Revision of All Topics Covered Business Studies JSS 3 First Term Lesson Notes Week 11

Week 11: Revision of All Topics Covered

Part A: Review and Revision

(20 Frequently Asked Questions with Answers)

  1. What is a bill?
    A bill is a document that shows how much money is owed for goods or services.
  2. What is an invoice used for?
    An invoice is used to request payment for goods or services provided.
  3. What is a receipt?
    A receipt is proof that payment has been made for goods or services.
  4. Why is keeping store records important?
    It helps track stock and prevent shortages or losses.
  5. What is electronic payment?
    Electronic payment is when money is transferred through digital methods like bank transfers.
  6. Name two examples of office equipment.
    Printers and photocopiers.
  7. What is verbal communication?
    Verbal communication is when we speak to share information.
  8. What is advertising?
    Advertising is a way to let people know about products or services to increase sales.
  9. What does SWOT stand for?
    SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.
  10. Why is transportation important in business?
    It helps move goods from one place to another, making them available for customers.
  11. What is a business plan?
    A business plan is a guide that explains what a business wants to do and how it will do it.
  12. What are store records?
    Store records keep details about stock in a business.
  13. What is print advertising?
    Print advertising is done through newspapers, magazines, or flyers.
  14. What is the role of a photocopier?
    A photocopier makes paper copies of documents.
  15. What is non-verbal communication?
    Non-verbal communication uses body language, gestures, or facial expressions to share information.
  16. What is a cheque?
    A cheque is a signed document used to pay money from one account to another.
  17. Why do businesses use SWOT analysis?
    To understand their strengths, weaknesses, and what they can improve.
  18. What is digital advertising?
    Digital advertising is done online using social media, websites, or email.
  19. What is a store manager’s job?
    A store manager keeps track of stock and ensures everything runs smoothly.
  20. What does a receipt show?
    A receipt shows that payment has been made for something bought.

Part B: Objective Questions

(Choose the correct option: a, b, c, or d)

  1. A document that shows how much money you need to pay is a _____.
    a) Receipt
    b) Bill
    c) Invoice
    d) Letter
  2. A payment made through your phone or computer is called _____.
    a) Cash payment
    b) Barter
    c) Electronic payment
    d) Cheque
  3. Office equipment like printers helps to _____.
    a) Write letters
    b) Copy documents
    c) Answer phone calls
    d) Manage staff
  4. A receipt is given when _____.
    a) An order is placed
    b) Payment is made
    c) Goods are shipped
    d) An invoice is received
  5. What is an example of verbal communication?
    a) Email
    b) Phone call
    c) Brochure
    d) Poster
  6. An important part of SWOT analysis is _____.
    a) Stock levels
    b) Sales figures
    c) Strengths and weaknesses
    d) Store records
  7. One type of advertising done on social media is _____.
    a) Print advertising
    b) Digital advertising
    c) Broadcast advertising
    d) Outdoor advertising
  8. Which of these helps move goods from one place to another?
    a) Transport
    b) Stock card
    c) Printer
    d) Advertisement
  9. A cheque is used to _____.
    a) Show stock levels
    b) Make a payment
    c) Copy a document
    d) Send an email
  10. What is an example of store records?
    a) Goods receipt note
    b) Brochure
    c) Sales figures
    d) Advertisement
  11. Advertising that reaches a wide audience through television is called _____.
    a) Print advertising
    b) Digital advertising
    c) Broadcast advertising
    d) Outdoor advertising
  12. The purpose of a business plan is to _____.
    a) Identify weaknesses
    b) Set goals and strategies
    c) Increase sales
    d) Manage employees
  13. A business’s strengths are its _____.
    a) Weaknesses
    b) Internal advantages
    c) External threats
    d) Competitors
  14. Non-verbal communication includes _____.
    a) Writing emails
    b) Talking on the phone
    c) Body language
    d) Sending letters
  15. Keeping track of store records helps to prevent _____.
    a) Over-stocking
    b) Loss of money
    c) Customer complaints
    d) All of the above
  16. A digital advertisement is primarily found on _____.
    a) Billboards
    b) Magazines
    c) Social media
    d) Business cards
  17. A major benefit of electronic payments is that they are _____.
    a) Slow
    b) Inconvenient
    c) Fast and secure
    d) Complicated
  18. The role of a store manager is to _____.
    a) Make advertisements
    b) Manage daily operations
    c) Conduct meetings
    d) None of the above
  19. Print media includes advertisements in _____.
    a) Emails
    b) Social media
    c) Newspapers
    d) Text messages
  20. Transportation in business is important for _____.
    a) Communication
    b) Stock management
    c) Delivery of products
    d) Employee training

Part C: Theory Questions

(Answer the following questions briefly)

  1. What is an invoice?
  2. Give two examples of store records.
  3. What is the role of advertising in business?
  4. Name two ways businesses can communicate.
  5. What does a receipt show?
  6. Why is it important to keep stock records?
  7. Explain what a business plan is.
  8. What does SWOT analysis help with?
  9. How does transportation affect business?
  10. Name two types of office equipment.
  11. Describe a method of electronic payment.
  12. What is the importance of non-verbal communication?
  13. How can a business benefit from a well-prepared business plan?
  14. What is the difference between print advertising and digital advertising?
  15. Why is it necessary to keep a record of sales in a store?
  16. What are the advantages of using a photocopier in an office?
  17. Explain how advertising can influence customer behavior.
  18. What factors should a business consider in their SWOT analysis?
  19. Why is effective communication important in a business?
  20. What role does transportation play in customer satisfaction?

Part D: True or False Questions

(Indicate whether the statement is True or False)

  1. A receipt is proof that payment has been made.
  2. Electronic payment means paying with cash.
  3. A photocopier is used to send emails.
  4. SWOT analysis looks at both strengths and weaknesses.
  5. Store records help businesses track what is sold.
  6. Verbal communication can happen through a phone call.
  7. Digital advertising includes posters and flyers.
  8. A business plan helps guide what the business should do.
  9. Keeping stock records prevents over-ordering.
  10. Transportation has no effect on product delivery.
  11. Advertising is only necessary for large businesses.
  12. Non-verbal communication can be confusing for customers.
  13. A business plan should be written down.
  14. Print media is no longer effective for advertising.
  15. Receipts should be kept for record-keeping.
  16. A cheque is a form of cash payment.
  17. Electronic payments are always secure.
  18. Body language is part of non-verbal communication.
  19. Transportation costs can affect product pricing.
  20. A bill is the same as an invoice.

Part E: Fill in the Gaps

(No options provided)

  1. A _____ is used to request payment for goods or services.
  2. _____ is used to keep track of items in a business.
  3. A _____ is given after payment is made.
  4. _____ communication involves speaking to share information.
  5. _____ helps businesses understand their strengths and weaknesses.
  6. A printer is a type of _____ equipment.
  7. _____ is used to move goods from one place to another.
  8. A business plan includes the _____ of the business.
  9. Office equipment like a _____ makes copies of documents.
  10. Advertising helps create _____ for a product.
  11. A business’s _____ can help it grow and succeed.
  12. Store records are important for tracking _____.
  13. _____ payment is quick and convenient for online purchases.
  14. A _____ is a signed document used to pay money from one account to another.
  15. Good communication helps improve _____ in a business.
  16. Digital advertising reaches customers through _____.
  17. The role of a store manager is to manage daily _____.
  18. Non-verbal signals can enhance verbal _____.
  19. Print advertising is still effective in _____.
  20. _____ analysis is important for strategic planning in business.

This format includes a complete set of questions that can aid students in revising the topics covered throughout the term.

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