Primary 5 Third Term Examination

Edu Delight Tutors 


15, Edu Delight Street , OFF FREEMAN, LAGOS.






NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………………………


Answer the following questions

  1. Circumference is the ________________ part of a circle
  2. A square has __________________ sides
  3. Whole numbers are _________number
  4. Write 1818 in words_____________________________
  5. Expand 2489___________________________________
  6. What is the product of 18 and 81 ___________________
  7. Express 214 in roman figures ______________________
  8. Sum up 181 and 2000 ____________________________
  9. Write M in Hindu Arabic numeral
  10. Multiply 48 by 13 _____________________________
  11. List all factors of 12 ____________________________
  12. Write out the prime factors of 12 in index form
  13. A triangle has _________________________ sides 
  14. The sum of the interior angles of a triangle is equal to__________
  15. Write out all factors of 36
  16. Express the prime factors of 36 in index form
  17. Odd numbers are numbers that can be divided by two with ________as the reminder
  18. Even numbers are numbers that can be divided by two with _______ as the reminder
  19. List four odd numbers _____, _____ , _____ ,_____
  20. List four even numbers _____ , _____ , _____ , _____
  21. Ade is 10 years, wale is 15 years, what is the ratio of Ade and Wale in lowest term __
  22. Share 10 apples between Olu and Segun in the ratio 2:3 what is Segun’s share ______
  23. Express 0.25 as a fraction in its lowest form
  24. Change 50% to fraction in its lowest term
  25. Change 15 to percentage
  26. Calculate the simple interest on N500 for 5 years at 5% per annum 
  27. An angle whose value is equal to ninety degree is also known as a _________ angle
  28. Calculate the perimeter of a square whose length is 10cm
  29. Mention one property of a square
  30. Draw the diagram to show the four cardinal points of bearing


Edu Delight Tutors 


15, Edu Delight Street , OFF FREEMAN, LAGOS.






NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………………………


Grammar Comprehension, Composition & Literature

Read the passage below and answer the question that follows.

AIDS is caused by a virus called HIV. It is a virus that makes someone ill and very sick. People who have HIV do not look sick and can have the virus for many years without any symptoms. They may pass it to others without knowing and that is why HIV is so dangerous. You get HIV from blood and some other body fluids that have the virus. So never share razors or needles. For example, if you want to make holes in your ears; make sure a new clean needle is used. Most important of all, as a child, never have sex, because that is the easiest way to get HIV.


  1. AIDS is caused by a virus called _______________________________________
  2. The virus makes someone ____________________________________________
  3. _________________ who have AIDS or HIV atimes do not look sick or ill
  4. The virus do not show any ____________________________________________
  5. As a child, do not have __________________ with anybody because that is one of the easiest way to get HIV.

Write out the feminine of the following words

Masculine Feminine

  1. King _________________
  2. Uncle _________________
  3. Dog _________________
  4. Niece _________________
  5. Bride _________________

Fill the gaps with the right preposition from the box

(for, from, into, in, to)

  1.  James suffered ________ headache
  2. Please wait _____ me
  3. The headmistress promised to look _______ the matter of water scarcity in the school


  1. Nobody is interested ________ my own side of the story
  2. Removal of fuel subsidy has done more evil than good ____ this economy


Fill in the gaps

  1. Linking words are used to _______ words or sentences together
  2. ________ are descriptive words
  3. Four examples of adjectives are _____, _____, _____, and  _____
  4. A _____ is a group of words that make sense on its own
  5. Adjectival clause is a group of words that describes ____________________


Guided composition : Drug Abuse

Drug Abuse is when people _____________ drug in a wrong way. Drug abuse can be _____________ to our health. Some people abuse drug to feel _____________. Drug abuse can cause serious _____________ problems. We should be careful of the types of _____________ that we keep.



Twilight to Greatness by Vera Oyaletor

  1. Why was Akume moving about the house happily? He knew all _________________
  2. Akume painted a picture of how life would be after __________________________
  3. What aspect of everything was Neli more interested in? The part of _____________ 
  4. What was common to all they have heard about the city? It is a place of ___________
  5. Mention at least one item Akume was asked to bring along for the interviews ___________________________________________________________________


Edu Delight Tutors 


15, Edu Delight Street , OFF FREEMAN, LAGOS.






NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………………………


Study the following sample and answer the questions that follow

Part A



  1.                                                                            2. 


  1.                                                                             4.


  1.      6.


  1.      8.


  1.                                                                           10.


Part B



  1. 12. 


  1. 17. 


  1. 18. 


  1. 19. 


  1. 20.


Part C



  1. 26. 


  1. 27. 


  1. 28. 


  1.                                                                           29.


  1.                                                                           30. 


Edu Delight Tutors 


15, Edu Delight Street , OFF FREEMAN, LAGOS.






NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………………………


Answer the following questions


Write out the rhyming words to fill the gaps


Samples : A. Call = a place of meeting = hall

  1. Frozen = a set of twelve = Dozen
  1. Make = Heating the oven for pastries flour =___________________
  2. Middle = A puzzling question =________________________
  3. Burrow = A weapon use during war = ___________________
  4. Time = Round juicy fruit like lemon = ___________________
  5. Nose = A type of flower = ___________________
  6. Purse = To use bad language = ___________________
  7. Saint = Chemical used for beautifying = ___________________
  8. Near = A wild animal = ___________________
  9. Mind = To crush the powder = ___________________
  10. Lack = Opposite of white = ___________________



Write out the opposite of the following words

Samples : A. Big – small B. Good – bad

  1. Below – ______________
  2.  Strong – ______________
  3.  Sinner – ______________
  4.  Remember – ___________
  5.  Thin – ________________
  6.  War – ____________
  7.  Near – ____________
  8.  Rough – ___________
  9.  Sharp – ___________
  10.  Follow – __________


Study the first group of words and fill the gap with the right word.

Samples : Son and daughter;  Father and mother

                  Cat and kitten;  Dog and puppy

  1. Tailor and tailoress;  Fox and ____________
  2.  Sir and Madam;  Hero and ____________


  1.  Waiter and Waitress;  Prince and ______________
  2.  Brother and Sister;  Uncle and ________________
  3.  Head and Toe;  Top and ___________________
  4.  Poet and Poetess;  Lion and ________________
  5.  Cock and Hen;  Bull and ________________
  6.  Person  and Crowd;  Tree and _______________
  7.  Man and Woman;  Boy and ________________
  8.  Male and Female;  Sir and ________________


Edu Delight Tutors 


15, Edu Delight Street , OFF FREEMAN, LAGOS.






NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………………………


Answer the following questions by filling the gaps

  1. ______________________ is gotten from animal skin.
  2. __________________ can be processed to produce products like shoes, bags or belt.
  3. ___________________ is activity that involves making something in a skilful way.
  4. _________________ involves the use of color pigments to change the look of leather.
  5. _______________ means decorating leather by making holes in it. 
  6. An example of thing that can be made with leather is _________________.
  7. A _______________ is a small decorative object that can be threaded together to make necklace.
  8. _________________  can be made from materials like stones, plastic or wood.
  9. ________________ is an example of types of bead
  10. A ________________ is needed to cut the thread or thin wire during bead work
  11.  Beads can be used to make ____________________________________________
  12. ________________ is the study and application of beauty products and treatments
  13.  An individual who engages in cosmetology business is called a ______________
  14.  _____________________ is used to dry the hair in cosmetology
  15. _________________________ is used to brush the hair in cosmetology
  16. Washing machine is use for _________________________________
  17. Laundry basket is used for _________________________________
  18.  Drying rack is used for ____________________________________
  19.  Soap or detergent is used for _______________________________
  20.  Pressing iron is used for ___________________________________
  21.  _____________ means clothes, towels or sheets that need to be washed or have been washed
  22.  ___________ is the process of cleaning cloths with special chemicals instead of water
  23.  The process of making hat is known as _____________________________________
  24.  Hat- making is also known as ___________________________________________
  25.  A person who engages in the trade of hat is called a _________________________


  1.  Fedora and Bowler are examples of ________________________________________
  2.  Plain strain and crotchet are examples of ___________________________________
  3.  Wool felt, peach bloom and fur are ______________________ used in hat making.
  4.  Dandruff, hair loss and scalp are examples of ________________________________
  5.  A _______________ is a person whose job is to cut, dress and shave men’s and boy’s hair.


