Producing Simple Wood Projects Using Simple Machines and Tools Basic Technology JSS 3 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Woodwork Projects: Producing Simple Wood Projects Using Simple Machines and Tools

Subject: Basic Technology

Class: JSS 3

Term: First Term

Week: 6

Age: 12-15 years

Topic: Woodwork Projects

Sub-topic: Producing Simple Wood Projects Using Simple Machines and Tools

Duration: 60 minutes

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Identify simple woodwork tools and machines.
  2. Explain the steps involved in simple woodwork projects.
  3. Use basic tools to produce simple wood items like stools or picture frames.
  4. Observe safety practices when using woodwork tools.


  • Woodwork
  • Chisel
  • Saw
  • Measuring tools
  • Sandpaper
  • Safety gear

Set Induction

The teacher will display small wood objects like a stool, photo frame, or pencil holder and ask students if they know how such items are made.

Entry Behaviour

Students are familiar with the concept of wood as a raw material and may have used simple hand tools like hammers or saws at home.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Hammers, chisels, saws, nails
  • Measuring tools (tape rule, T-square)
  • Wood glue, sandpaper
  • Sample wood projects (stools, frames)
  • Safety equipment (goggles, gloves)

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

Remind students that they have learned about wood as a material in earlier lessons. Now, they will explore how to use tools and machines to make simple woodwork projects.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Creativity and practical skills
  • Problem-solving
  • Teamwork and collaboration
  • Safety consciousness

Learning Materials

  • Real wood pieces (plywood or softwood)
  • Visual aids showing woodworking steps
  • Videos on basic woodwork practices

Reference Books

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Basic Technology Textbook for JSS 3
  • Introduction to Woodwork by Okonkwo & Partners

Instructional Materials

  • Real tools and machines for demonstration (saws, chisels, hammers)
  • Completed wood projects for reference
  • Sandpaper for finishing


I. Simple Machines and Tools for Woodwork Projects

  • Measuring Tools: Tape measure, T-square
  • Cutting Tools: Saws (e.g., hand saw, coping saw)
  • Shaping Tools: Chisels, rasps, files
  • Assembly Tools: Hammer, nails, wood glue
  • Finishing Tools: Sandpaper, varnish

II. Steps for Producing Simple Wood Projects

  1. Planning:
    • Sketch a simple design (e.g., a stool or picture frame).
    • List the materials and tools required.
  2. Measuring and Marking:
    • Use a tape measure or ruler to mark dimensions on the wood.
    • Ensure accuracy with a T-square to get straight lines.
  3. Cutting:
    • Use a saw to cut the wood according to the measurements.
    • Ensure smooth cuts to avoid errors during assembly.
  4. Shaping and Smoothing:
    • Use chisels to shape joints or edges.
    • Smooth the surface with sandpaper to prepare it for assembly.
  5. Assembling:
    • Join parts using nails, screws, or wood glue.
    • Use clamps to hold pieces in place until the glue dries.
  6. Finishing:
    • Apply sandpaper again for a smooth surface.
    • Varnish or paint the project to protect and beautify it.

III. Safety Practices in Woodwork Projects

  • Use Protective Gear: Wear safety goggles and gloves.
  • Tool Handling: Always cut or saw away from the body.
  • Clean Work Area: Remove sawdust regularly to avoid accidents.
  • Proper Storage: Store sharp tools safely when not in use.


  1. A __________ is used to measure and mark wood. (a) saw (b) T-square (c) hammer (d) glue
  2. The tool used to smoothen the surface of wood is __________. (a) sandpaper (b) saw (c) nail (d) chisel
  3. A __________ holds pieces together while glue dries. (a) clamp (b) tape measure (c) ruler (d) varnish
  4. __________ is a finishing material used to protect wood surfaces. (a) Paint (b) Varnish (c) Glue (d) Chisel
  5. Safety goggles protect the __________ during woodwork. (a) head (b) hands (c) eyes (d) legs
  6. The __________ saw is used for curved cuts. (a) hand (b) coping (c) circular (d) hack
  7. __________ is used to join wood pieces firmly. (a) Chisel (b) Wood glue (c) T-square (d) File
  8. __________ tools are used to smooth or shape wood. (a) Assembly (b) Shaping (c) Measuring (d) Finishing
  9. A __________ is used to hammer nails into wood. (a) clamp (b) chisel (c) hammer (d) tape rule
  10. The final step in a wood project is __________. (a) measuring (b) cutting (c) assembling (d) finishing
  11. __________ ensures the dimensions are accurate when marking wood. (a) T-square (b) Chisel (c) Ruler (d) Saw
  12. __________ helps keep hands safe from cuts during woodwork. (a) Gloves (b) Sandpaper (c) Clamp (d) Glue
  13. The __________ tool is ideal for cutting wood. (a) hammer (b) saw (c) tape rule (d) file
  14. Applying __________ protects wood from damage. (a) glue (b) varnish (c) sandpaper (d) paint
  15. __________ tools help in joining and securing wood pieces. (a) Measuring (b) Assembly (c) Finishing (d) Shaping

Class Activity Discussion 

  1. What is a simple woodwork project?
    A simple woodwork project involves creating items like stools, picture frames, or pencil holders using basic tools.
  2. What tools are essential for woodwork?
    Tools like saws, chisels, hammers, and measuring tape are essential for woodwork.
  3. Why is sanding important in woodwork?
    Sanding helps smooth the surface of the wood for better finishing.
  4. What type of saw is used for curved cuts?
    A coping saw is used for curved cuts.
  5. Why is wood glue used?
    Wood glue ensures that parts are firmly bonded.
  6. What safety gear should students use?
    Safety goggles and gloves are recommended.
  7. How can I protect wood from damage?
    Use varnish or paint to protect the surface.
  8. What is a clamp used for?
    A clamp holds pieces together while the glue dries.
  9. Why are T-squares used?
    T-squares help ensure accurate, straight lines.
  10. What are the steps involved in making a stool?
    Measure, cut, shape, assemble, and finish the wood pieces.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Demonstrate how to use basic tools such as saws and hammers.
  2. Guide students in creating a small project like a picture frame.
  3. Monitor students’ use of tools to ensure safety.

Learners’ Activities

  1. Participate in planning and designing simple woodwork projects.
  2. Use tools under supervision to produce their own wood items.
  3. Discuss how to improve their projects based on feedback.

Evaluation Questions

  1. Define a simple woodwork project.
  2. List three essential tools for woodwork.
  3. Describe the purpose of sanding in woodwork.
  4. What safety measures should be followed during woodwork?
  5. What is the purpose of a clamp?
  6. Name a tool used for curved cuts in wood.
  7. How is wood glue used in assembling projects?
  8. What is the importance of varnish in finishing?
  9. Why are T-squares essential in woodwork?
  10. Explain the steps to make a wooden picture frame.


The teacher will inspect students’ projects, give feedback, and encourage improvements where necessary.