Understanding Communication: Its Importance and Means in Business for JSS 3 Students Business Studies JSS 3 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8

Communication in Business

Subject: Business Studies
Class: JSS 3
Term: First Term
Week: 8
Age: 14-15 years

Topic: Communication
Sub-topic: Meaning, Means, and Importance of Communication in Business
Duration: 60 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Define communication.
  2. Identify various means of communication.
  3. Explain the importance of communication in business.
  4. Describe services provided by communication agencies.
  5. Discuss how communication impacts business operations.

Keywords: Communication, postal services, telephone, internet, courier services.

Set Induction:
Start with a question: “How do you communicate with friends and family?” This will lead into discussing the broader topic of communication.

Entry Behaviour:
Students should have basic knowledge of how they communicate in everyday life.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Charts of communication methods
  • Printed worksheets

Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge:
Review previous lessons on business operations and the role of communication.

Embedded Core Skills:
Critical thinking, communication, and collaboration.

Learning Materials:

  • Communication method charts
  • Relevant textbooks

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Business Studies
  • “Business Studies for Junior Secondary Schools”

Instructional Materials:

  • Projector (if available)
  • Sample communication tools (e.g., telephone, letters)


Meaning of Communication:
Communication is the process of exchanging information, ideas, or messages between people through speaking, writing, or using some other medium.

Means of Communication:

  1. Post:
    Sending letters and packages through postal services.
  2. Telephone:
    Voice communication over long distances using telephone lines.
  3. World Wide Web:
    Online communication through emails, websites, and social media.
  4. Courier Services:
    Fast delivery of messages and packages using specialized delivery services.

Importance of Communication in Business:

  1. Facilitates effective decision-making.
  2. Enhances collaboration among team members.
  3. Improves customer service and relations.
  4. Supports marketing and promotion efforts.
  5. Ensures smooth operations and workflow.

Services Provided by Communication Agencies:

  1. Postal and Telegraph Services:
    Sending letters, parcels, and telegraphic messages.
  2. Telephone Services:
    Providing telephone lines and mobile communication.
  3. Internet Services:
    Offering email, website hosting, and online communication platforms.
  4. Courier Services:
    Delivering documents and packages quickly and reliably.


Fill-in-the-Blank Questions:

  1. Communication is the process of __________ information. (a) hiding (b) exchanging (c) ignoring (d) complicating
  2. The __________ is a means of sending letters. (a) telephone (b) post (c) web (d) courier
  3. Voice communication is done through a __________. (a) computer (b) smartphone (c) telephone (d) letter
  4. The World Wide Web allows for __________ communication. (a) offline (b) digital (c) written (d) postal
  5. __________ services ensure fast delivery of messages. (a) Courier (b) Postal (c) Internet (d) Telephone
  6. Effective communication helps in __________ decision-making. (a) poor (b) slow (c) effective (d) irrelevant
  7. Good communication improves __________ relations. (a) customer (b) employee (c) business (d) none of the above
  8. Postal services are used for sending __________. (a) emails (b) parcels (c) texts (d) videos
  9. The internet allows for __________ communication through emails. (a) verbal (b) visual (c) electronic (d) personal
  10. Telephone services provide __________ communication. (a) face-to-face (b) written (c) voice (d) video
  11. __________ is important for promoting products. (a) Communication (b) Competition (c) Distribution (d) Pricing
  12. Courier services are often used for __________ documents. (a) personal (b) important (c) regular (d) non-urgent
  13. The World Wide Web is part of the __________. (a) internet (b) post (c) telephone (d) courier
  14. Communication agencies offer various __________. (a) goods (b) services (c) products (d) none of the above
  15. Good communication ensures smooth __________ in business. (a) operations (b) failures (c) arguments (d) silence

Class Activity Discussion:

FAQs with Answers:

  1. What is communication?
    It’s the exchange of information between people.
  2. What are some means of communication?
    Post, telephone, internet, and courier services.
  3. Why is communication important in business?
    It facilitates decision-making and enhances collaboration.
  4. What does the postal service do?
    It sends letters and parcels.
  5. How does the telephone facilitate communication?
    It allows for voice conversations over distances.
  6. What is the World Wide Web used for?
    Online communication, including emails and social media.
  7. What is a courier service?
    A service that delivers messages and packages quickly.
  8. How does good communication impact customer service?
    It helps address customer needs and concerns effectively.
  9. What are communication agencies?
    Organizations that provide communication services.
  10. Can communication be both verbal and written?
    Yes, communication can occur in many forms.
  11. What is a key benefit of using the internet for communication?
    It allows instant and global communication.
  12. How do courier services differ from postal services?
    Courier services are typically faster and more reliable.
  13. What role does communication play in marketing?
    It helps promote products and reach customers.
  14. Can poor communication affect business operations?
    Yes, it can lead to misunderstandings and inefficiencies.
  15. Why should businesses invest in communication services?
    To enhance operations, improve customer relations, and promote growth.


Step 1: Teacher revises the previous topic on business operations.
Step 2: Teacher introduces communication and its significance in business.
Step 3: Students contribute their thoughts, and the teacher provides feedback.


Teacher’s Activities:

  • Lead discussions and provide examples of communication methods.
  • Guide students in group activities to explore different communication means.

Learner’s Activities:

  • Participate in discussions and share personal experiences with communication.
  • Work in groups to present on different means of communication.


Evaluation Questions:

  1. Define communication in your own words.
  2. List two means of communication.
  3. Why is effective communication crucial in business?
  4. Describe a service provided by a communication agency.
  5. How does the internet improve communication?


The teacher circulates to mark and provide feedback, ensuring students understand the importance of communication in business operations.

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