Revision of All Topics Covered Islamic Religious Studies JSS 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 12

Islamic Religious Studies JSS 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 12

Subject: Islamic Religious Studies
Class: JSS 2
Term: First Term
Week: 12
Topic: Revision of All Topics Covered

Behavioural Objectives:

By the end of the revision, students should be able to:

  1. Recall key Islamic teachings, stories, and concepts covered during the term.
  2. Answer questions on important Islamic historical events, the Quran, and the life of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W).
  3. Apply their knowledge in answering objective, theory, true or false, and fill-in-the-gap questions.

Set Induction:

Begin by asking students to summarize one topic they learned during the term. This will help them recall and prepare for the revision.

Learning Materials:

  • Textbooks
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Past notes and handouts

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

The topics covered in this term include the migration to Abyssinia, the Prophet’s preaching at Ta’if, angels in Islam, Surat Jinn, and more. Students have been learning about the early days of Islam and the struggles faced by the Prophet and his followers.

Reference Materials:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Islamic Religious Studies textbook
  • Class notes

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking
  • Recall and memory skills
  • Analytical reasoning

Part A: 20 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) with Answers

  1. Q: Who led the first migration of Muslims to Abyssinia?
    A: It was led by Ja’far ibn Abi Talib.
  2. Q: Why did Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) go to Ta’if?
    A: He went to Ta’if to invite the people to Islam.
  3. Q: How many verses are in Suratul Jinn?
    A: There are 28 verses in Suratul Jinn.
  4. Q: Who is the angel responsible for delivering messages to Prophets?
    A: Angel Jibril.
  5. Q: What does Hijra mean?
    A: Hijra means migration.
  6. Q: Why did the early Muslims migrate to Abyssinia?
    A: They migrated to escape persecution in Makkah.
  7. Q: Who was the Christian king that welcomed the Muslims in Abyssinia?
    A: The king was Negus.
  8. Q: What is the main theme of Suratul Jinn?
    A: It talks about the existence of jinn and their belief in the message of Islam.
  9. Q: What happened when the Prophet visited Ta’if?
    A: He was rejected and stoned by the people.
  10. Q: Who is referred to as the “Seal of the Prophets”?
    A: Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W).
  11. Q: In which year did the migration to Abyssinia happen?
    A: It happened in the year 615 CE.
  12. Q: What is the role of angels in Islam?
    A: Angels deliver messages from Allah and carry out His commands.
  13. Q: What are the first five verses of the Quran revealed to the Prophet?
    A: They are from Suratul Alaq, urging the Prophet to read in the name of Allah.
  14. Q: Why is environmental sanitation important in Islam?
    A: Cleanliness is part of faith in Islam.
  15. Q: How did Negus treat the Muslims in Abyssinia?
    A: He treated them with kindness and gave them protection.
  16. Q: What is the main purpose of migration in Islam?
    A: To escape persecution and practice Islam freely.
  17. Q: How do the jinn differ from humans in creation?
    A: Jinn are created from smokeless fire, while humans are created from clay.
  18. Q: What was the Prophet’s response when rejected in Ta’if?
    A: He prayed for the people and asked Allah for guidance.
  19. Q: What does Suratul Jinn tell us about the belief of jinn?
    A: Some jinn believe in Allah, while others disbelieve.
  20. Q: Who was the angel who gave the first revelation to Prophet Muhammad?
    A: Angel Jibril.

Part B: Objective Questions (20 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options a, b, c, or d)

  1. The Prophet’s journey to Ta’if resulted in _____.
    (a) success (b) rejection (c) peace (d) wealth
  2. The jinn are created from _____.
    (a) water (b) light (c) smokeless fire (d) clay
  3. The first migration of Muslims was to _____.
    (a) Abyssinia (b) Madinah (c) Ta’if (d) Makkah
  4. The leader of the first Muslim group to migrate to Abyssinia was _____.
    (a) Ali (b) Umar (c) Ja’far (d) Bilal
  5. Suratul Jinn is chapter ____ of the Quran.
    (a) 72 (b) 71 (c) 73 (d) 70
  6. The angel who brings revelations to Prophets is _____.
    (a) Israfil (b) Mikail (c) Jibril (d) Azrael
  7. The King of Abyssinia who protected Muslims was _____.
    (a) Caesar (b) Heraclius (c) Negus (d) Abu Sufyan
  8. Environmental sanitation is important in Islam because it _____.
    (a) prevents illness (b) is expensive (c) is part of faith (d) is unnecessary
  9. The Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) started preaching at the age of _____.
    (a) 30 (b) 40 (c) 50 (d) 60
  10. Jinn were created from _____.
    (a) light (b) water (c) fire (d) earth
  11. The Prophet’s journey to Ta’if ended in _____.
    (a) victory (b) rejection (c) success (d) happiness
  12. The migration to Abyssinia happened because of _____.
    (a) persecution (b) war (c) drought (d) poverty
  13. The angel responsible for revelations is _____.
    (a) Jibril (b) Israfil (c) Mikail (d) Ridwan
  14. The first migration to Abyssinia occurred in _____.
    (a) 622 CE (b) 615 CE (c) 630 CE (d) 610 CE
  15. Suratul Jinn speaks about _____.
    (a) angels (b) humans (c) jinn (d) animals
  16. The Prophet preached in Makkah for ____ years before migrating.
    (a) 5 (b) 13 (c) 10 (d) 7
  17. Angels are created from _____.
    (a) light (b) fire (c) clay (d) water
  18. The migration to Abyssinia was led by _____.
    (a) Umar (b) Ja’far (c) Ali (d) Abu Bakr
  19. The people of Ta’if ____ the Prophet.
    (a) welcomed (b) ignored (c) rejected (d) praised
  20. The jinn were created before _____.
    (a) the angels (b) the Quran (c) humans (d) prophets

