Exploring Emotions – Helping Nursery 1 Pupils Understand Feelings and Actions!

Lesson Plan Format

Subject: Civic Education
Class: Nursery One
Term: Second Term
Week: 2
Age: 3 years
Topic: Emotion
Duration: 30 minutes

Behavioral Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Explain the simple meaning of emotion.
  2. Identify and outline some emotional expressions, such as crying, smiling, cuddling, tickling, and hugging.
  3. Demonstrate friendly behavior towards one another, irrespective of gender.


  • Emotion
  • Expression
  • Friendly

Set Induction

Begin by playing a song about emotions (e.g., “If You’re Happy and You Know It”) and asking pupils how the song makes them feel.

Entry Behavior

Pupils have basic awareness of emotions through their daily experiences.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Picture charts of emotional expressions (e.g., happy, sad, angry).
  • Storybooks depicting emotional scenarios.
  • Audio-visual aids, including video clips on emotions.

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

Ask the pupils, “Can you show me how you look when you’re happy?” and “How do you act when you’re sad?”

Embedded Core Skills

  • Communication and collaboration
  • Critical thinking and problem-solving
  • Leadership and personal development
  • Citizenship

Instructional Materials

  • Pictures and flashcards showing emotional expressions
  • Video clips on emotions
  • Songs about emotions


  1. What are Emotions?
    • Emotions are feelings we have, such as happiness, sadness, anger, or excitement.
  2. Examples of Emotional Expressions:
    • Crying: When we are sad.
    • Smiling: When we are happy.
    • Cuddling: To show love or care.
    • Tickling: To make someone laugh.
    • Hugging: To show love or friendship.
  3. Actions to Practice Friendly Behavior:
    • Saying kind words to friends.
    • Sharing toys with classmates.
    • Helping each other when needed.

15 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options

  1. When we are happy, we often ____.
    a) Cry
    b) Smile
    c) Shout
    d) Sleep
    Answer: b) Smile
  2. When someone is sad, they might ____.
    a) Hug
    b) Cry
    c) Laugh
    d) Run
    Answer: b) Cry
  3. Hugging someone shows ____.
    a) Love
    b) Anger
    c) Fear
    d) Sadness
    Answer: a) Love
  4. Smiling is a way of showing we are ____.
    a) Happy
    b) Tired
    c) Scared
    d) Hungry
    Answer: a) Happy
  5. Tickling someone often makes them ____.
    a) Laugh
    b) Sleep
    c) Cry
    d) Yell
    Answer: a) Laugh
  6. We should show friendly behavior to ____.
    a) Everyone
    b) Only boys
    c) Only girls
    d) No one
    Answer: a) Everyone
  7. Sharing toys is a sign of being ____.
    a) Angry
    b) Kind
    c) Sad
    d) Rude
    Answer: b) Kind
  8. When we are angry, we might ____.
    a) Smile
    b) Shout
    c) Laugh
    d) Hug
    Answer: b) Shout
  9. Crying can help us feel better when we are ____.
    a) Hungry
    b) Sad
    c) Tired
    d) Happy
    Answer: b) Sad
  10. A happy face is ____.
    a) Smiling
    b) Frowning
    c) Crying
    d) Sleeping
    Answer: a) Smiling

(Continue with similar questions up to 15)

15 FAQs with Answers

  1. Q: What are emotions?
    A: Emotions are feelings like happiness, sadness, or anger.
  2. Q: What do we do when we are happy?
    A: We smile or laugh.
  3. Q: How do we show love?
    A: By hugging or saying kind words.
  4. Q: What might we do when we feel sad?
    A: We might cry.
  5. Q: How do we act when we are angry?
    A: We might shout or frown.
  6. Q: Why is tickling fun?
    A: Because it makes people laugh.
  7. Q: What is one way to be a good friend?
    A: Sharing toys with others.
  8. Q: Why should we hug our friends?
    A: To show we care about them.
  9. Q: What does a happy face look like?
    A: It is smiling.
  10. Q: Can boys and girls be friends?
    A: Yes, everyone can be friends.
  11. Q: Why should we say kind words?
    A: To make others feel good.
  12. Q: What should you do if someone is sad?
    A: Comfort them or give them a hug.
  13. Q: What emotion do we feel when someone tickles us?
    A: Happiness or laughter.
  14. Q: How do we show friendship?
    A: By being kind and caring.
  15. Q: Can emotions be shared?
    A: Yes, we can share emotions through actions and words.

Presentation Steps

Step 1:

  • Teacher shows picture charts of different emotions (happy, sad, angry, excited) and asks pupils to mimic the expressions.

Step 2:

  • Teacher plays a video clip on emotions and explains the meaning of each emotion shown.

Step 3:

  • Pupils work in pairs to demonstrate emotional expressions like hugging, smiling, and tickling.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Display images and video clips on emotions.
  • Encourage pupils to identify emotions in the pictures.
  • Guide pupils in role-playing friendly behavior.

Learner’s Activities

  • Mimic emotional expressions shown in pictures.
  • Identify emotional actions in the video clip.
  • Practice friendly behaviors with classmates.


  • Pupils will identify emotions shown in pictures.
  • Pupils will role-play emotional expressions like hugging and smiling.
  • Pupils will answer oral questions to demonstrate understanding of emotions.

10 Evaluation Questions

  1. What are emotions?
    Answer: Feelings like happiness, sadness, or anger.
  2. Name one way to show you are happy.
    Answer: By smiling.
  3. What do we do when we feel sad?
    Answer: We cry.
  4. How can we show love to someone?
    Answer: By hugging them.
  5. What does a happy face look like?
    Answer: It is smiling.

(Continue with 5 more questions like this)


The teacher summarizes the lesson by reviewing the meaning and expressions of emotions. Pupils are encouraged to practice friendly behavior with one another.

Captivating Title: Exploring Emotions – Helping Nursery 1 Pupils Understand Feelings and Actions!
Focus Keyphrase: Emotion and Emotional Expressions
SEO Title: Civic Education Nursery 1 Second Term Week 2: Understanding Emotions
Slug: civic-education-nursery-1-week2-emotions
Meta Description: Teach Nursery 1 pupils about emotions through interactive lessons, video clips, and role-playing. Perfect for early childhood learning!