Business Studies First Term Examination Questions JSS 3 First Term Lesson Notes

Week 12: Examination of the Topics Covered in the First Term

Exam Instructions for Teachers and Students

For Teachers:

  1. Prepare the Exam Environment:
    • Ensure the examination room is quiet and free from distractions.
    • Arrange seating to prevent students from looking at each other’s papers.
  2. Provide Clear Instructions:
    • Explain the structure of the exam and the time allowed for each part.
    • Remind students to write clearly and legibly.
  3. Monitor the Exam:
    • Actively supervise the exam room to discourage cheating.
    • Address any student questions about the exam content, but do not give away answers.
  4. Collect All Materials:
    • Gather all exam papers and materials at the end of the exam.
    • Ensure that students do not leave with any exam materials.
  5. Maintain Integrity:
    • Remind students that any form of cheating or malpractice will lead to serious consequences.

For Students:

  1. Arrive on Time:
    • Be punctual to avoid distractions and have enough time to settle in.
  2. Bring Necessary Materials:
    • Bring pens, pencils, erasers, and any other allowed materials.
    • Do not bring notes, textbooks, or unauthorized materials.
  3. Follow Instructions:
    • Read all instructions carefully before starting the exam.
    • Write your answers clearly and in the spaces provided.
  4. Avoid Cheating:
    • Do not look at your neighbor’s paper or share answers.
    • Do not use your phone or any other electronic devices during the exam.
  5. Stay Calm:
    • If you don’t know an answer, move on and come back to it later.
    • Focus on your own work and do your best.

Part A: Objective Questions

(Choose the correct option: a, b, c, or d)

  1. A bill is a document that shows how much money you need to pay for ____.
    a) services
    b) an order
    c) stock
    d) cash
  2. An invoice is used to _____.
    a) collect payments
    b) pay employees
    c) buy goods
    d) send messages
  3. A receipt proves that ____ has been made.
    a) a bill
    b) payment
    c) an invoice
    d) a sale
  4. Store records help businesses track _____.
    a) profits
    b) staff
    c) products
    d) customers
  5. Electronic payment is made through ____.
    a) cash
    b) checks
    c) digital methods
    d) bartering
  6. A photocopier is used to _____.
    a) send emails
    b) make copies
    c) print money
    d) manage files
  7. Advertising is important for _____.
    a) increasing awareness
    b) hiring staff
    c) keeping records
    d) setting prices
  8. Verbal communication involves _____.
    a) writing
    b) speaking
    c) body language
    d) typing
  9. SWOT analysis helps identify a business’s _____.
    a) products
    b) sales
    c) strengths and weaknesses
    d) customers
  10. The role of transportation in business is to _____.
    a) manage employees
    b) deliver goods
    c) keep records
    d) advertise products
  11. A business plan is important because it _____.
    a) lists employees
    b) guides business operations
    c) sells products
    d) tracks sales
  12. Print advertising can be found in ____.
    a) newspapers
    b) email
    c) social media
    d) text messages
  13. A cheque is a method of ____.
    a) borrowing money
    b) making payments
    c) tracking expenses
    d) selling goods
  14. Good communication helps improve ____ in a business.
    a) profits
    b) customer service
    c) advertising
    d) stock levels
  15. Non-verbal communication can include ____.
    a) speaking
    b) texting
    c) facial expressions
    d) emailing
  16. Digital advertising includes ads on ____.
    a) billboards
    b) websites
    c) flyers
    d) newspapers
  17. The purpose of store records is to keep track of ____.
    a) cash flow
    b) customer feedback
    c) inventory
    d) employee schedules
  18. The SWOT analysis considers ____ as a threat.
    a) new competitors
    b) loyal customers
    c) strong management
    d) quality products
  19. The function of a printer in an office is to ____.
    a) make copies
    b) print documents
    c) store files
    d) send emails
  20. A store manager is responsible for _____.
    a) making advertisements
    b) managing daily operations
    c) hiring employees
    d) all of the above
  21. The main advantage of electronic payments is their ____.
    a) speed
    b) cost
    c) formality
    d) variety
  22. A receipt can be used as proof of ____.
    a) payment
    b) delivery
    c) order
    d) invoice
  23. Communication is essential in business to ensure ____.
    a) sales increase
    b) employees understand tasks
    c) products are sold
    d) records are kept
  24. Print media is considered traditional because it has been used for _____.
    a) many years
    b) online marketing
    c) advertising alone
    d) social networking
  25. A business plan outlines the _____.
    a) history of a company
    b) strategy for success
    c) number of employees
    d) types of products sold
  26. Advertising helps in creating ____ for the business.
    a) sales reports
    b) market strategies
    c) brand awareness
    d) business plans
  27. The primary role of transportation in business is to ____.
    a) manage human resources
    b) move products
    c) handle finances
    d) track inventory
  28. A disadvantage of digital advertising can be ____.
    a) easy tracking
    b) wide reach
    c) information overload
    d) targeted marketing
  29. Store records can help identify ____ in sales.
    a) profits
    b) trends
    c) problems
    d) expenses
  30. Non-verbal communication includes all except ____.
    a) gestures
    b) tone of voice
    c) writing
    d) body language

