Understanding Purification in Islam: At-Taharah and Its Importance Islamic Religious Studies JSS 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Islamic Religious Studies JSS 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Subject: Islamic Religious Studies
Class: JSS 1
Term: First Term
Week: 6
Age: 11 – 12 years
Topic: At-Taharah (Purification and its kinds)
Sub-topic: Types of Purification in Islam
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Explain the importance of At-Taharah in Islamic worship.
  2. Classify the types of impurities (Najasah and Hadath).
  3. Describe how purification from Najasah is achieved.


  • At-Taharah
  • Najasah
  • Hadath
  • Purification
  • Ablution (Wudu)

Set Induction:

The teacher will begin by asking the students to recall how they prepare before praying (Salat), leading into a discussion on purification.

Entry Behaviour:

Students are already familiar with performing ablution (Wudu) before Salat.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Qur’an
  • Pictures illustrating different forms of purification
  • Water container (for Wudu demonstration)

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

Students have learned about the importance of cleanliness in Islam and the requirement to perform Wudu before prayer.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Faith-based knowledge
  • Practical demonstration
  • Critical thinking

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Islamic Religious Studies Textbook for JSS 1

Instructional Materials:

  • Pictures of Najasah (physical impurities)
  • Demonstration tools for Wudu (water, basin)


  1. Definition of At-Taharah: At-Taharah in Islam means purification or cleanliness. It is an important part of worship, as no Muslim prayer (Salat) can be accepted without being in a state of purity.
  2. Importance of At-Taharah in Worship:
    • Precondition for Worship: Before a Muslim can engage in acts of worship like Salat, they must be in a state of purification.
    • Spiritual and Physical Purity: At-Taharah not only refers to physical cleanliness but also represents spiritual purity.
    • Obligation: Purification is obligatory for every Muslim and it is necessary to maintain both personal hygiene and the cleanliness of one’s environment.
  3. Classification of At-Taharah: There are two main types of impurities in Islam that require purification:
    • Najasah (Physical Impurity): This refers to physical dirt or filth that can be seen, such as urine, feces, blood, and alcohol.
    • Hadath (Spiritual Impurity): This is an invisible impurity that occurs when a person is in a state that requires ablution (Wudu) or a complete bath (Ghusl), such as after sleep, using the toilet, or menstruation.
  4. Purification from Najasah:
    • Physical Cleaning: Purification from Najasah is done by washing the affected area with clean water until it is free from filth.
    • Water or Other Substances: In cases where water is not available, dust or earth may be used for purification (Tayammum).
    • Examples of Najasah: Urine, feces, dead animals, blood, and alcohol are examples of things that make a person or object impure.

Evaluation: (Fill-in-the-Blank Questions)

  1. __________ means purification in Islam.
    a) Salat
    b) At-Taharah
    c) Hadath
    d) Zakat
  2. Muslims must be in a state of __________ before they can perform Salat.
    a) impurity
    b) cleanliness
    c) ablution
    d) Najasah
  3. __________ refers to spiritual impurity in Islam.
    a) Wudu
    b) Hadath
    c) Tayammum
    d) Najasah
  4. __________ is an example of Najasah.
    a) Dust
    b) Clean clothes
    c) Urine
    d) Water
  5. __________ is the alternative form of purification when water is not available.
    a) Tayammum
    b) Wudu
    c) Ghusl
    d) Najasah

Class Activity Discussion: (FAQs with Answers)

  1. What does At-Taharah mean?
    At-Taharah means purification or cleanliness in Islam.
  2. Why is purification important before worship?
    Purification is required because no act of worship, like Salat, is valid without being in a state of cleanliness.
  3. What is Najasah?
    Najasah is physical impurity, like dirt, blood, or urine, that needs to be cleaned before performing any worship.
  4. What is Hadath?
    Hadath is spiritual impurity that requires ablution or a full bath to be cleansed.
  5. How can a person purify themselves from Najasah?
    By washing the affected area with water until it is clean or using dust in the case of Tayammum.
  6. What is the alternative to water for purification?
    Tayammum, which uses dust or earth, is an alternative to water when water is unavailable.
  7. What is the significance of Tayammum?
    Tayammum allows a Muslim to remain in a state of purification when water is unavailable.
  8. How does Hadath affect a Muslim’s worship?
    A Muslim cannot perform acts of worship like Salat if they are in a state of Hadath until they purify themselves.
  9. What types of purification exist in Islam?
    Purification from physical impurity (Najasah) and spiritual impurity (Hadath).
  10. What is Ghusl?
    Ghusl is a full-body purification performed in certain situations, like after menstruation or sexual impurity.


Step 1:
The teacher revises the previous topic on “The Attributes of Allah,” discussing purity in the context of Allah’s commands.

Step 2:
The teacher introduces the new topic by defining At-Taharah and explains its significance in worship, using practical examples like Wudu.

Step 3:
The teacher demonstrates how to perform Wudu and asks the students to classify different forms of impurity (Najasah and Hadath). The teacher explains how purification from each type is achieved.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Demonstrates how to perform Wudu.
  • Explains the differences between Najasah and Hadath.
  • Guides students on how to achieve purification.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Participate in the demonstration of Wudu.
  • Classify impurities into Najasah and Hadath.
  • Discuss how they practice purification in their daily lives.

Assessment: (Evaluation Questions)

  1. What is At-Taharah?
  2. How does purification relate to worship?
  3. What are the two types of impurities in Islam?
  4. How can Najasah be removed?
  5. What is Tayammum and when is it used?
  6. What is Hadath and how is it purified?
  7. Why is Ghusl performed?
  8. What is the importance of being in a state of cleanliness for a Muslim?
  9. Can you perform Salat without Wudu?
  10. What happens if a Muslim is not purified before prayer?


The teacher will move around the class to check the students’ responses and ensure they understand the significance of At-Taharah in Islam. The teacher will conclude by emphasizing that purity is not only physical but also spiritual, and it is essential for maintaining a proper relationship with Allah.

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