Creating a Simple Business Plan: Step-by-Step Guide for JSS 3 Students Business Studies JSS 3 First Term Lesson Notes Week 10

Simple Single Business Plan

Subject: Business Studies
Class: JSS 3
Term: First Term
Week: 10
Age: 14-15 years

Topic: Simple Single Business Plan
Sub-topic: Procedures for Drawing Up a Simple Single Business Plan
Duration: 60 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Define a simple business plan.
  2. Explain the importance of a business plan.
  3. List the steps involved in creating a simple business plan.
  4. Identify key components of a business plan.
  5. Draft a basic outline of a business plan.

Keywords: Business plan, entrepreneurship, objectives, market analysis, financial plan.

Set Induction:
Begin with a discussion about what businesses students know. Ask them why they think businesses succeed or fail.

Entry Behaviour:
Students should have a basic understanding of business concepts and entrepreneurship.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Projector (if available)
  • Sample business plan templates
  • Printed worksheets

Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge:
Recall previous lessons on entrepreneurship and the characteristics of a good entrepreneur.

Embedded Core Skills:
Critical thinking, communication, problem-solving, and teamwork.

Learning Materials:

  • Sample business plan
  • Relevant textbooks

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Business Studies
  • “Business Studies for Junior Secondary Schools”

Instructional Materials:

  • Chart paper for group activities
  • Markers


A simple business plan is a written document that outlines a business’s goals, strategies, and the means to achieve them.


  1. Helps clarify business ideas.
  2. Attracts investors or loans.
  3. Guides business operations.
  4. Sets benchmarks for success.
  5. Helps identify potential challenges.

Procedures for Drawing Up a Simple Business Plan:

  1. Executive Summary: Briefly summarize the business idea.
  2. Business Description: Outline what the business does.
  3. Market Analysis: Research the target market and competitors.
  4. Organization and Management: Describe the business structure and team.
  5. Financial Plan: Include startup costs, revenue projections, and funding needs.


Fill-in-the-Blank Questions:

  1. A business plan is a __________ document. (a) written (b) spoken (c) visual (d) digital
  2. The __________ summary gives an overview of the business plan. (a) executive (b) market (c) financial (d) product
  3. Market analysis helps identify __________. (a) customers (b) suppliers (c) locations (d) all of the above
  4. Financial planning includes __________ costs. (a) personal (b) startup (c) fixed (d) variable
  5. The business __________ describes the structure of the business. (a) plan (b) model (c) description (d) overview
  6. A good business plan can attract __________. (a) employees (b) investors (c) customers (d) competitors
  7. The __________ describes what the business does. (a) executive summary (b) market analysis (c) financial plan (d) business description
  8. An effective business plan is usually __________. (a) complex (b) clear (c) long (d) vague
  9. Competitor analysis is part of __________. (a) organization (b) market analysis (c) financial planning (d) management
  10. The __________ of the business plan outlines the goals. (a) executive summary (b) financial plan (c) overview (d) objectives
  11. Startups often require __________ for funding. (a) loans (b) charity (c) free help (d) none of the above
  12. The business plan should be __________ regularly. (a) ignored (b) updated (c) forgotten (d) discarded
  13. An entrepreneur should have a __________ to guide their business. (a) map (b) plan (c) goal (d) mentor
  14. The target __________ is essential for market analysis. (a) audience (b) age (c) price (d) quality
  15. The first step in writing a business plan is to create an __________. (a) introduction (b) executive summary (c) outline (d) analysis

Class Activity Discussion:

FAQs with Answers:

  1. What is a business plan?
    A business plan is a document that outlines the goals and strategies of a business.
  2. Why do I need a business plan?
    It helps clarify your business idea and attracts investors.
  3. What should be included in a business plan?
    Executive summary, business description, market analysis, and financial plan.
  4. How long should a business plan be?
    It can vary but should be concise and clear, usually 10-20 pages.
  5. Who uses business plans?
    Entrepreneurs, investors, and banks use business plans to make informed decisions.
  6. Can I change my business plan?
    Yes, business plans should be flexible and updated as needed.
  7. What is market analysis?
    It’s the research on your target market and competition.
  8. Do I need to be an expert to write a business plan?
    No, anyone can write a business plan with some research and guidance.
  9. How often should I review my business plan?
    Regularly, at least once a year.
  10. What is a financial plan?
    It outlines how much money is needed and how it will be used.
  11. Can I write a business plan alone?
    Yes, but collaborating can provide different perspectives.
  12. What if my plan doesn’t work?
    Learn from it, adjust, and try again.
  13. Should I include my competition in my plan?
    Yes, analyzing competitors is essential.
  14. How do I start writing a business plan?
    Begin with an executive summary and outline your ideas.
  15. Is there software to help with business plans?
    Yes, there are many tools and templates available online.


Step 1: Teacher revises the previous topic on entrepreneurship.
Step 2: Teacher introduces the new topic of business plans.
Step 3: Students contribute their ideas, and the teacher provides corrections.


Teacher’s Activities:

  • Facilitate discussions.
  • Present examples of business plans.
  • Guide students in group activities.

Learner’s Activities:

  • Participate in discussions.
  • Work in groups to draft a simple business plan outline.
  • Share their ideas with the class.


Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is the purpose of a business plan?
  2. Name one key component of a business plan.
  3. What does market analysis involve?
  4. Describe the financial plan in a business plan.
  5. Why is the executive summary important?
  6. How can a business plan help attract investors?
  7. What is a common mistake in writing a business plan?
  8. How can you ensure your business plan is effective?
  9. What role does competition analysis play in a business plan?
  10. How can you make a business plan flexible?


The teacher goes around to mark and conduct necessary evaluations, providing feedback on the students’ understanding of the topic.