The Significance of Allah’s Attributes in Strengthening Faith Islamic Religious Studies JSS 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Islamic Religious Studies JSS 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Subject: Islamic Religious Studies
Class: JSS 1
Term: First Term
Week: 5
Age: 11 – 12 years
Topic: Significance of the Attributes of Allah
Sub-topic: Importance of Knowing Allah’s Names
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Explain the significance of knowing the attributes of Allah.
  2. Discuss how the names of Allah strengthen a Muslim’s faith.
  3. Describe how knowledge of Allah’s attributes brings peace and comfort during difficult times.


  • Iman
  • Calamity
  • Contentment
  • Worship
  • Attributes

Set Induction:

The teacher will start by asking students how they feel when they call on Allah using His names during prayer. This will lead into a discussion on the importance of knowing Allah’s attributes.

Entry Behaviour:

Students already know that Allah has 99 names, and they often recite them in prayer.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Qur’an
  • Chart showing Allah’s names and their meanings
  • Audio recording of the 99 names

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

Students have learned about the 99 names of Allah in the previous lessons and have discussed some examples of these attributes.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Religious reflection
  • Critical thinking
  • Faith-based application

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Islamic Religious Studies Textbook for JSS 1

Instructional Materials:

  • Flashcards showing the names of Allah and their meanings
  • Audio of the Asma-ul-Husna being recited


  1. Significance of the Attributes of Allah:
    Knowing the attributes of Allah is essential for every Muslim because it strengthens faith and brings a deeper connection to worship. The knowledge of these names helps Muslims understand how to live according to Allah’s guidance.
  2. Benefits of Knowing the Attributes of Allah:
    • Root of Islamic Knowledge: Understanding Allah’s attributes is the foundation of a Muslim’s faith. It helps believers recognize the greatness of Allah.
    • Guides Worship: By knowing Allah’s attributes, Muslims learn how to worship Him properly, respecting His power, mercy, and justice.
    • Strengthens Iman (Faith): Reciting and reflecting on Allah’s names strengthens a Muslim’s faith, bringing them closer to Allah.
    • Comfort During Calamities: Knowing that Allah is the protector, the merciful, and the sustainer gives Muslims peace during difficult times.
    • Peace and Contentment: Calling on Allah by His names provides inner peace, satisfaction, and contentment in the hearts of believers, especially in moments of hardship.
  3. Examples of the Attributes Providing Comfort:
    • Ar-Rahman (The Beneficent): Reminds Muslims that Allah is always merciful, even during hardship.
    • Al-Muhaymin (The Protector): Assures believers that Allah is always protecting them.
    • As-Salam (The Source of Peace): Invites peace and tranquility into a Muslim’s life.
    • Al-Mumin (The Guarantor): Encourages trust and confidence in Allah’s plan.

Evaluation: (Fill-in-the-Blank Questions)

  1. The knowledge of Allah is the __________ of Islam.
    a) base
    b) foundation
    c) root
    d) guide
  2. The attributes of Allah help Muslims in their __________.
    a) challenges
    b) worship
    c) mistakes
    d) happiness
  3. __________ is the attribute that means “The Beneficent.”
    a) Al-Qudus
    b) Ar-Rahman
    c) Al-Aziz
    d) Al-Mutakabir
  4. __________ is the attribute that brings peace and comfort during difficulties.
    a) As-Salam
    b) Al-Mumin
    c) Al-Malik
    d) Al-Jabbar
  5. Muslims should call on Allah by His __________ to gain peace of mind.
    a) acts
    b) plans
    c) names
    d) words

Class Activity Discussion: (FAQs with Answers)

  1. Why is knowing Allah’s attributes important?
    It helps Muslims strengthen their faith and understand how to worship properly.
  2. How do Allah’s names bring peace to a believer?
    By reminding the believer that Allah is merciful, protecting, and always in control, which provides comfort.
  3. What is the role of Ar-Rahman in a Muslim’s life?
    Ar-Rahman reminds Muslims that Allah’s mercy is all-encompassing, even in times of hardship.
  4. How does knowing Al-Muhaymin help a Muslim?
    Knowing that Allah is the protector gives Muslims confidence that they are always safe under His care.
  5. What is the significance of As-Salam?
    As-Salam brings peace into the lives of Muslims, reminding them that Allah is the source of all peace.
  6. How does the knowledge of Allah’s attributes strengthen iman?
    It brings the believer closer to Allah and reinforces their trust in Him.
  7. How does a Muslim find comfort during calamities?
    By calling on Allah’s names like Ar-Rahman, Al-Muhaymin, and As-Salam, Muslims find peace and hope.
  8. What does Al-Mumin mean?
    It means “The Guarantor,” reminding Muslims to trust in Allah.
  9. Why is it important to recite the names of Allah?
    Reciting the names brings blessings, strengthens faith, and provides spiritual comfort.
  10. What can happen when a Muslim forgets to reflect on Allah’s names?
    They may lose focus in their worship and struggle to find peace during difficulties.


Step 1:
The teacher revises the previous topic on “The Attributes of Allah,” focusing on the 99 names and what they represent.

Step 2:
The teacher introduces the new topic by explaining how these attributes benefit Muslims in their daily lives. The teacher writes key benefits like “peace,” “comfort,” and “strength” on the board.

Step 3:
The teacher encourages students to share their experiences of reciting Allah’s names and how they feel comforted during tough times. The teacher corrects misconceptions and clarifies the importance of understanding these attributes.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Revises the previous lesson on Allah’s names.
  • Explains how knowledge of the attributes helps strengthen faith.
  • Encourages students to share how the attributes of Allah have helped them in personal situations.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Recite the names of Allah during class.
  • Discuss how knowing Allah’s names provides comfort.
  • Share their experiences of using these names in prayer.

Assessment: (Evaluation Questions)

  1. Why is knowing Allah’s attributes important in a Muslim’s life?
  2. How do Allah’s names help during difficult times?
  3. What does Ar-Rahman mean?
  4. How can calling on Al-Mumin bring peace to a believer?
  5. Why is reciting Allah’s names beneficial for the heart?
  6. What does As-Salam remind Muslims of?
  7. How does Al-Muhaymin protect Muslims?
  8. What is the significance of Al-Qudus?
  9. How does knowing Allah’s attributes strengthen iman?
  10. How can Al-Aziz provide strength to a believer?


The teacher will go around the class to check the students’ work and answers, correcting any misconceptions about the significance of Allah’s attributes. The teacher will remind the students to use the names of Allah regularly in their prayers to strengthen their faith and find peace.

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