Part B: Theory Questions

(Answer the following questions briefly)

  1. What is a bill?
  2. Describe the purpose of an invoice.
  3. Why is a receipt important?
  4. What information should be included in store records?
  5. What is electronic payment?
  6. How does a photocopier help in an office?
  7. What are the main goals of advertising?
  8. Explain the difference between verbal and non-verbal communication.
  9. What does SWOT analysis stand for?
  10. Why is transportation important for a business?
  11. Name two types of advertising.
  12. What role do store records play in managing a business?
  13. Describe how electronic payments are made.
  14. How does effective communication benefit a business?
  15. What factors are considered in a SWOT analysis?
  16. What are the advantages of using a business plan?
  17. Explain the importance of keeping a receipt.
  18. Describe two ways to improve communication in a business.
  19. What are the benefits of print advertising?
  20. How can transportation affect customer satisfaction?

Part C: True or False Questions

(Indicate whether the statement is True or False)

  1. A receipt shows proof of payment.
  2. Electronic payments are made only in cash.
  3. A photocopier can send emails.
  4. SWOT analysis looks at strengths and weaknesses.
  5. Store records help keep track of products.
  6. Non-verbal communication includes facial expressions.
  7. Digital advertising is done through social media.
  8. A business plan is unnecessary for small businesses.
  9. Transportation is important for delivering products.
  10. An invoice is a type of receipt.
  11. Print advertising is less effective than digital advertising.
  12. A business’s strengths can help it grow.
  13. Cash payments are always preferred in business.
  14. All advertisements are designed to sell products.
  15. Communication is not important in a business setting.
  16. Cheques are a type of electronic payment.
  17. Store managers have no role in advertising.
  18. Verbal communication can happen in meetings.
  19. A good business plan can attract investors.
  20. Transportation costs do not affect product pricing.

Part D: Fill in the Gaps

(No options provided)

  1. A _____ shows how much money you owe.
  2. An _____ is used to request payment.
  3. A _____ confirms that payment has been made.
  4. Store records help track _____ in a business.
  5. _____ payment allows money to be transferred online.
  6. A _____ makes copies of documents.
  7. _____ helps businesses promote their products.
  8. Verbal communication is done through _____.
  9. SWOT stands for _____, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.
  10. Transportation is necessary for _____ goods to customers.
  11. A _____ is an important document in business transactions.
  12. Good _____ is essential for teamwork in an organization.
  13. An advertisement can be in the form of _____ or digital.
  14. The _____ is the person responsible for managing a store.
  15. _____ analysis is used to plan business strategies.
  16. _____ involves communicating without words.
  17. Customers receive a _____ after making a payment.
  18. A business can fail without a proper _____.
  19. _____ records help in understanding sales patterns.
  20. Effective _____ can improve customer relationships.

This structured format includes clear instructions and a comprehensive set of questions, aiding students in their exam preparation while promoting academic integrity.