Understanding Office Procedures: Bills, Invoices, and Receipts Business Studies JSS 3 First Term Lesson Notes Week 1

 Learn the meaning, importance, and procedures for preparing bills, invoices, and receipts in JSS 3 Business Studies.

Lesson Plan for Business Studies

  • Subject: Business Studies
  • Class: JSS 3
  • Term: First Term
  • Week: Week 1
  • Age: 12–14 years
  • Topic: Office Procedure
  • Sub-topic: Meaning and Importance of Office Procedures; Preparing Bills, Invoices, and Receipts
  • Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Define office procedure.
  2. Explain the importance of office procedures in business.
  3. Outline the steps for preparing bills, invoices, and receipts.


  • Office procedure
  • Bills
  • Invoice
  • Receipts
  • Documentation

Set Induction

The teacher asks the students: “Have you ever seen a bill, invoice, or receipt? How do you think they are prepared in a business?”

Entry Behaviour

Students are familiar with receipts from shops or bills from services like electricity.

Learning Resources and Materials

  1. Sample bills, invoices, and receipts
  2. Office documentation forms

Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge

Students have seen bills and receipts in their homes and shops. This lesson will teach them how these documents are prepared in the business world.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Financial literacy
  • Problem-solving
  • Organizational skills

Learning Materials

  1. Lagos State Scheme of Work
  2. Business Studies textbooks
  3. Samples of bills, invoices, and receipts

Reference Books

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for JSS 3 Business Studies
  • Business Studies Textbook for Junior Secondary Schools

Instructional Materials

  1. Business Studies textbook
  2. Examples of bills, invoices, and receipts
  3. Charts showing the process of preparing business documents


Meaning of Office Procedure

An office procedure refers to the set of rules and processes that businesses follow to complete tasks in an organized manner. These procedures ensure that office activities are done efficiently and correctly.

Importance of Office Procedures

Office procedures are important for several reasons:

  1. Organization: They help in maintaining order and ensuring that tasks are done correctly.
  2. Efficiency: Procedures speed up work by following a set process.
  3. Accuracy: Office procedures reduce mistakes by providing clear guidelines.
  4. Consistency: They ensure that tasks are performed the same way each time.
  5. Accountability: Office procedures make it easy to trace tasks and see who is responsible for them.

Procedures for Preparing Bills, Invoices, and Receipts

  1. Bills:
    • A bill is a request for payment for goods or services provided.
    • Steps for preparing a bill:
      • Identify the customer and the goods or services provided.
      • Calculate the total cost, including taxes if applicable.
      • Prepare the bill with details of the items and their prices.
      • Include the date and payment terms (when the bill should be paid).
      • Issue the bill to the customer.
  2. Invoices:
    • An invoice is a detailed statement showing the amount a customer owes for goods or services.
    • Steps for preparing an invoice:
      • Include the customer’s details and your business information.
      • List the goods or services provided, along with their costs.
      • Add any taxes or discounts.
      • State the payment terms, such as due dates and payment methods.
      • Send the invoice to the customer.
  3. Receipts:
    • A receipt is a document that shows proof of payment for goods or services.
    • Steps for preparing a receipt:
      • Include the name of the business and the date of the transaction.
      • Provide details of the items purchased and the amount paid.
      • Indicate the payment method (cash, bank transfer, etc.).
      • Ensure that both the business and customer keep a copy of the receipt for records.


Fill in the blank questions with options:

  1. The document used to request payment for services is called a _____.
    a) Receipt
    b) Invoice
    c) Bill
    d) Quotation
  2. A receipt is issued after _____.
    a) Goods are delivered
    b) Payment is made
    c) The invoice is sent
    d) The bill is prepared
  3. Office procedures help maintain _____.
    a) Confusion
    b) Organization
    c) Errors
    d) Disorganization
  4. An invoice shows the _____ that a customer owes.
    a) Items purchased
    b) Payments
    c) Amount
    d) Discounts
  5. The process of preparing a bill includes calculating the _____.
    a) Total cost
    b) Receipt
    c) Payment
    d) Amount received
  6. An office procedure ensures work is done _____.
    a) Slowly
    b) Incorrectly
    c) Efficiently
    d) Carelessly
  7. Invoices include details of _____.
    a) Office hours
    b) Customers’ orders
    c) Stock levels
    d) Payment terms
  8. The document that serves as proof of payment is a _____.
    a) Bill
    b) Receipt
    c) Invoice
    d) Memo
  9. Procedures help reduce _____.
    a) Efficiency
    b) Accuracy
    c) Mistakes
    d) Accountability
  10. A customer receives a receipt after _____.
    a) Placing an order
    b) Making a payment
    c) Receiving an invoice
    d) Asking for a bill

Class Activity Discussion: FAQs

  1. What is an office procedure?
    Answer: An office procedure is a set of rules and processes for completing tasks in an organized way.
  2. Why are office procedures important?
    Answer: They help in organizing tasks, increasing efficiency, and reducing mistakes.
  3. What is a bill?
    Answer: A bill is a request for payment for goods or services provided.
  4. What is an invoice?
    Answer: An invoice is a document showing the amount a customer owes for goods or services provided.
  5. What is a receipt?
    Answer: A receipt is proof of payment for goods or services received.
  6. When is a bill issued?
    Answer: A bill is issued after goods or services are provided and payment is requested.
  7. What information does an invoice contain?
    Answer: An invoice contains the customer’s details, list of goods or services, costs, and payment terms.
  8. Why are receipts important?
    Answer: Receipts serve as proof of payment and help both customers and businesses keep records.
  9. What is the difference between a bill and an invoice?
    Answer: A bill requests payment, while an invoice is a detailed statement showing the amount owed.
  10. When is a receipt issued?
    Answer: A receipt is issued after payment has been made for goods or services.
  11. How do office procedures improve accountability?
    Answer: They make it easy to trace tasks and know who is responsible for them.
  12. What does an invoice show apart from the amount owed?
    Answer: It shows the list of goods or services provided and the payment terms.
  13. What is included in a bill?
    Answer: A bill includes the total cost, the items purchased, and the payment terms.
  14. How do businesses use receipts?
    Answer: Businesses use receipts to record payments made by customers.
  15. What happens if an office procedure is not followed?
    Answer: It can lead to disorganization, errors, and inefficiency.


Step 1: The teacher revises the previous topic, such as “Types of Office Documents.”
Step 2: The teacher introduces the new topic by explaining what office procedures are and their importance in business.
Step 3: Students contribute by discussing examples of bills and receipts they have seen, and the teacher explains the procedures for preparing them.


Teacher’s Activities:

  • Show examples of bills, invoices, and receipts.
  • Explain the steps for preparing each document.
  • Discuss the importance of office procedures.

Learner’s Activities:

  • Identify examples of bills, invoices, and receipts.
  • Participate in discussions on office procedures.
  • Ask questions for clarification.


Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is an office procedure?
  2. List three reasons why office procedures are important.
  3. What is a bill?
  4. How do you prepare an invoice?
  5. What information should be on a receipt?
  6. What is the difference between a bill and a receipt?
  7. Why are office procedures important for accuracy?
  8. How does an office procedure help with organization?
  9. What is included in a bill?
  10. How do office procedures reduce mistakes?


The teacher goes around to mark the students’ answers and evaluates their understanding of the topic.