Bones Basic Science and Technology Kindergarten Second Term Week 8

Lesson Plan: Bones

Subject: Basic Science and Technology

Class: Kindergarten

Term: Second Term

Week: 8

Age: 5 years

Topic: Bones

Sub-topic: Types and Importance of Bones

Duration: 40 Minutes

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Explain the meaning of bones.
  2. Identify and mention at least two types of bones in the body.
  3. Mention one way to prevent the breaking of bones (fractures).


  • Bones
  • Skeleton
  • Fracture
  • Skull
  • Rib cage

Set Induction

The teacher shows pupils a toy skeleton and asks them to guess what it represents.

Entry Behaviour

Pupils have seen pictures or models of skeletons in cartoons or books and have body parts they can relate to.

Learning Resources and Materials

  1. Toy skeleton
  2. Picture charts of the skeleton and bones
  3. Video clips showing bones and their importance
  4. Posters of different types of bones

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

The teacher asks pupils to point to parts of their body (e.g., arms, legs) and touch their teeth, explaining that all these are supported by bones.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving
  • Collaboration and Communication

Learning Materials

  • Toy skeleton
  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Picture and video resources on bones

Instructional Materials

  • Picture chart of bones
  • Video clips about skeletons
  • Toy skeleton models


Meaning of Bones

  1. Bones are hard parts inside the body that give it shape and support.
  2. Without bones, we would not be able to stand, walk, or move.

Types of Bones in the Body

  1. Skull: The bone that protects the brain.
  2. Rib Cage: The bones that protect the chest and lungs.
  3. Hand Bones: The bones in our fingers and hands.
  4. Leg Bones: The bones in our legs that help us walk.

Prevention of Fractures (Broken Bones)

  1. Play carefully and avoid rough games.
  2. Eat foods rich in calcium (like milk) to make bones strong.
  3. Always wear protective gear during sports (e.g., helmets, knee pads).

Examples of Bones

  1. Skull
  2. Rib Cage
  3. Teeth
  4. Hand Bones
  5. Leg Bones

Evaluation Questions

15 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options

  1. Bones are the _____ parts inside the body.
    (a) soft (b) hard (c) liquid (d) weak
  2. The _____ protects the brain.
    (a) rib cage (b) skull (c) hand bone (d) leg bone
  3. The _____ protects the chest and lungs.
    (a) leg bone (b) rib cage (c) skull (d) teeth
  4. _____ are bones that help us walk.
    (a) Rib cage (b) Leg bones (c) Skull (d) Teeth
  5. Bones give the body _____.
    (a) color (b) shape (c) food (d) air
  6. Eating _____ makes bones strong.
    (a) sweets (b) milk (c) water (d) rice
  7. Playing rough games can cause _____.
    (a) joy (b) fracture (c) growth (d) strength
  8. The bones in the fingers are called _____.
    (a) skull (b) rib cage (c) hand bones (d) leg bones
  9. _____ are the hard parts inside the body.
    (a) Bones (b) Skin (c) Teeth (d) Nails
  10. We touch our _____ to feel our teeth.
    (a) head (b) fingers (c) tongue (d) eyes
  11. The skull is part of the _____.
    (a) teeth (b) skeleton (c) rib cage (d) leg bones
  12. A broken bone is called a _____.
    (a) skull (b) rib (c) fracture (d) bone pain
  13. Bones help us to _____.
    (a) see (b) walk (c) eat (d) breathe
  14. The _____ is a bone found in the head.
    (a) rib cage (b) leg bone (c) skull (d) teeth
  15. Touching parts of the skeleton helps us learn about _____.
    (a) animals (b) bones (c) toys (d) plants

15 FAQs (Class Activity Discussion)

  1. What are bones?
    Bones are the hard parts inside the body that give it shape and support.
  2. What does the skull do?
    The skull protects the brain.
  3. Where is the rib cage found?
    The rib cage is found in the chest.
  4. What do bones help us do?
    Bones help us stand, walk, and move.
  5. What is a fracture?
    A fracture is a broken bone.
  6. What foods make bones strong?
    Foods like milk and cheese make bones strong.
  7. Can teeth be called bones?
    Yes, teeth are part of the bones in the body.
  8. Why should we play carefully?
    To avoid breaking bones or getting fractures.
  9. What protects the lungs?
    The rib cage protects the lungs.
  10. What does the skeleton do?
    The skeleton supports the body and protects important organs.
  11. What are leg bones used for?
    Leg bones are used for walking and standing.
  12. Why should we drink milk?
    Milk makes bones strong because it contains calcium.
  13. What is inside our body that helps us move?
    Bones help us move.
  14. What happens if we play rough?
    Playing rough can cause fractures or injuries to our bones.
  15. Why do we need to protect our bones?
    To stay healthy and avoid pain or injuries.

10 Short-Answer Evaluation Questions

  1. What are bones?
  2. Mention two types of bones in the body.
  3. What does the skull protect?
  4. Write one way to prevent bone fractures.
  5. Name the bone that protects the lungs.
  6. Why are bones important?
  7. What is a fracture?
  8. Name one food that makes bones strong.
  9. What is the rib cage used for?
  10. Where can we find bones in our body?


The teacher marks pupils’ work, provides feedback, and emphasizes the importance of playing safely to protect bones.

SEO Elements

Captivating Title: Understanding Bones for Kids
Focus Keyphrase: Bones for Kindergarten
SEO Title: Understanding Bones: Fun and Interactive Lesson for KindergartenBones

Functions of Bones

Functions of Bones – EduDelightTutors

Number of bones in the body

Number of bones in the body – EduDelightTutors

Slug: bones-kindergarten-lesson-plan
Meta Description: Learn about bones, types, and how to keep them safe in this fun and interactive Kindergarten lesson plan. Perfect for age 5.