Early European Contact with Nigeria – Advent of Christianity in Nigeria History JSS 3 First Term Lesson Notes Week 10

Lesson Plan: Early European Contact with Nigeria – Advent of Christianity in Nigeria

Subject: History
Class: JSS 3
Term: First Term
Week: 10
Age: 13–14 years
Topic: Early European Contact with Nigeria
Sub-topic: Advent of Christianity in Nigeria
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioral Objectives

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Explain the arrival of early Christian missionaries in Nigeria.
  2. Identify key missionaries and the regions they served in Nigeria.
  3. Describe the activities of the early missionaries and their impact on Nigerian society.
  4. Understand the role of the Church of England and other mission groups in spreading Christianity.
  5. Analyze the challenges faced by early missionaries in Nigeria.


  • Christianity
  • Missionaries
  • Church of England
  • Augustinian Order
  • Evangelism

Set Induction

The teacher will ask: “What do you think motivated early Europeans to introduce their religion to other parts of the world, including Nigeria?” This will stimulate students to reflect on the spread of Christianity.

Entry Behavior

Students have already learned about early European exploration and trade relationships between Europeans and African societies.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Maps of Nigeria showing early mission stations.
  • Pictures of key missionaries (e.g., Mary Slessor, Ajayi Crowther).
  • Videos or documentaries on missionary work in Nigeria.

Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge

Students have studied the early trade contacts between Europe and Nigeria, setting the foundation to understand the advent of Christianity during this period.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Critical thinking
  • Communication
  • Collaboration

Reference Books

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • “History of Christianity in Nigeria” by J.F. Ade Ajayi
  • JSS 3 History Textbook

Instructional Materials

  • Charts showing missionary routes and settlements.
  • Bible and hymn books used by early missionaries.


Early Arrival of Missionaries in Nigeria

  1. 15th Century Arrival
    • The first Christian missionaries were monks from the Augustinian and Capuchin orders who arrived in the Benin Empire from Portugal during the 15th century.
    • Their primary mission was to introduce Christianity to the royal court and foster friendly relations with the Benin Kingdom.
  2. Church of England Mission
    • In 1842, Henry Townsend, a missionary of the Church of England, arrived in Badagry to establish the first Anglican mission.
    • This marked the beginning of formal Christian evangelism efforts in southern Nigeria.

Key Missionaries and Their Areas of Service

  1. Mary Slessor
    • Represented: Presbyterian Church (Church of Scotland)
    • Area: Calabar
    • Known for: Stopping the killing of twins and promoting women’s rights.
  2. Ajayi Crowther
    • Represented: Church Missionary Society (CMS)
    • Area: Abeokuta, Lagos, Niger region
    • Known for: Translating the Bible into Yoruba and promoting Christianity among indigenous people.
  3. Henry Townsend
    • Represented: Church Missionary Society (CMS)
    • Area: Badagry, Abeokuta
    • Known for: Establishing mission schools and the first printing press in Nigeria.
  4. Samuel Bill
    • Represented: Qua Iboe Mission
    • Area: Akwa Ibom State
    • Known for: Spreading Christianity in southeastern Nigeria.
  5. Thomas Birch Freeman
    • Represented: Wesleyan Methodist Church
    • Area: Badagry and Abeokuta
    • Known for: Evangelizing Yoruba regions and establishing Methodist missions.

Challenges Faced by Early Missionaries

  1. Hostility from local chiefs and traditional rulers.
  2. Difficult climatic conditions leading to illnesses.
  3. Language barriers, which made it hard to communicate effectively.
  4. Resistance to Christianity from people who held on to traditional beliefs.

Impact of Early Missionaries on Nigeria

  1. Educational Development: Missionaries established the first schools, including CMS Grammar School, Lagos.
  2. Social Reform: Mary Slessor fought against harmful traditional practices like the killing of twins.
  3. Translation of Religious Texts: Ajayi Crowther translated the Bible into Yoruba, making Christianity more accessible.
  4. Introduction of Western Medicine: Missionaries opened the first health centers, providing medical care.