Part C: Theory Questions (20 Short Answer Questions)

  1. Why did the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) visit Ta’if?
  2. Who were the first group of Muslims to migrate to Abyssinia?
  3. What is the main theme of Suratul Jinn?
  4. Why did the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) and the early Muslims migrate to Abyssinia?
  5. Who was the Christian king that helped the Muslims in Abyssinia?
  6. What does Hijra mean in Islamic history?
  7. How many years did the Prophet spend preaching in Makkah before migrating?
  8. What is the role of angels in Islam?
  9. What are the jinn created from?
  10. Describe the Prophet’s experience in Ta’if.
  11. What did the Muslims seek in Abyssinia?
  12. What is the significance of environmental sanitation in Islam?
  13. Who is the angel responsible for delivering revelations?
  14. How do jinn differ from humans in creation?
  15. What is the importance of the migration to Abyssinia in Islamic history?
  16. What is the meaning of the word “Jinn”?
  17. How did Negus treat the Muslims who migrated to Abyssinia?
  18. Why was environmental cleanliness important to the Prophet?
  19. What message did Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) deliver in Ta’if?
  20. Who led the first group of Muslims in the migration to Abyssinia?

Part D: True or False Questions (20 True or False Questions)

  1. The Prophet’s visit to Ta’if was successful.
  2. Jinn are created from light.
  3. The first migration of Muslims was to Abyssinia.
  4. Angel Jibril is responsible for delivering messages to prophets.
  5. The people of Ta’if welcomed the Prophet.
  6. Negus was the Christian king who protected the Muslims.
  7. Suratul Jinn talks about angels.
  8. The first migration to Abyssinia occurred in 615 CE.
  9. The Prophet preached in Makkah for 5 years before migrating.
  10. Jinn believe in both Allah and false gods.
  11. Hijra means migration in Islam.
  12. The jinn were created before humans.
  13. The Prophet prayed for the people of Ta’if after their rejection.
  14. The angel Israfil is responsible for bringing revelations.
  15. Environmental cleanliness is part of faith in Islam.
  16. The Muslims migrated to Abyssinia to escape persecution.
  17. Jinn are mentioned in Suratul Jinn.
  18. The Prophet spent 13 years preaching in Makkah.
  19. Angels are created from smokeless fire.
  20. The Muslims were welcomed by Negus in Abyssinia.

Part E: Fill-in-the-Gaps Questions (20 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions Without Options)

  1. The Prophet’s journey to Ta’if ended in _____.
  2. The jinn are created from _____.
  3. The angel responsible for delivering revelations is _____.
  4. The first migration of Muslims was to _____.
  5. The Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) visited Ta’if to _____.
  6. Negus was the king of _____.
  7. Suratul Jinn is chapter _____ of the Quran.
  8. The people of Ta’if _____ the Prophet.
  9. Jibril is the angel who brought the first revelation to the Prophet in _____.
  10. The first Muslim migration took place in _____.
  11. Hijra means _____ in Islam.
  12. The Muslims migrated to Abyssinia because of _____.
  13. The jinn were created before _____.
  14. The migration to Abyssinia occurred in the year _____.
  15. The Prophet spent _____ years preaching in Makkah.
  16. Jinn can believe in _____ or false gods.
  17. The Muslims sought protection in Abyssinia from King _____.
  18. Angels are created from _____ in Islam.
  19. The people of Ta’if rejected the _____ of the Prophet.
  20. Jinn are mentioned in Suratul _____.


After the revision, the teacher goes through the answers to help students understand the areas they need to focus on. This is essential for the upcoming exam.