Branding in Agricultural Science for JSS 3 Students

Lesson Plan: Branding

Subject: Agricultural Science
Class: JSS 3
Term: First Term
Week: 3
Age: 13 – 15 years
Topic: Branding
Sub-topic: Definition, Advantages, and Disadvantages of Branding
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Define branding and explain its meaning.
  2. Identify the advantages of branding.
  3. List the disadvantages of branding.
  4. Recognize how branding influences customer perception and product sales.


  • Branding
  • Identity
  • Logo
  • Perception
  • Reputation

Set Induction

The teacher will show students some branded products (e.g., a Coca-Cola bottle, Nike shoes) and ask: “What do these products have in common?” The teacher will guide students to realize that these items are known by their brand names.

Entry Behaviour

Students interact with branded products daily, such as clothes, drinks, and electronics, making them familiar with the concept of branding.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Branded products (e.g., snacks, beverages, clothing)
  • Poster or chart showing popular brand logos
  • Sample packaging with visible brand names

Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge

This lesson builds on the previous topic on packaging. While packaging protects products, branding distinguishes products in the market and helps build recognition.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Critical thinking (analyzing branding strategies)
  • Communication (sharing opinions about brands)
  • Creativity (suggesting brand names)
  • Financial literacy (understanding brand value)

Learning Materials

  • Agricultural Science textbook for JSS 3
  • Lagos State Scheme of Work

Instructional Materials

  • Branded product samples
  • Charts showing brand logos and slogans

Content: Branding

Definition of Branding

  1. Branding is the process of creating a unique identity for a product or company through names, logos, designs, and symbols.
  2. It helps consumers identify and differentiate products from competitors.
  3. A brand may include elements like:
    • Logo (e.g., Apple’s apple logo)
    • Slogan (e.g., Nike’s “Just Do It”)
    • Packaging design (e.g., Coca-Cola’s red and white colors)

Advantages of Branding

  1. Product Recognition: Customers can easily identify and trust branded products.
  2. Builds Customer Loyalty: Brands with a good reputation attract loyal customers.
  3. Increases Sales: A strong brand encourages more people to buy the product.
  4. Differentiates from Competitors: Branding helps a product stand out in the market.
  5. Higher Prices: Strong brands can charge more because of perceived quality.

Disadvantages of Branding

  1. High Cost: Creating and promoting a brand requires money.
  2. Brand Failure Risk: If a brand makes a mistake, it can damage its reputation.
  3. Limited Flexibility: A well-known brand may struggle to introduce new products that differ from its identity.
  4. Counterfeiting: Popular brands attract imitation products, reducing the original’s value.
  5. Customer Bias: Customers may ignore new or unknown brands even if they offer better quality.

Teacher’s Activities

  1. Define branding and explain its importance using real-world examples.
  2. Display and discuss various branded products with the class.
  3. Guide students in listing the advantages and disadvantages of branding.
  4. Encourage students to suggest their own brand names for familiar products.

Learners’ Activities

  1. Observe and examine the branded products provided.
  2. Participate in discussions about the impact of branding.
  3. Work in groups to suggest brand names for different products.
  4. Ask questions about how branding affects businesses.


Fill-in-the-blank Questions

  1. Branding helps to create a __________ for a product or company.
    a) Price
    b) Unique identity
    c) Warehouse
    d) Package
  2. A __________ is a symbol or design that represents a brand.
    a) Logo
    b) Product
    c) Store
    d) Label
  3. One advantage of branding is that it builds __________ among customers.
    a) Confusion
    b) Loyalty
    c) Fear
    d) Competition
  4. A disadvantage of branding is that it can be __________.
    a) Affordable
    b) Cheap
    c) Expensive
    d) Easy
  5. Branding helps to __________ products from competitors.
    a) Copy
    b) Hide
    c) Differentiate
    d) Damage
  6. A well-known brand can increase __________.
    a) Prices
    b) Losses
    c) Spoilage
    d) Returns
  7. A slogan is a __________ associated with a brand.
    a) Sentence
    b) Song
    c) Short phrase
    d) Label
  8. Counterfeiting refers to the act of __________ a brand’s product illegally.
    a) Promoting
    b) Imitating
    c) Discarding
    d) Marketing
  9. __________ products are often more trusted by customers.
    a) Unbranded
    b) Branded
    c) Expired
    d) Generic
  10. Branding makes it easier for customers to __________ products they trust.
    a) Ignore
    b) Recognize
    c) Replace
    d) Destroy

Class Activity Discussion: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What is branding?
    • Branding is the process of creating a unique identity for a product or company.
  2. Why is branding important?
    • It helps customers recognize and trust a product.
  3. What are examples of brand elements?
    • Logo, slogan, packaging, and design.
  4. How does branding increase sales?
    • People are more likely to buy products they recognize and trust.
  5. What is a slogan?
    • A short phrase used to promote a brand.
  6. Can branding be expensive?
    • Yes, building and promoting a brand requires money.
  7. What happens if a brand makes a mistake?
    • It can harm the brand’s reputation.
  8. What is counterfeiting?
    • It is the illegal imitation of branded products.
  9. Why do customers prefer branded products?
    • They associate branded products with higher quality.
  10. Can unknown brands compete with big brands?
  • Yes, if they offer good quality and effective marketing.


The teacher will review students’ answers and provide feedback on their understanding of the topic.

SEO Section

  • Captivating Title: Branding in Agricultural Science for JSS 3 Students
  • Focus Keyphrase: Branding
  • SEO Title: Branding: Definition, Pros, and Cons for JSS 3 Students
  • Slug: branding-jss3
  • Meta Description: Explore the meaning of branding, its advantages, and disadvantages in Agricultural Science for JSS 3.

This lesson ensures students understand the concept of branding, how it shapes customer choices, and its impact on businesses.