  1. The first Christian missionaries in Nigeria came from __________.
    a) Portugal
    b) France
    c) Spain
    d) Italy
  2. The Augustinian and Capuchin monks arrived in the __________ Empire in the 15th century.
    a) Oyo
    b) Benin
    c) Sokoto
    d) Kanem-Bornu
  3. __________ led the first Anglican mission to Badagry in 1842.
    a) Samuel Bill
    b) Henry Townsend
    c) Ajayi Crowther
    d) Mary Slessor
  4. Mary Slessor worked in __________ to stop the killing of twins.
    a) Abeokuta
    b) Badagry
    c) Calabar
    d) Lagos
  5. __________ translated the Bible into Yoruba.
    a) Ajayi Crowther
    b) Henry Townsend
    c) Thomas Birch Freeman
    d) Samuel Bill
  6. The first Anglican mission was established in __________.
    a) Lagos
    b) Badagry
    c) Calabar
    d) Kano
  7. __________ was known for establishing mission schools.
    a) Ajayi Crowther
    b) Henry Townsend
    c) Mary Slessor
    d) Samuel Bill
  8. __________ represented the Qua Iboe Mission.
    a) Mary Slessor
    b) Samuel Bill
    c) Thomas Birch Freeman
    d) Henry Townsend
  9. Which missionary fought against the killing of twins?
    a) Ajayi Crowther
    b) Mary Slessor
    c) Henry Townsend
    d) Thomas Birch Freeman
  10. __________ opened the first printing press in Nigeria.
    a) Ajayi Crowther
    b) Henry Townsend
    c) Samuel Bill
    d) Mary Slessor

Class Activity Discussion

  1. Who were the first missionaries to arrive in Nigeria?
    • Augustinian and Capuchin monks from Portugal.
  2. When did Henry Townsend arrive in Nigeria?
    • In 1842.
  3. Which church did Mary Slessor represent?
    • Presbyterian Church.
  4. Where did Ajayi Crowther translate the Bible into Yoruba?
    • In Abeokuta.
  5. What did missionaries contribute to education?
    • They established schools, including CMS Grammar School.
  6. Who established the first Anglican mission in Nigeria?
    • Henry Townsend.
  7. Where did Mary Slessor serve as a missionary?
    • Calabar.
  8. Which missionary fought against harmful traditional practices?
    • Mary Slessor.
  9. What was the impact of the missionaries on health?
    • They introduced Western medicine and opened clinics.
  10. Who was the first African bishop of the Anglican Church?
  • Ajayi Crowther.

Presentation Steps

  1. Step 1: Review the previous lesson on early European trade contacts with Nigeria.
  2. Step 2: Introduce the arrival of Christian missionaries and their roles in spreading Christianity.
  3. Step 3: Encourage students to discuss the impact of missionaries and identify regions where they worked.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Display maps showing missionary routes and settlements.
  • Lead discussions on how missionary work influenced Nigeria’s development.

Learners’ Activities

  • In groups, students will research different missionaries and present their findings.
  • Role-play scenes depicting the activities of Mary Slessor or Ajayi Crowther.


  • Describe one challenge faced by early missionaries in Nigeria.
  • Identify two areas where early missionaries worked.
  • Explain the significance of Henry Townsend’s arrival in Badagry.

Evaluation Questions

  1. Who were the first missionaries to arrive in Nigeria?
  2. In which year did the Church of England establish its first mission in Nigeria?
  3. What was Mary Slessor known for?
  4. Which missionary translated the Bible into Yoruba?
  5. Name two challenges faced by missionaries in Nigeria.
  6. Which mission group did Samuel Bill represent?
  7. Where did Henry Townsend establish his mission?
  8. What was the significance of CMS Grammar School?
  9. Which European country first introduced Christianity to the Benin Empire?
  10. How did missionaries contribute to healthcare in Nigeria?


The teacher will summarize the lesson, highlighting the contributions of early missionaries to Nigeria’s development, and encourage students to reflect on the legacy of these missionaries.