Idánwò Ikíni káábo Sĩ Sáà kìnni (First Term Idánwò Welcome Test) Yoruba Primary 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 1

Detailed Student-Centered Lesson Plan

Subject: Yoruba

Class: Primary 2

Term: First Term

Week: 1

Age: 7 years

Topic: Idánwò Ikíni káábo Sĩ Sáà kìnni (First Term Idánwò Welcome Test)

Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Answer questions based on the lesson.
  2. Correct mistakes based on the lesson.

Key Words

  • Idánwò (Test)
  • Ikíni (First)
  • Káábo (Welcome)
  • Sáà (Term)

Set Induction

The teacher will start by welcoming the pupils to the new term and explain the importance of starting with a test to see how much they remember from the last term.

Entry Behaviour

Pupils have basic knowledge from the previous term.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Blackboard
  • Chalk
  • Exercise books
  • Lagos State Scheme of Work

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

Discuss with pupils what they remember from the last term to help them prepare for the test.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Critical thinking
  • Problem-solving

Learning Materials

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Exercise books

Reference Books

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work

Instructional Materials

  • Blackboard
  • Chalk
  • Exercise books


  1. Welcome pupils to the new term.
  2. Explain the importance of starting with a test.
  3. Distribute exercise books.
  4. Pupils answer the questions on the blackboard.
  5. Pupils review and correct their answers.

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions

  1. The Yoruba word for “welcome” is __________. a) káábo b) àwàdí c) ìgbà
  2. The Yoruba word for “first” is __________. a) kárun b) ikíni c) èkejì
  3. The Yoruba word for “term” is __________. a) ìwé b) sáà c) ìrékọjà
  4. The Yoruba word for “test” is __________. a) idánwò b) ìtàn c) ìdánimọ
  5. “Ikíni káábo” means __________. a) end of term b) first welcome c) first term
  6. The word “sáà” refers to __________. a) book b) term c) welcome
  7. “Idánwò” means __________. a) story b) test c) reading
  8. The word for “first” in Yoruba is __________. a) ìkẹta b) ikíní c) èkejì
  9. The word “welcome” in Yoruba is __________. a) káábo b) odún c) kékèké
  10. The Yoruba word for “exercise book” is __________. a) ìwé b) sáà c) ìwé ìdánwò


  1. What is the Yoruba word for “welcome”?
    • The Yoruba word for “welcome” is “káábo.”
  2. How do you say “first” in Yoruba?
    • You say “first” as “ikíni” in Yoruba.
  3. What does “sáà” mean in Yoruba?
    • “Sáà” means “term” in Yoruba.
  4. What is “idánwò”?
    • “Idánwò” means “test.”
  5. What does “Ikíni káábo” translate to?
    • It translates to “first welcome.”
  6. How do you say “exercise book” in Yoruba?
    • You say “exercise book” as “ìwé ìdánwò.”
  7. What is the Yoruba word for “term”?
    • The Yoruba word for “term” is “sáà.”
  8. How do you say “test” in Yoruba?
    • You say “test” as “idánwò.”
  9. What is the Yoruba word for “book”?
    • The Yoruba word for “book” is “ìwé.”
  10. What does “ikíni” mean?
    • “Ikíni” means “first.”


Step 1

Teacher’s Activities: The teacher revises the previous term’s topics with the pupils, asking them questions to refresh their memory.

Learners’ Activities: Pupils respond to the revision questions, recalling information from the previous term.

Step 2

Teacher’s Activities: The teacher introduces the new topic by explaining that they will start the term with a test to see how much they remember from the last term.

Learners’ Activities: Pupils listen attentively and prepare for the test.

Step 3

Teacher’s Activities: The teacher allows pupils to answer questions written on the blackboard and guides them in correcting their mistakes.

Learners’ Activities: Pupils answer the questions and correct their answers based on the teacher’s feedback.


  • Pupils will answer the 10 fill-in-the-blank questions.
  • Teacher will review and mark the answers.

Ten Evaluation Questions

  1. What is the Yoruba word for “first”?
  2. How do you say “test” in Yoruba?
  3. What does “sáà” mean in English?
  4. How do you say “welcome” in Yoruba?
  5. What is the translation of “Ikíni káábo”?
  6. What is “idánwò” in English?
  7. How do you say “term” in Yoruba?
  8. What does “ikíni” mean?
  9. How do you say “exercise book” in Yoruba?
  10. What is the Yoruba word for “book”?


Teacher’s Activities: The teacher goes round to mark pupils’ work and provides feedback. The teacher also emphasizes the importance of starting the term with a review to set a strong foundation.

Captivating Title: Welcome to the New Term with a Review Test!

Focus Keyphrase: Yoruba First Term Welcome Test Primary 2

SEO Title: Yoruba Primary 2 First Term Welcome Test | Lagos State Scheme of Work

Slug: yoruba-primary-2-first-term-welcome-test

Meta Description: Detailed lesson plan for Yoruba Primary 2 First Term Welcome Test, including objectives, materials, content, FAQs, and evaluation questions.

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