Edu Delight Tutors 


15, Edu Delight Street , OFF FREEMAN, LAGOS.






NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………………………


Fill the gaps with the right answer from the given alternative

  1. _____________ is a group of people that are related by blood, marriage or adoption
  2. _______________ family consists of father, mother or mothers and their children
  3. _______________ family consists of father, mother(s) , children and other relatives like Aunt, Uncle and Cousin
  4. ____________________ prepares food for every member of the family
  5. ________________ provides money and shelter for every member of the family
  6. A tree that shows every member of the family and how they are related is known as a _______________ tree
  7. ________________ is the amount of hours in a day we can use to do different things
  8. We use _________________________ to buy food and clothes
  9. ____________________ are special abilities we can use to help our family
  10. We use our ___________________ when we clean the house and play games
  11.  Reading books increases of ___________________________________
  12.  Using our resources wisely makes our life ________________________
  13.  Family members working together can make us feel _________________
  14.  We need _____________________ to buy things that we want
  15.  Keeping items clean means that we should ___________________ them regularly
  16.  We should store toys in a ____________________ after playing
  17.  To handle belongings with care means that we should hardly them ________________
  18.  If something like our clothes is torn, we should __________________ it immediately
  19.  Caring for belongings saves ____________ because we don’t have to buy new ones often
  20.  Well-kept items last_______________________________
  21.  To repair a torn exercise book we should use a ______________________________
  22.  It is important to wash hands before handling food to prevent___________________
  23.  Keeping cooking utensils and countertops clean helps to avoid __________________
  24.  Separating raw meat from other cooked food helps to prevent ___________________
  25.  Cooking food to the right temperature before eating helps to kill _________________
  26.  Storing food in the refrigerators or deep freezer helps to prevent _________________
  27.  Washing fruits and vegetables before eating helps to remove ____________________
  28.  Contaminated food may have usual and bad _________________________________
  29.  Raw food items like meat poultry, seafood and eggs have a higher risk of ____________________
  30.  Food contamination occurs when harmful substances or animals get into our _____________________


Edu Delight Tutors 


15, Edu Delight Street , OFF FREEMAN, LAGOS.






NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………………………


Answer all questions

  1. The uppermost part of the earth that support both plants and animals’ growth is called___________________.
  2. ____________soil is good to make clay pot.
  3. ____________soil is good for building bridges and houses.
  4. A veterinarian doctor takes care of ________________.
  5. Farm animals are also referred to as ________________.
  6. Animal ___________ is the process of rearing animals in a proper way for good growth.
  7. Providing _________ is the first step in rearing animals.
  8. It is important to clean animal shelter regularly to prevent bad_______________
  9. We should give our livestock ___________ foods like grains and vegetables. 
  10.  Predators are other animals that feed on _________________
  11.  ____________ is the stage young animals stop sucking breast
  12.  ____________is an example of livestock that lays eggs
  13.  _____________ is an example of livestock that produces milk
  14.  _____________ is an example of livestock that produces pork
  15.  The chicken raised for meat production are called ____________
  16.  The chicken raised for egg production are called ____________
  17.  The young chicken is called __________________
  18.  What should you feed rabbits?  _____________________
  19.  What do rabbits live in? _____________
  20.  What do chicken drink? _______________
  21.  A pest causes __________ to crops
  22.  Monocots are plants with ____________ seed leaf
  23.  ____________are unwanted plant growing where they are not planted
  24.  Rice, maize and millets are examples of _______________ crops
  25.  Yam and cassava are examples of ______________ crops


  1.  What do chicken live in _________________
  2.  _____________is an example of a pest that is a rodent
  3.  A pest can be an animal or an ___________________
  4. __________________is the process of soil formation that involves breaking down of rocks
  5.  ________________ is the washing away of top soil by air, wind or water


Edu Delight Tutors 


15, Edu Delight Street , OFF FREEMAN, LAGOS.






NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………………………


Answer all questions

  1. Party is an example of ______________ gathering.
  2. ____________ happens when wrongs are not right. 
  3. ___________fights for the rights of their members.
  4. Integrity is one of the ______________ that promote peace.
  5. ________________ is the machinery that directs the affairs of the people.
  6. Duties and Obligations are what the government expects from its ___________.
  7. Proper use of social amenities is one of the duties and ______________ expected from the citizens. 
  8. Pressure groups seek to _______________ government policies and decisions.
  9. Pressures groups can influence government decisions through_____________
  10.  Values are beliefs or principles that guide how we ___________and make decisions
  11.  Social values are shared belief within a ____________________.
  12.  Social injustice refers to unfair treatment of people based on gender, sex or ______________.
  13.  How can you express solidarity with those facing social injustice? _________________________________
  14.  Which action can help spread awareness about social injustice _____________
  15.  What can you do to demand change peacefully _____________
  16.  Pressure groups advise the ____________ on making  policies
  17.  _____________ are those things that we cherish and hold in high esteem
  18.  Dignity of Labour is one of the ___________ that build a nation
  19.  Loyalty to one’s country means showing love and ___________
  20.  Helping others in the society is the way to show ______________
  21.  Leadership is like being a _________ for others to follow.
  22.  A leader is someone who helps and __________ others.


  1.  Democratic leaders are always ______________ into power.
  2.  Honest leaders build __________________with their followers.
  3.  The place we live in is called _____________________.
  4.  A good house must have a ________________________.
  5.  Skyscraper, Mansion and Duplex are examples of _______________ houses.
  6.  Government is a group of________________ who rule a country. 
  7.  Natural disasters are caused by ___________________.
  8.  The _________________arm of government that implement the law.


Edu Delight Tutors 


15, Edu Delight Street , OFF FREEMAN, LAGOS.






NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………………………


Answer the following question by filling the gap

  1. The traditional type of olden houses in Northern Nigeria has a __________wall.
  2. The Fulani people traditionally live in a ___________ house.
  3. The ground floor of a story building is called the ___________ floor.
  4. Brick houses are built with __________ blocks.
  5. Houses with weak foundation and inadequate facilities should be ___________.
  6.  _____________ is the total number of people who live in a particular area.
  7. Another name for skyscraper is ______________ building.
  8. When the population of an area increases, there is a need to provide more _____________.
  9. The cost of labour and materials for building a house is often ____________.
  10.  Obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy is always from ____________office.
  11.  ___________is a stage of sexual maturity in boys and girls.
  12.  Early childhood is a stage of child development that begins at ________________.
  13.  Adolescence is the stage of child development that begins around ______ years
  14.  ____________ is someone whose age is between thirteen and nineteen.
  15.  Lack of ventilation can hinder a child growth and ________________.
  16.  Tooth ___________ can occur when teeth are not brushed properly.
  17.  Eating well, resting well, and maintaining good hygiene contribute to the overall growth and ____________.
  18.  When drugs are wrongly taken by a person, they are said to have been _____________
  19.  Someone who cannot do without a particular drug is called a drug __________
  20.  Peer pressure can influence individuals to engage in drug__________ 
  21.  Drug addiction can lead to___________ performance at school or work
  22.  Hawkers, herbalists, and some pharmacists are examples of ____________ source of drugs.


  1. _____________means to defile or make unfit for human use.
  2.  Smoke, dust and tear gas are examples of _____________ pollutants.
  3.  Things that can pollute are called_________________.
  4.  Pieces of paper and dirt are examples of _______pollutants. 
  5.  __________ Pollution is when the air is no longer pure for people to breathe.
  6.  Crude oil spillage is an example of ______________pollutants.
  7.  Smoke from vehicles, factory emissions can cause _________ pollution.
  8.  Polluted water is ____________for drinking.


Edu Delight Tutors 


15, Edu Delight Street , OFF FREEMAN, LAGOS.






NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………………………

Answer all following questions 

  1. A collage is a form of artwork created by combing various ________________.
  2. Scissors are used in collage making to ____________ out materials into shapes.
  3. _____________ can be used to stick materials onto the collage surface.
  4. Collage allow us to express our ___________________.
  5. ____________ refers to a form of literature work that is performed on stage.
  6. ___________ is a form of drama that has a sad ending.
  7. _____________  is a type of drama that has a happy ending.
  8. _____________ drama are based on real past events of historical period.
  9. _________________ is a period of learning a trade or craft.
  10. In scripted drama, the roles are read and _______________.
  11. ______________is the regular flow of musical sound.
  12. ______________is the outcome of something that is arranged a specific.
  13. Tambourines and xylophones are examples of _____________ instrument.
  14. Guitars and violins are examples of _______instruments.
  15. Pianos and organs are examples of __________ instruments.
  16. ______________ is used for modelling clay pot or clay image.
  17. _____________is the total way of life.
  18. Languages, draws and greetings are all elements of ___________________.
  19. ________________ are produced in solid figures, forms or images.
  20. Pencil and crayon are examples of _______________ tools.
  21. To make paper mache, you first need old _____________________.
  22. The paste for paper mache is made up of ________________ and water.
  23. Before using the newspaper you need to first _______________ the newspaper.
  24. After applying the paste, allow the paper mache to _________________. 
  25. After drying you can ______________ the paper mache model.
  26. A drum is a _____________instrument.
  27. A guitar is a ____________ instrument.
  28. A flute is a __________ instrument.
  29. A piano has _______________keys.
  30. In an apprenticeship, the apprentice learns from the __________________.

Edu Delight Tutors 


15, Edu Delight Street , OFF FREEMAN, LAGOS.






NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………………………


Answer all following questions 

  1. God promised Abraham a _________________
  2. Sarah laughed with joy because she gave birth to a boy whose name was ___________
  3. Isaac means _______________
  4. Before his conversion Paul ____________ the Christians
  5. Saul was travelling to _____________ when he saw a bright light
  6. After his conversion, Saul’s name was changed to _____________                    
  7. Paul travelled with __________ during his first missionary journey
  8. On the first missionary journey, Paul preached in __________________
  9. Paul and Silas went on Paul’s ______________ missionary journey
  10. ____________is a statement that something will be done
  11. ______________is an action that makes promise true
  12. Paul’s missionary journeys help to start new ____________
  13. God’s promises always _______________
  14. Isaac was the son  of Abraham and ________
  15. Sarah was very ____________ when Isaac was born
  16. Paul was blinded by a ____________light
  17. Jesus spoke to Saul from the _______________
  18. Ananias helped Saul to regain his ________________
  19. Saul was blind for _________days
  20. After Ananias prayed for Saul, something like __________ feel off Saul’s eyes
  21. Paul and Barnabas preached about_________________
  22. Many people ______________in Jesus because of Paul’s preaching
  23. Paul and Silas prayed and ______________ in the prison
  24. Paul wrote many __________________ to the churches he visited
  25. In Ephesus, Paul spoke to the people about the _______________ God
  26. Paul travelled by ______________ to many places that he visited
  27. Paul taught people to ____________ one another 
  28. Paul’s journeys show the importance of ________________ the message of Jesus
  29. During the holy pilgrimage, the Muslims visit____________as their holy land.
  30. During the Holy pilgrimage, the Christians visit ___________ as their holy land.

Edu Delight Tutors 


15, Edu Delight Street , OFF FREEMAN, LAGOS.






NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………………………


Answer all following questions 

  1. Independence means being free from another country’s_____________.
  2. Nigeria gained independence on October 1st _____________.
  3. The country that gave Nigeria her independence was________________.
  4. Dr. Nnamdi Azikwe participated in Nigeria _______________ celebration.
  5. Alhaji Tafawa Balewa was a key person in Nigeria’s _____________.
  6. Princess Alexandra came from ____________ to attend Nigeria’s independence celebration.
  7. The venue of Nigeria’s independence celebration was _________________.
  8. On October 1st 1960, Nigeria’s flag was __________________.
  9. Gaining independence helped Nigeria develop a national_______________.
  10. A republic is a country where people _____________ their leaders.
  11. A federation is a union of states with a _______________ government.
  12. At independence, Nigeria had a ___________ government.
  13. Nigeria became a republic on October 1st _____________.
  14. Nigeria adopted a _____________ constitution to become a federal republic.
  15. ___________ is the mode of worship.
  16. Religion is the belief in and worship of a higher or supreme______________.
  17. Traditional religion refers to the ___________ beliefs of our forefathers in a community.
  18. Ogun, according to traditional religion is the god of _______________.
  19. Sango, according to traditional religion is the god of ____________.
  20. Olokun is the god that is associated with the ____________.
  21. Traditional religion provides ____________ values and beliefs.
  22. A limitation to traditional religion is its __________ with modern religion.
  23. _____________ is the religion of peace.
  24. Christianity is a religion that is based on the teaching of our Lord___________.
  25. The Holy book of the Christian is called The Holy______________.


  1. Christians hold special services of worship on every ___________.
  2. Islam is a religion that is based on the teaching of prophet ___________ (PBUH)
  3. During the holy pilgrimage, the Muslim visit_____________as their holy land
  4. During the Holy pilgrimage, the Christians visit ___________ as their holy land.
  5. T.B.S in Lagos, where we had her independence simply means _____________.


Edu Delight Tutors 


15, Edu Delight Street , OFF FREEMAN, LAGOS.






NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………………………


 (10 TIMES)

Nigeria gained her political independence from British on October 1st 1960, marking a significance milestone in the history of the country.


Edu Delight Tutors 


15, Edu Delight Street , OFF FREEMAN, LAGOS.






NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………………………


  1. Independence
  2. Celebration
  3. Constitution
  4. Federation
  5. Traditional
  6. Government
  7. Leadership
  8. Development
  9. Parliamentary
  10. Historical
  11. Culture
  12. Community
  13. Indigenous
  14. Importance
  15. Belonging
  16. Understanding
  17. Representative
  18. Participation
  19. Education
  20. Interesting
  21. Information
  22. Explanation
  23. Communication
  24. Anniversary
  25. Democracy
  26. Nigeria
  27. History
  28. Classroom
  29. Teacher
  30. Electricity


    Edu Delight Tutors 


15, Edu Delight Street , OFF FREEMAN, LAGOS.






NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………………………


Answer the following questions. 

Fill in the gaps

  1. ______________ quality refers to the level of cleanliness and orderliness in our environment.
  2. __________ is the washing away of soil nutrient.
  3. Rainfall is one of the _____________ of erosion.
  4. Bush clearing unnecessarily is one of the _____________ of erosion.
  5. Erosion may lead to _____________ harvest.
  6. ____________ are things that defile or make things unpleasant for man’s use.
  7. Smoke is an example of __________ pollutant.
  8. Oil spillage is an example of ___________ pollutant.
  9. Refuse is an example of __________ pollutant.
  10.  Shouting, screaming or noises from religious houses of worship is an example of ____________ pollutant.
  11.  ________________ is a solid waste.
  12.  ________________ is a liquid waste.
  13.  _____________ is the transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma of plant.
  14.  ___________ is the uppermost part of the earth that support plants and animals growth.
  15.  ____________ soil is good for the construction of houses and bridges.
  16.  ____________ soil is the best for planting crops.
  17.  ____________ soil is always used to make clay pots.
  18.  Monocotyledons are plants with __________ seed leaf.
  19.  Sunlight, water, good seed and air are all parts of the conditions that are         necessary for the growth of ___________.
  20.  ______________ is the word that is used to refer to things in their natural form.
  21.  ___________ is the application of science to solve human practical problems.
  22.  _____________ is the increase in body, size and weight
  23.  The first step in preparing the land for planting is bush _______________.
  24.  The basic unit of measuring time is ________________.
  25.  The basic unit of measuring length is _______________.
  26.  A ____________ is a structure with a roof, windows and door.
  27.  A ___________ is used to move people and goods from one place to another.
  28.  Speed boat is an example of _______________ vehicle.
  29.  Aeroplane is an example of _______________ vehicle.
  30.  Jeep is an example of _____________ vehicle.


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