Importance of Farming and Simple Farm Tools Vocational Aptitude Primary 1 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 9

Vocational Aptitude Primary 1 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 9


Vocational Aptitude


Primary 1


Second Term




6 years


Importance of Farming and Simple Farm Tools


40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  • Explain the importance of farming in their lives.
  • Identify simple farm tools and describe their uses.
  • Understand how these tools help farmers in their work.


Farming, importance, farm tools, hoe, shovel, rake, sickle

Set Induction

  • Begin the lesson by asking, “What foods do you see in the market?” Discuss their answers and highlight that these foods come from farms, introducing the importance of farming.

Entry Behaviour

  • Students should be familiar with the concept of farming and some basic farm products.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Pictures of farm tools (hoe, shovel, rake, sickle).
  • Actual simple farm tools (if available) for demonstration.
  • Chart showing the importance of farming.

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

  • Connect this lesson to previous discussions about farming, emphasizing that farming is vital for food production and the tools used to help farmers.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Communication skills through group discussions.
  • Practical skills by handling simple farm tools (if available).
  • Observation skills when identifying tools and their uses.

Learning Materials

  • Visual aids (pictures and actual tools).
  • Drawing materials (paper, crayons) for activities.

Reference Books

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Vocational Aptitude.
  • Age-appropriate books on farming tools and their uses.

Instructional Materials

  • Pictures and actual tools for demonstration.
  • A chart summarizing the importance of farming.


  1. Importance of Farming
    • Farming is essential for producing food and raw materials.
    • It helps to feed families and communities.
    • Farming provides jobs for many people.
    • It supports the economy by supplying food to markets.
    • Farmers grow fruits, vegetables, and grains that are important for health.
  2. Simple Farm Tools
    • Hoe: Used for digging and planting seeds. Helps to prepare the soil.
    • Shovel: Used for moving soil, sand, or other materials. Helpful for digging holes.
    • Rake: Used for gathering leaves or leveling soil. Makes the ground smooth.
    • Sickle: Used for cutting grass and harvesting crops. Helps collect crops when they are ready.
    • Watering Can: Used to water plants. Helps keep plants healthy.
    • Wheelbarrow: Used for carrying soil, plants, or tools around the farm.

Board Summary

  • Farming is vital for food, jobs, and the economy. Simple tools like hoes, shovels, rakes, sickles, watering cans, and wheelbarrows help farmers do their work effectively.

Evaluation Questions

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions

  1. Farming is important for ________ food. (a) growing (b) selling (c) eating
  2. A ________ is used for digging and planting seeds. (a) shovel (b) hoe (c) rake
  3. The sickle helps to ________ crops. (a) plant (b) cut (c) water
  4. A ________ is used to carry things around the farm. (a) rake (b) wheelbarrow (c) hoe
  5. Farmers use ________ to keep plants healthy. (a) sickles (b) watering cans (c) shovels
  6. ________ farming provides jobs for many people. (a) Factory (b) Commercial (c) All
  7. A rake is useful for ________ leaves. (a) gathering (b) cutting (c) watering
  8. The ________ is used for moving soil. (a) hoe (b) shovel (c) sickle
  9. Watering cans help farmers ________ plants. (a) grow (b) dig (c) cut
  10. Farming supports the ________ by providing food. (a) community (b) library (c) playground
  11. A hoe helps to prepare the ________ for planting. (a) soil (b) tools (c) water
  12. ________ is an important part of our daily lives. (a) Farming (b) Shopping (c) Playing
  13. Farmers grow fruits and ________ for our meals. (a) toys (b) vegetables (c) books
  14. A wheelbarrow is helpful for carrying ________. (a) tools (b) games (c) books
  15. The sickle is used during ________ to collect crops. (a) planting (b) harvest (c) watering

Class Activity Discussion

FAQs with Answers

  1. Why is farming important?
    • Farming provides food and jobs.
  2. What are some tools farmers use?
    • Farmers use hoes, shovels, rakes, and sickles.
  3. What does a hoe do?
    • A hoe is used for digging and planting.
  4. How does farming help our economy?
    • It supplies food to markets and creates jobs.
  5. What is the use of a sickle?
    • A sickle is used to cut grass and harvest crops.
  6. Why do farmers need a watering can?
    • To keep plants healthy by providing water.
  7. What can you carry in a wheelbarrow?
    • Soil, plants, or tools can be carried in a wheelbarrow.
  8. What does a rake help with?
    • It helps gather leaves and level the soil.
  9. How do farmers use shovels?
    • Farmers use shovels to dig holes and move soil.
  10. What types of food do farmers grow?
    • Farmers grow fruits, vegetables, and grains.
  11. What is one tool you would like to try?
    • (Students will provide personal answers.)
  12. How does farming affect our meals?
    • It provides fresh food that we eat every day.
  13. Can farming help the community?
    • Yes, it supports local markets and provides jobs.
  14. Why do we need food from farms?
    • It is essential for our health and growth.
  15. How can we support farmers?
    • By buying local produce from them.


Step 1:

The teacher revises the previous topic on farming and discusses its significance.

Step 2:

The teacher introduces the new topic, highlighting the importance of farming and showing pictures of simple farm tools.

Step 3:

The teacher allows students to discuss their experiences with farming or tools they have seen, encouraging participation.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Show pictures and real examples of simple farm tools.
  • Discuss the importance of each tool and how it helps farmers.
  • Facilitate a hands-on activity where students can handle the tools (if available) or draw their favorite farm tool.

Learners’ Activities

  • Students will identify and describe simple farm tools.
  • They will draw their favorite farm tool and explain its use.
  • Students will participate in a group discussion about the importance of farming.


Evaluation Questions

  1. What is the importance of farming?
  2. Name three simple farm tools.
  3. How does a hoe help a farmer?
  4. Why do we need tools like sickles and shovels?
  5. Explain why farming is important for food supply.


The teacher goes around to mark and provide feedback on students’ drawings and answers, ensuring they understand the importance of farming and the tools used by farmers.
