Comprehension: The Making of New Millionaires | JSS 3 English Lesson Comprehension English Grammar JSS 3 First Term Lesson Notes Week 4

Lesson Plan: Comprehension – ‘The Making of New Millionaires’

Subject: English Grammar
Class: JSS 3
Term: First Term
Week: 4
Age: 13–15 years
Topic: Reading Comprehension
Sub-topic: The Making of New Millionaires
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Read and comprehend a passage about the socio-economic impact of infrastructure development.
  2. Answer questions based on the given passage to demonstrate understanding.
  3. Identify and explain key vocabulary from the passage.
  4. Summarize the main ideas of the passage in their own words.


  • Infrastructure
  • Transformation
  • Employment
  • Development
  • Opportunity
  • Isolation

Set Induction:

The teacher will begin by asking students if they have ever seen a road or building project transform a local community. This will engage students and introduce the idea of infrastructure development as discussed in the comprehension passage.

Entry Behaviour:

Students are familiar with basic reading comprehension techniques, such as identifying the main idea, summarizing, and answering specific questions about a passage.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Printed copies of the comprehension passage: The Making of New Millionaires
  • Chalkboard/whiteboard for displaying key vocabulary
  • Worksheets with comprehension questions

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

The teacher will remind students of previous lessons on reading comprehension and critical thinking, emphasizing how these skills help in understanding the deeper meanings of texts.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Reading and interpretation
  • Critical thinking
  • Vocabulary development
  • Summarization skills

Instructional Materials:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Vocabulary lists from the passage
  • Questions and answers worksheet

Comprehension Passage: The Making of New Millionaires

The rumour, spreading like wildfire during the harmattan season, was that a new road would soon link the quiet village of Koko with the bustling town of Charima. For years, the people of Koko had been cut off from the opportunities of Charima due to the poor state of the narrow, unpaved track connecting the two areas. Traders, farmers, and students struggled to make the difficult journey on foot or by bicycle. The village was in dire need of development, and many residents felt trapped in poverty.

However, change was coming. Zima-Zima Company, a renowned road construction company, had been awarded the contract to build a modern road between Koko and Charima. The project would not only bring development to Koko but also create jobs for the local people. In no time, the once-quiet village turned into a hive of activity as trucks and construction workers arrived. Zima-Zima Company began hiring workers from the village, offering well-paying jobs to those who were previously unemployed.

Among the newly hired workers was Adamu, a farmer in his early thirties who had spent years toiling on his small plot of land with little reward. When he heard about the road project, he jumped at the opportunity. Adamu had always dreamed of giving his children a better life, and now he had a chance to earn enough money to send them to school in Charima. “This road will change our lives,” Adamu said excitedly as he started his first day on the construction site.

As the construction progressed, news of the new road spread beyond Koko and Charima. Business owners in Charima eagerly anticipated the completion of the road, knowing it would bring more customers and improve trade. Farmers in Koko, like Adamu, would now be able to transport their crops more easily, increasing their profits and reducing spoilage. The new road was expected to transform Koko from a sleepy village into a thriving community.

In the evenings, after long hours of work, the new employees of Zima-Zima Company would gather at the local market to share stories. They talked about their new earnings, their plans for the future, and the opportunities the road would bring. Some, like Adamu, dreamed of starting small businesses. Others talked about investing in better homes and farming equipment. The road was not just a means of transportation; it was a pathway to a brighter future for the people of Koko.

By the time the road was half-complete, the village had already started to see the benefits. Local shops began to spring up along the roadside, and more traders from Charima visited Koko to sell goods. The once-isolated village was now buzzing with excitement. As the road neared completion, many villagers believed that this project was making millionaires out of ordinary people, giving them opportunities they never thought possible.

“The making of new millionaires,” as the villagers called it, was more than just about wealth. It was about hope, development, and the promise of a better life. For the people of Koko, the road was not just a project; it was a symbol of transformation and progress.

Comprehension Questions:

  1. What is the main purpose of the road being built between Koko and Charima?
  2. Why was it difficult for the people of Koko to travel to Charima before the new road project?
  3. What company was hired to construct the road?
  4. How did the road project impact the lives of the people in Koko?
  5. Why was Adamu excited about the new road project?
  6. What changes did the village of Koko experience as the road construction progressed?
  7. How did the construction of the road create new opportunities for the villagers?
  8. Why do the villagers refer to the road project as “the making of new millionaires”?
  9. What future plans did the newly employed workers discuss among themselves?
  10. What is the overall message of the passage?

Lesson Plan Summary:

This reading comprehension passage, “The Making of New Millionaires,” highlights the transformative power of infrastructure development on small communities. Students will analyze the economic and social impacts of the road construction on the village of Koko and its residents, while also improving their reading comprehension skills by answering questions related to the passage

Lesson Plan: Comprehension – ‘The Making of New Millionaires’




  1. Introduction to the Passage
    The passage focuses on how the construction of a new road linking Koko and Charima is transforming the local village, creating employment opportunities, and fostering economic growth. Through the experiences of local residents like Adamu, students will explore the impact of infrastructure on communities.
  2. Key Vocabulary:
    The teacher will write key words on the board and ask students to define them. Words include:

    • Infrastructure
    • Employment
    • Transformation
    • Opportunity
    • Isolation
    • Development
  3. Comprehension Questions:
    The teacher will guide students through the passage, asking questions to ensure understanding:

    • What is the main purpose of the new road being built between Koko and Charima?
    • How did the road construction project affect the lives of the villagers?
    • Why is the project referred to as “the making of new millionaires”?
    • What opportunities did the new road bring to the people of Koko?

Board Summary:

  • Main Idea: The road project is transforming Koko village by creating jobs and economic growth.
  • Impact on Villagers: Increased employment, better transportation, and new business opportunities.
  • Key Vocabulary: Infrastructure, development, isolation, opportunity.
  • Summary: Infrastructure development, such as building roads, can significantly change the lives of local communities.

Teacher’s Activities:

  1. Introduce the passage by explaining the context and importance of infrastructure in rural communities.
  2. Read the passage aloud while students follow along in their printed copies.
  3. Pause to explain key terms and phrases to ensure understanding.
  4. Guide the students in answering comprehension questions both orally and in written form.
  5. Engage the students in a class discussion about how infrastructure projects affect their own communities.
  6. Assist students in summarizing the main points of the passage.

Learners’ Activities:

  1. Follow the teacher’s reading of the passage and highlight key points.
  2. Take turns reading sections of the passage aloud to practice fluency.
  3. Answer comprehension questions, both in oral discussion and written exercises.
  4. Discuss the impact of infrastructure in their own lives and communities.
  5. Summarize the passage in their own words, focusing on key ideas.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is the significance of the road linking Koko and Charima?
  2. How did the new road project benefit the residents of Koko?
  3. Why was Adamu eager to work on the construction of the road?
  4. Define the term “infrastructure” as used in the passage.
  5. How did the project lead to “the making of new millionaires”?
  6. What lesson can we learn about the importance of development in rural areas?

Class Activity Discussion:

  1. Why do you think infrastructure is important for rural development?
  2. How do you think this new road will change the daily lives of the villagers?
  3. Can you think of other examples where a road or building has transformed a community?
  4. How does creating jobs in construction affect the overall economy of a village?
  5. What do you think Adamu’s life will look like after the completion of the road?


The teacher will review the main ideas of the passage, ask students for their final thoughts, and correct any misunderstandings. The session will conclude with a brief reflection on how similar developments could affect the students’ own lives and communities.

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