Common Entrance Examination Questions


NAME: __________________________



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Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

Once, there was a small boy, Kola, who used to be untidy. Whenever he got home from school, he would leave his books all over the place. Sometimes he left the pail, broom, or his shoe in the middle of the floor where his mother often fell over them.

Then, Kola went to stay for a few weeks with his grandmother while he was on holiday from school. The grandmother was quick to notice this untidiness in Kola and she made up her mind to teach him to be tidy.

One day, he ran to her as she was preparing the evening meal and said, “I cannot find my reading book anywhere. I’m sure I left it on the table. Have you seen it, granny?”

“Yes,” she replied. “I found your book left carelessly on the table, so I took it and locked it in the cupboard in my room. If you want it back, you must first scrub the sitting room floor.”

Kola did not like scrubbing, but he wanted his book so much that he scrubbed the floor very thoroughly. Then his grandmother took the book from her cupboard and gave it to him.

The next day, the boy wanted to go out but he could not find his shoes. His grandmother had found them in the kitchen and had put them in the cupboard. This time she made him wash all the cooking pots before she returned his shoes.

The following week, the boy did a lot of scrubbing and cleaning in order to recover his pen, his pail, his shirt, and whatever else his granny had taken and locked in the cupboard. Finally, he decided it would be easier to be tidy. When the boy returned home, he never left his clothes or possessions in the wrong place anymore. He had learnt to be tidy. His mother was very delighted.

Now answer the following questions

  1. When did the boy spend a few weeks with his grandmother?
    (a) on his birthday
    (b) during the vacation
    (c) during Christmas
    (d) when the grandmother was sick
  2. One of the following was never done by Kola before he visited his grandmother:
    (a) He left his shirt anywhere
    (b) He left his clothes in the cupboard
    (c) He left his books anywhere
    (d) He left his shoes anywhere
  3. Why did the boy scrub the floor?
    (a) He liked scrubbing
    (b) He wanted his book back
    (c) The floor was dirty
    (d) They were expecting an important guest
  4. Why did Kola’s grandmother remove his shoes?
    (a) He had left them untidy
    (b) She wanted to sell them
    (c) She did not want him to wear the shoes
    (d) She wanted to repair them
  5. How did his mother feel when he returned home?
    (a) Angry
    (b) Disappointed
    (c) Sad
    (d) Pleased
  6. Why did the grandmother decide to teach Kola to be tidy?
    (a) So that Kola could help her at home
    (b) So that she could finish the scrubbing and washing in time
    (c) So that Kola can stop being untidy
    (d) To prove to Kola’s mother that she is weak
  7. What can you say about Kola’s grandmother?
    (a) She is wicked
    (b) She is wise
    (c) She is godly
    (d) She is ticklish
  8. What did Kola wash in order to get his shoes?
    (a) The floor
    (b) The plates
    (c) The pots
    (d) The clothes
  9. How many times did Kola scrub and clean before he learnt his lesson?
    (a) Once
    (b) Six times
    (c) Three times
    (d) Many times
  10. Why was Kola’s mother delighted at the end?
    (a) Kola came back safely from the holiday
    (b) Her mother sent her greetings through Kola
    (c) Kola would be going back to school
    (d) Kola was no more untidy

Choose from the options A-D, the one that is nearest in meaning to the word underlined

  1. One of the symptoms of Cholera is frequent stooling
    (a) tricks
    (b) attacks
    (c) treatment
    (d) signs
  2. Our team was able to beat the opponent in the football match
    (a) finish
    (b) suppress
    (c) defeat
    (d) overrun
  3. Chelsea was fortunate to win the match by penalty kicks
    (a) late
    (b) beneficial
    (c) harmful
    (d) lucky
  4. The principal has just bought a new car
    (a) sold
    (b) purchased
    (c) repaired
    (d) displayed
  5. His mother showered a lot of affection on her children
    (a) love
    (b) success
    (c) respect
    (d) anger

Choose from the options A-D the one that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word underlined

  1. Could you see that tall and slim man in the crowd
    (a) fresh
    (b) ugly
    (c) fat
    (d) short
  2. Ahmed was afraid when we were ascending the hill
    (a) going up
    (b) climbing
    (c) descending
    (d) weeding
  3. One of the armed robbers faces is familiar to me
    (a) strange
    (b) shining
    (c) known
    (d) cleared
  4. The boy is innocent of the crime
    (a) free
    (b) plain
    (c) guilty
    (d) dead
  5. The humble woman came here yesterday
    (a) rich
    (b) proud
    (c) clever
    (d) friendly

Complete each of the following statements with the most appropriate of the options lettered A-D

  1. Tolu and __ were at the party yesterday
    (a) I
    (b) me
    (c) us
    (d) myself
  2. We have been living in this area __ 2003
    (a) for
    (b) since
    (c) about
    (d) in
  3. Make hay while the sun __
    (a) sets
    (b) comes
    (c) rises
    (d) shines
  4. The meal was so ___, I nearly bit my tongue
    (a) pleasant
    (b) exciting
    (c) bitter
    (d) delicious
  5. The boys blamed ___ for their performance in the test
    (a) themselves
    (b) each other
    (c) anybody
    (d) one another





