Understanding Advertising: Types and Media for JSS 3 Students Business Studies JSS 3 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Advertising: Media and Functions

Subject: Business Studies
Class: JSS 3
Term: First Term
Week: 6
Age: 14-15 years

Topic: Advertising
Sub-topic: Advertising Media: Meaning, Types, Functions
Duration: 60 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Define advertising and its purpose.
  2. Identify different types of advertising.
  3. Explain the functions of advertising in business.
  4. Describe various advertising media.
  5. Analyze the effectiveness of different advertising methods.

Keywords: Advertising, media, types, functions, radio, television, newspaper, internet.

Set Induction:
Begin with a question: “What advertisements have you seen recently?” This will engage students and introduce the topic of advertising.

Entry Behaviour:
Students should have basic knowledge of advertising from their daily experiences.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Samples of advertisements (print and digital)
  • Printed worksheets

Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge:
Review previous lessons on marketing and promotion.

Embedded Core Skills:
Critical thinking, analysis, creativity, and communication.

Learning Materials:

  • Advertising examples (videos, print ads)
  • Relevant textbooks

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Business Studies
  • “Business Studies for Junior Secondary Schools”

Instructional Materials:

  • Projector (if available)
  • Posters of different advertising media


Meaning of Advertising:
Advertising is a paid form of communication that promotes products, services, or ideas to inform, persuade, or remind potential customers.

Types of Advertising:

  1. Informative Advertising:
    • Aims to provide detailed information about a product.
    • Example: New product launches.
  2. Persuasive Advertising:
    • Aims to convince customers to purchase a product.
    • Example: Special offers and discounts.
  3. Reminder Advertising:
    • Reinforces existing customer knowledge about a product.
    • Example: Seasonal promotions.

Functions of Advertising:

  1. Creates Awareness:
    • Introduces new products to potential customers.
  2. Informs Customers:
    • Provides information about product features and benefits.
  3. Persuades Customers:
    • Influences purchasing decisions through appealing messages.
  4. Builds Brand Image:
    • Establishes a brand identity and loyalty among consumers.
  5. Stimulates Demand:
    • Encourages consumers to purchase more products.

Advertising Media:

  1. Radio:
    • Advantages: Wide reach, cost-effective, and can target specific audiences.
    • Disadvantages: No visual component, limited time for messages.
  2. Television:
    • Advantages: High impact with audio-visual elements, reaches a large audience.
    • Disadvantages: Expensive production and airtime costs.
  3. Newspaper:
    • Advantages: Credible, reaches local audiences, and can be kept for reference.
    • Disadvantages: Limited shelf life, and may not reach younger audiences.
  4. Handbill:
    • Advantages: Inexpensive, can target specific locations.
    • Disadvantages: Often discarded and can be seen as junk mail.
  5. Magazines:
    • Advantages: Targeted readership, longer shelf life, and high-quality images.
    • Disadvantages: Slow to publish, and may have a high cost.
  6. Internet:
    • Advantages: Global reach, interactive, and cost-effective.
    • Disadvantages: Can be ignored easily, and requires digital literacy.
  7. Billboards:
    • Advantages: High visibility and impact in specific locations.
    • Disadvantages: Limited information, and can be costly.


Fill-in-the-Blank Questions:

  1. Advertising is a paid form of __________. (a) communication (b) decoration (c) storage (d) collection
  2. The purpose of advertising is to __________ products. (a) hide (b) promote (c) destroy (d) ignore
  3. Informative advertising aims to provide __________ about a product. (a) price (b) color (c) detailed information (d) taste
  4. The function of advertising that creates awareness is to __________. (a) hide (b) inform (c) introduce (d) confuse
  5. Radio advertising is __________ effective. (a) visually (b) audio (c) tasteless (d) time-consuming
  6. One disadvantage of television advertising is its __________ costs. (a) low (b) high (c) irrelevant (d) cheap
  7. Handbills are often seen as __________ mail. (a) important (b) junk (c) valuable (d) useful
  8. __________ advertising influences purchasing decisions. (a) Reminder (b) Informative (c) Persuasive (d) Decorative
  9. Newspaper advertising reaches __________ audiences. (a) local (b) global (c) international (d) irrelevant
  10. Internet advertising can be __________ ignored by users. (a) easily (b) rarely (c) always (d) never
  11. The main goal of reminder advertising is to __________ existing customers. (a) confuse (b) persuade (c) remind (d) ignore
  12. Billboards are effective for __________ visibility. (a) low (b) high (c) average (d) minor
  13. __________ advertising uses high-quality images. (a) Handbill (b) Radio (c) Magazine (d) Internet
  14. One advantage of internet advertising is its __________ reach. (a) limited (b) local (c) global (d) small
  15. The function of advertising that builds brand image is to __________ loyalty. (a) ignore (b) destroy (c) establish (d) confuse

Class Activity Discussion:

FAQs with Answers:

  1. What is advertising?
    A paid form of communication promoting products or services.
  2. What are the main types of advertising?
    Informative, persuasive, and reminder advertising.
  3. Why is advertising important for businesses?
    It creates awareness and influences customer decisions.
  4. What is the function of persuasive advertising?
    To convince customers to make a purchase.
  5. How does radio advertising work?
    It uses audio messages to reach a wide audience.
  6. What is a disadvantage of television advertising?
    High costs for production and airtime.
  7. What are handbills used for?
    To distribute information about products in specific locations.
  8. What advantage does internet advertising have?
    It allows for global reach and interaction with users.
  9. What is a common disadvantage of newspaper ads?
    Limited shelf life and declining readership among youth.
  10. How do billboards impact advertising?
    They provide high visibility in targeted locations.
  11. What is the purpose of reminder advertising?
    To keep existing products in the minds of customers.
  12. Why are magazines considered good for advertising?
    They have targeted readership and longer shelf life.
  13. What makes internet advertising unique?
    Its interactive nature and ability to reach global audiences.
  14. What do advertisements aim to achieve?
    They aim to inform, persuade, and remind consumers.
  15. How can a business measure the effectiveness of an ad?
    By analyzing sales data and customer feedback.


Step 1: Teacher revises the previous topic on marketing strategies.
Step 2: Teacher introduces advertising and its significance in business.
Step 3: Students share their insights, and the teacher provides corrections and guidance.


Teacher’s Activities:

  • Lead discussions on different advertising types and media.
  • Present examples of effective advertisements.

Learner’s Activities:

  • Participate in discussions and analyze advertisements.
  • Work in groups to create a mock advertisement.


Evaluation Questions:

  1. Define advertising in your own words.
  2. List two types of advertising and their functions.
  3. Explain why advertising is important in business.
  4. Describe an advantage of using television for advertising.
  5. How can internet advertising be effective?


The teacher circulates to mark and provide feedback, ensuring students understand the various aspects of advertising in business.

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