Understanding Methods of Advertising in Agriculture

Lesson Plan: Methods of Advertising

Subject: Agricultural Science
Class: JSS 3
Term: First Term
Week: 8
Age: 12 – 14 years
Topic: Methods of Advertising
Sub-topic: Direct and Indirect Methods
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Identify and describe direct and indirect methods of advertising.
  2. List various advertising media such as print, radio, and digital platforms.
  3. Explain the factors that influence buying decisions.
  4. State the advantages and disadvantages of each advertising method.


  • Advertising
  • Direct advertising
  • Indirect advertising
  • Media
  • Buying decisions

Set Induction

The teacher will start by asking students if they can recall any advertisements they’ve seen recently. This will lead to a discussion about the different ways advertisements reach people.

Entry Behaviour

Students have learned about the basics of advertising in previous lessons, making this lesson a continuation of that understanding.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Samples of advertisements (print, radio, online)
  • Projector or board for displaying examples
  • Agricultural Science textbook for JSS 3

Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge

This lesson builds on the previous topics about types of advertising and their significance in the marketing of agricultural products.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Analytical skills (assessing various advertising methods)
  • Communication (discussing advertising strategies)
  • Critical thinking (evaluating advantages and disadvantages)

Learning Materials

  • Agricultural Science textbook
  • Access to multimedia examples (videos, audio ads)
  • Posters of different advertisements

Instructional Materials

  • Display materials (projector or printed ads)
  • Whiteboard and markers

Content: Methods of Advertising

I. Methods of Advertising

  1. Direct Advertising
    • Definition: Direct advertising involves reaching out to potential customers through personal communication channels, often resulting in immediate responses.
    • Examples: Telemarketing, direct mail, email campaigns.
  2. Indirect Advertising
    • Definition: Indirect advertising aims to create awareness and interest through less personal channels, building brand image over time.
    • Examples: Television commercials, print ads, billboards.

II. Factors Influencing Buying Decisions

  • Personal Factors: Age, income, education, and lifestyle.
  • Psychological Factors: Motivation, perception, beliefs, and attitudes.
  • Social Factors: Family, friends, and social media influences.
  • Cultural Factors: Values, traditions, and societal norms.

III. Advertising Media

  1. The Press
    • Advantages: Wide reach, detailed information.
    • Disadvantages: Declining readership, limited immediate response.
  2. Newspapers
    • Advantages: Local targeting, credibility.
    • Disadvantages: Short lifespan, less effective for younger audiences.
  3. Television
    • Advantages: Visual appeal, broad audience.
    • Disadvantages: High production costs, limited attention span.
  4. Radio
    • Advantages: Cost-effective, local reach, immediate impact.
    • Disadvantages: No visual element, often overlooked.
  5. Cinema
    • Advantages: Engaging environment, targeted audience.
    • Disadvantages: High cost, limited reach compared to other media.
  6. Billboards
    • Advantages: High visibility, constant exposure.
    • Disadvantages: Limited information, may not reach all target demographics.
  7. Exhibitions
    • Advantages: Direct interaction with potential customers, product demonstration.
    • Disadvantages: High costs, limited duration.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Introduce and explain direct and indirect advertising methods.
  2. Discuss various advertising media and their influence on buying decisions.
  3. Guide students in identifying the advantages and disadvantages of each method.

Learners’ Activities

  1. Participate in discussions about advertising methods.
  2. Analyze examples of different advertising media.
  3. Work in groups to list advantages and disadvantages of methods discussed.


Fill-in-the-blank Questions

  1. __________ advertising targets customers through personal communication.
    a) Indirect
    b) Direct
    c) General
    d) Broadcast
  2. One advantage of television advertising is its __________ appeal.
    a) Written
    b) Visual
    c) Limited
    d) Boring
  3. __________ advertising aims to create awareness over time rather than immediate response.
    a) Direct
    b) Indirect
    c) Immediate
    d) Active
  4. Factors that influence buying decisions include __________, psychological, social, and cultural aspects.
    a) Personal
    b) Environmental
    c) Global
    d) All of the above
  5. An advantage of using billboards for advertising is their __________ visibility.
    a) Limited
    b) High
    c) Low
    d) Negligible
  6. One disadvantage of newspapers is their __________ lifespan.
    a) Long
    b) Limited
    c) Infinite
    d) Expanding
  7. The cost-effectiveness of __________ makes it a popular choice for local advertising.
    a) Television
    b) Radio
    c) Cinema
    d) Direct mail
  8. __________ is a method of advertising that involves face-to-face interaction with potential customers.
    a) Direct
    b) Indirect
    c) Billboard
    d) Exhibition
  9. The __________ of exhibitions is the ability to demonstrate products directly to consumers.
    a) Disadvantage
    b) Limitation
    c) Advantage
    d) Risk
  10. A disadvantage of radio advertising is the lack of a __________ element.
    a) Auditory
    b) Visual
    c) Creative
    d) Targeted

Class Activity Discussion: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What are direct and indirect advertising methods?
    • Direct methods involve personal communication, while indirect methods create awareness over time.
  2. What factors influence consumer buying decisions?
    • Personal, psychological, social, and cultural factors.
  3. How can advertising media affect consumer perceptions?
    • Different media create varying levels of engagement and trust with consumers.
  4. What are the advantages of using print media for advertising?
    • Wide reach and detailed information are key advantages.
  5. Why might radio be a good advertising choice for local businesses?
    • It is cost-effective and can reach a local audience quickly.
  6. What are the risks of using competitive advertising?
    • It can backfire if comparisons are misleading or not accurate.
  7. How can businesses measure the effectiveness of their advertising methods?
    • Through sales data, surveys, and consumer feedback.
  8. Can social media be considered a direct advertising method?
    • Yes, it allows for personal interaction and immediate responses.
  9. What makes television advertising appealing?
    • Its visual nature and broad audience reach.
  10. How can students create their own advertising strategies?
    • By identifying their target market and selecting appropriate advertising methods.


The teacher will summarize the key points about advertising methods, review the factors influencing buying decisions, and provide feedback on the students’ understanding of the material.