Effects of the Trans-Saharan Trade on Nigeria and West Africa History JSS 3 First Term Lesson Notes Week 3

Lesson Plan: Effects of the Trans-Saharan Trade on West Africa (Nigeria)

Subject: History
Class: JSS 3
Term: First Term
Week: 3
Age: 13–14 years
Topic: Effects of the Trans-Saharan Trade on Nigeria and West Africa
Sub-topic: Advantages and Disadvantages of the Trans-Saharan Trade
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioral Objectives

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Describe the general impact of the Trans-Saharan trade on North and West Africa, including Nigeria.
  2. Highlight the positive effects of the trade on Nigeria.
  3. Identify the disadvantages of the trade.
  4. Analyze the long-term consequences of the trade on African societies.


  • Impact
  • Economy
  • Islam
  • Slave Trade
  • Cultural Exchange

Set Induction

The teacher will show images of ancient trade goods (like gold and leather) and ask students to guess how they might have been transported across long distances.

Entry Behavior

Students have prior knowledge of the organization of the Trans-Saharan trade, the goods traded, and the trade routes involved.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Map of Trans-Saharan trade routes
  • Pictures of traded commodities
  • Diagrams illustrating cultural and economic changes in West Africa

Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge

Students have learned about how the Trans-Saharan trade was organized. This lesson explores its long-lasting effects, focusing on West Africa and Nigeria.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Analytical thinking
  • Communication skills
  • Historical inquiry

Reference Books

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • “A History of West Africa” by Adu Boahen
  • JSS 3 History Textbook

Instructional Materials

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Visual timeline of historical changes in Nigeria
  • Map of West Africa with trade routes


A. Positive Effects of the Trans-Saharan Trade

  1. Economic Development:
    • Trade boosted local economies, especially in cities like Kano and Borno.
    • The trade in gold, salt, and textiles created wealth for merchants and rulers.
  2. Spread of Islam:
    • Islam spread from North Africa into West Africa, including present-day Nigeria.
    • New Islamic laws, education systems, and mosques were introduced.
  3. Urbanization:
    • Trade led to the growth of cities like Timbuktu, Kano, and Gao.
    • These cities became centers of commerce and education.
  4. Cultural Exchange:
    • The trade fostered the exchange of ideas, art, and technology.
    • New architectural styles were introduced from North Africa.
  5. Introduction of Horses:
    • Horses imported from North Africa improved transportation and warfare strategies.

B. Negative Effects of the Trans-Saharan Trade

  1. Slave Trade:
    • Large numbers of people were captured and sold as slaves to North Africa and beyond.
    • This disrupted societies and depopulated certain areas.
  2. Overdependence on Trade:
    • Some regions became heavily reliant on trade, making them vulnerable to market fluctuations.
  3. Conflict and Warfare:
    • Rival kingdoms and states often fought over control of trade routes and resources.
  4. Cultural Assimilation:
    • Some indigenous cultures were overshadowed by the spread of Islamic traditions.
  5. Unequal Wealth Distribution:
    • While rulers and merchants became wealthy, many ordinary people remained poor.


  1. One major impact of the Trans-Saharan trade was the spread of __________.
    a) Christianity
    b) Islam
    c) Hinduism
    d) Buddhism
  2. __________ was one of the products traded from Nigeria.
    a) Coal
    b) Leather
    c) Wheat
    d) Cotton
  3. The Trans-Saharan trade helped cities like __________ grow into commercial centers.
    a) Cairo
    b) Kano
    c) London
    d) Tripoli
  4. Horses were imported from __________.
    a) Europe
    b) Asia
    c) North Africa
    d) America
  5. The Trans-Saharan trade led to the introduction of __________ in Nigeria.
    a) Mosques
    b) Railways
    c) Factories
    d) Farms
  6. One negative effect of the trade was the __________ trade.
    a) Salt
    b) Textile
    c) Slave
    d) Leather
  7. Wealth from the trade was mainly enjoyed by __________.
    a) Farmers
    b) Rulers and merchants
    c) Soldiers
    d) Peasants
  8. __________ was a famous trade city in West Africa.
    a) Timbuktu
    b) Paris
    c) Rome
    d) Cairo
  9. The Trans-Saharan trade led to the __________ of some local cultures.
    a) Preservation
    b) Assimilation
    c) Revival
    d) Destruction
  10. One disadvantage of the trade was that it caused conflicts over __________.
    a) Religion
    b) Trade routes
    c) Agriculture
    d) Education

Class Activity Discussion

  1. What was the Trans-Saharan trade?
    It was trade across the Sahara Desert connecting North and West Africa.
  2. How did the trade affect Nigeria?
    It brought wealth, Islam, and urban growth but also involved the slave trade.
  3. Which religion spread through the trade?
  4. What were two major cities involved in the trade?
    Kano and Timbuktu.
  5. What was one major negative effect of the trade?
    The slave trade.
  6. Which product was imported from North Africa?
  7. Why did conflicts arise from the trade?
    States fought over trade routes and resources.
  8. What was a positive cultural impact of the trade?
    Exchange of ideas and art.
  9. How did the trade affect local economies?
    It boosted trade and wealth.
  10. Which areas did the trade connect?
    North Africa, West Africa, and parts of the Sahel region.


  1. Step 1: Review the students’ understanding of the Trans-Saharan trade.
  2. Step 2: Discuss the positive and negative effects of the trade.
  3. Step 3: Allow students to contribute by discussing how these effects might still be felt today.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Use the map to show key trade routes and regions affected by the trade.
  • Explain the role of trade in spreading Islam and fostering urbanization.

Learners’ Activities

  • Identify the benefits and drawbacks of the trade.
  • Discuss how the trade might have influenced modern Nigeria.


  • List three positive effects of the Trans-Saharan trade.
  • Mention two disadvantages of the trade.
  • Name two cities that benefited from the trade.

Evaluation Questions

  1. What religion spread through the Trans-Saharan trade?
  2. Name one product traded from Nigeria.
  3. Which region imported horses into Nigeria?
  4. What was one cultural effect of the trade?
  5. Name a city that became wealthy because of the trade.
  6. What was a major negative effect of the trade?
  7. How did the trade affect local economies?
  8. What conflicts arose from the trade?
  9. Which people benefited the most from the trade?
  10. Name one area connected by the Trans-Saharan trade.


The teacher will summarize the key points, highlighting both the benefits and challenges brought by the Trans-Saharan trade. Feedback will be provided on students’ performance during the activities and assessments.

Captivating Title

“The Impact of the Trans-Saharan Trade on Nigeria and West Africa”

Focus Keyphrase:
Effects of Trans-Saharan trade on Nigeria

SEO Title:
Effects of Trans-Saharan Trade on Nigeria and West Africa


Meta Description:
Explore the positive and negative effects of the Trans-Saharan trade on Nigeria and West Africa, from economic growth to the spread of Islam and the slave trade.