respond to Herod’s persecution of Peter?
- What are some ways HIV/AIDS can be transmitted?
- Mention two symptoms of HIV/AIDS.
- What lesson can we learn from Jesus’ healing of the man at the Pool of Bethesda?
- Why was the baptism of Cornelius significant?
- What was the main message of Peter’s sermon at Pentecost?
- Who was Gamaliel, and what advice did he give about the apostles?
- What does the story of Jesus healing the official’s son teach us about faith?
- How did Stephen die, and who was present at his execution?
- What did Jesus say to Saul when he appeared to him on the way to Damascus?
Part C: True or False Questions
State whether each statement is True or False.
- The Holy Spirit came upon the disciples at Passover.
- Peter’s first sermon at Pentecost led to 3,000 people repenting.
- Stephen was the second Christian martyr.
- Saul met Jesus on his way to Jerusalem.
- The pool of Bethesda was where Jesus healed a blind man.
- Herod arrested Peter and killed him.
- The first Gentile convert in the New Testament was Cornelius.
- Jesus healed a sick official’s son in Capernaum.
- The early Christians were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues.
- Gamaliel advised the Jewish leaders to kill the apostles.
- Peter stayed with Cornelius in Joppa.
- Saul was blinded for five days after his conversion.
- Peter had a vision of a sheet filled with unclean animals.
- The apostles were arrested and beaten but continued preaching.
- Stephen prayed for those who stoned him before he died.
- Jesus healed the paralyzed man by the Pool of Siloam.
- Saul’s name was immediately changed to Paul after his conversion.
- Peter healed a sick man named Aeneas.
- Herod was struck by an angel and died because he did not give glory to God.
- The Pharisees supported Jesus’ disciples after His resurrection.
Part D: Fill-in-the-Gaps Questions
Complete the sentences with the correct words.
- The Holy Spirit came on the day of ______.
- Peter and John healed a lame man at the ______ Gate.
- Saul was on his way to ______ when he encountered Jesus.
- Stephen was stoned to death because he preached about ______.
- Jesus healed a sick official’s son in the town of ______.
- The first Gentile convert in the New Testament was ______.
- The Holy Spirit appeared as tongues of ______ on the disciples.
- Saul’s sight was restored by a man named ______.
- Peter had a vision of a sheet filled with ______ animals.
- Cornelius was a ______ in the Roman army.
- The pool where Jesus healed the paralyzed man was called ______.
- Herod arrested Peter and planned to ______ him.
- Stephen’s face shone like an ______ before his death.
- The name of the paralyzed man healed by Peter in Lydda was ______.
- Jesus healed the blind man by making ______ and putting it on his eyes.
- The apostles were arrested for preaching about ______.
- Saul was blinded for ______ days after his encounter with Jesus.
- Gamaliel was a ______ who advised the Jewish leaders.
- Peter stayed in the house of Simon, a ______.
- HIV/AIDS affects the ______ system of the body.
This mid-term assessment evaluates students’ knowledge of Christian Religious Studies SS 3 topics covered so far. It includes multiple-choice, theory, true/false, and fill-in-the-gap questions to ensure comprehensive testing of students’ understanding.