Seeking Refuge: Understanding Sūratun-Nās (Q. ch. 114) Islamic Religious Studies JSS 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 9

Islamic Religious Studies JSS 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 9

Subject: Islamic Religious Studies
Class: JSS 1
Term: First Term
Week: 9
Age: 11 – 12 years
Topic: Study of Sūratun-Nās (Q. ch. 114)
Sub-topic: Reading and Meaning
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Translate Sūratun-Nās to English.
  2. Discuss the main themes and lessons of Sūratun-Nās.
  3. Evaluate the lessons contained in Sūratun-Nās and their relevance to daily life.


  • Sūratun-Nās
  • Qur’an
  • Protection
  • Refuge
  • Evil

Set Induction:

The teacher will begin the lesson by asking students what they know about seeking protection from harm and evil. This will lead into the introduction of Sūratun-Nās as a prayer for protection.

Entry Behaviour:

Students should have prior knowledge of the Qur’an and an understanding of other short Surahs. They should also be familiar with basic Arabic terms.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Copies of the Qur’an
  • Translation of Sūratun-Nās
  • Audio or video recitation of Sūratun-Nās

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

Students have previously learned about different Surahs in the Qur’an and their meanings. This lesson connects to their understanding of the importance of seeking protection through prayer.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking
  • Interpretation
  • Communication

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Islamic Religious Studies Textbook for JSS 1
  • Tafsir books on Sūratun-Nās

Instructional Materials:

  • Copies of Sūratun-Nās
  • Visual aids (charts or posters of key themes)
  • Audio recordings of the Surah


  1. Translation of Sūratun-Nās: Sūratun-Nās is the 114th chapter of the Qur’an. The translation to English is as follows:
    • In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
    • Say, “I seek refuge with (Allah), the Lord of mankind.”
    • The King of mankind.
    • The God of mankind.
    • From the evil of the blowers in knots.
    • And from the evil of an envier when he envies.”
  2. Discussion of Sūratun-Nās:
    • Themes:
      • Seeking refuge: The Surah emphasizes the importance of seeking refuge in Allah from all forms of evil and harm.
      • Allah’s sovereignty: It highlights Allah as the Lord, King, and God of all mankind, affirming His power and authority.
      • Protection from evil: The specific mention of “the blowers in knots” refers to witchcraft or harmful practices that can negatively affect individuals.
      • Envy: The Surah reminds believers to seek protection from the negative impact of envy.
  3. Lessons Contained in Sūratun-Nās:
    • Importance of Seeking Allah’s Protection: Muslims are encouraged to turn to Allah for safety and security against evil forces.
    • Recognition of Allah’s Authority: Acknowledging Allah’s role as the Creator and Protector fosters a sense of reliance on Him.
    • Awareness of Evil: The Surah teaches the importance of being aware of the negative effects of envy and other malicious behaviors.

Evaluation: (Fill-in-the-Blank Questions)

  1. Sūratun-Nās is the __________ chapter of the Qur’an.
    a) 112
    b) 113
    c) 114
    d) 115
  2. The Surah emphasizes seeking refuge in __________.
    a) Allah
    b) Wealth
    c) Friends
    d) Power
  3. Sūratun-Nās teaches about protection from __________.
    a) Good
    b) Evil
    c) Knowledge
    d) Kindness
  4. The phrase “the blowers in knots” refers to __________.
    a) Friendship
    b) Witchcraft
    c) Charity
    d) Prayer
  5. The main theme of Sūratun-Nās is seeking protection from __________.
    a) Happiness
    b) Allah
    c) Evil
    d) Wealth

Class Activity Discussion: (FAQs with Answers)

  1. What is Sūratun-Nās about?
    Sūratun-Nās is a prayer for protection against evil and harm.
  2. How many verses are in Sūratun-Nās?
    Sūratun-Nās consists of 6 verses.
  3. What does it mean to seek refuge in Allah?
    Seeking refuge in Allah means turning to Him for safety and protection from all forms of harm.
  4. Who are the “blowers in knots” mentioned in the Surah?
    They refer to those who practice witchcraft or engage in harmful actions against others.
  5. Why is it important to recite Sūratun-Nās?
    Reciting Sūratun-Nās helps believers seek protection from negative influences and evils.
  6. What do we learn about Allah from Sūratun-Nās?
    Allah is recognized as the Lord and King of mankind, emphasizing His authority and ability to protect.
  7. How can envy be harmful according to the Surah?
    Envy can lead to negative thoughts and actions that harm others, which is why protection against it is sought.
  8. What role does faith play in reciting Sūratun-Nās?
    Faith strengthens the believer’s reliance on Allah for protection and support.
  9. Can Sūratun-Nās be recited for anyone?
    Yes, it can be recited for oneself and others as a form of seeking protection.
  10. How does Sūratun-Nās relate to daily life?
    It serves as a reminder for Muslims to seek Allah’s guidance and protection in all aspects of life.


Step 1:
The teacher reviews the previous lesson on other Surahs and their meanings.

Step 2:
The teacher introduces Sūratun-Nās, its translation, and significance. The teacher reads the Surah aloud and discusses its themes and lessons.

Step 3:
Students are encouraged to ask questions and share their thoughts on how the Surah can be applied in daily life.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Introduces Sūratun-Nās and its translation.
  • Guides the discussion on its themes and lessons.
  • Facilitates students’ understanding of the Surah’s relevance.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Participate in discussions about Sūratun-Nās.
  • Translate the Surah and reflect on its meanings.
  • Answer questions regarding the Surah’s lessons.

Assessment: (Evaluation Questions)

  1. What is the main purpose of Sūratun-Nās?
  2. How many verses are in Sūratun-Nās?
  3. What does seeking refuge mean in the context of this Surah?
  4. What evil is referred to as “the blowers in knots”?
  5. Why is envy mentioned in Sūratun-Nās?
  6. What do we learn about Allah from this Surah?
  7. How does Sūratun-Nās guide Muslims in their daily lives?
  8. Can Sūratun-Nās be recited for others? Why or why not?
  9. How can we apply the teachings of Sūratun-Nās in our lives?
  10. Why is it important to be aware of the evils mentioned in the Surah?


The teacher will emphasize the importance of Sūratun-Nās as a means of seeking Allah’s protection. Students will be encouraged to memorize and recite the Surah regularly as part of their daily prayers for safety and guidance.

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