Choose the correct answer for each question

  1. What is the place value of digit 2 in 0.012
    (a) thousand
    (b) hundred
    (c) hundredth
    (d) thousandth
  2. If P + 2Q = 40, find Q when P = 16
    (a) 28
    (b) 24
    (c) 20
    (d) 12
  3. Husband is twice as old as wife. If husband is 50 years old, how old is wife?
    (a) 100
    (b) 75
    (c) 50
    (d) 25
  4. Evaluate 0.25 of 16 multiplied by 0.75 of 20
    (a) 320
    (b) 80
    (c) 60
    (d) 20
  5. Express 99 in Roman numerals
    (a) XLXI
    (b) XCLV
    (c) XCIX
    (d) LXXXXXIX
  6. If the radius of a circle is 7 cm, find its diameter
    (a) 154 cm
    (b) 44 cm
    (c) 22 cm
    (d) 14 cm
  7. Write in figure ten thousand one hundred and eight
    (a) 100,108
    (b) 11,008
    (c) 10,108
    (d) 10,800
  8. Take away 64 from the difference between 615 and 428
    (a) 251
    (b) 233
    (c) 231
    (d) 123
  9. If P × P = 144, find P
    (a) 288
    (b) 72
    (c) 36
    (d) 12
  10. Find the HCF of 56, 70, and 182
    (a) 28
    (b) 14
    (c) 8
    (d) 7

The following marks were scored in a test by 10 students:

62, 84, 12, 25, 60, 72, 80, 0, 50, 55

  1. Find the sum of the marks scored by all the students
    (a) 600
    (b) 500
    (c) 490
    (d) 400
  2. What is the average mark scored by the students?
    (a) 60
    (b) 50
    (c) 49
    (d) 40
  3. What is the difference between the highest and the lowest marks scored?
    (a) 72
    (b) 59
    (c) 12
    (d) 84
  4. Find the sum of the marks scored by the best three students
    (a) 236
    (b) 136
    (c) 226
    (d) 148
  5. Sodja bought 6 apples for N72. How much did each apple cost?
    (a) N15
    (b) N6
    (c) N12
    (d) N27
  6. Add H.C.F of 4 and 8 to the H.C.F of 6 and 12
    (a) 12
    (b) 10
    (c) 8
    (d) 6
  7. What is the sum of the square of 5 and the square of 6
    (a) 61
    (b) 225
    (c) 36
    (d) 25
  8. An orange costs N9, what is the cost of 9 oranges at the same price?
    (a) N99
    (b) N9
    (c) N81
    (d) N90
  9. The length of a walking stick is 2.5 cm. Find the length of 5 such sticks
    (a) 12.5 cm
    (b) 18.6 cm
    (c) 25.0 cm
    (d) 29.6 cm
  10. There are 45 pupils in a class. How many pupils are there in 15 such classes?
    (a) 765
    (b) 657
    (c) 675
    (d) 567
  11. A bag of beans weighs 25.60 kg and a bag of Semovita weighs 10.15 kg. What is the difference in their weights?
    (a) 15045 kg
    (b) 15.45 kg
    (c) 1.545 kg
    (d) 35.75 kg
  12. Mr. Nifemi bought 25.50 liters of kerosene on Monday and 14.35 liters of kerosene on Tuesday. How many liters of kerosene did he buy altogether?
    (a) 39.85 liters
    (b) 11.15 liters
    (c) 28.51 liters
    (d) 25.50 liters
  13. If the cost price of an orange is #6180.39 and the profit is #560.28, find the selling price.
    (a) #7740.67
    (b) #6740.67
    (c) #7640.67
    (d) #6740.67
  14. Multiply #5.52 by 4
    (a) #22.08
    (b) #22.09
    (c) #22.10
    (d) #22.12
  15. There are 60 pupils in a class. How many pupils are there in 3 such classrooms?
    (a) 60
    (b) 120
    (c) 180
    (d) 240



Part III Basic Science

Choose the correct answer for each question

  1. Personal hygiene or cleanliness will make our skin __
    (a) rough
    (b) weak
    (c) dirty and bad
    (d) smooth and good looking
  2. ___ can be regarded as harmful use of drugs
    (a) Drug abuse
    (b) Drug addiction
    (c) Drug pusher
    (d) Drug dependence
  3. Which of the following is a reptile
    (a) cat
    (b) frog
    (c) lizard
    (d) elephant
  4. Energy is defined as the ___ to do work
    (a) effort
    (b) machine
    (c) device
    (d) ability
  5. Which of these is a sense organ
    (a) blood
    (b) tongue
    (c) skull
    (d) leg
  6. The bony framework of the body is called
    (a) muscle
    (b) skeleton
    (c) teeth
    (d) blood
  7. This creature transmits malaria parasite to man
    (a) house fly
    (b) anopheles mosquito
    (c) culex mosquito
    (d) tse-tse fly
  8. The opening on the nose are called the
    (a) eye
    (b) nostrils
    (c) none of the above
    (d) nose windows
  9. Who can be your good friend?
    (a) a classmate
    (b) an age mate
    (c) a mad person
    (d) A and B
  10. Accidents can happen at home if we are ___
    (a) careless and ignorant
    (b) careful
    (c) watchful
    (d) sleeping
  11. Plants make their food through a process called __________.
    a) Respiration
    b) Photosynthesis
    c) Digestion
    d) Circulation
  12. The green pigment in plants that helps in photosynthesis is called __________.
    a) Chlorophyll
    b) Hemoglobin
    c) Carotene
    d) Melanin
  13. Animals obtain energy by __________ plants and other animals.
    a) Eating
    b) Breathing
    c) Absorbing
    d) Photosynthesizing
  14. __________ are simple sugars used by plants for energy.
    a) Amino acids
    b) Starch
    c) Carbohydrates
    d) Proteins
  15. In photosynthesis, __________ is converted into glucose and oxygen.
    a) Carbon dioxide
    b) Nitrogen
    c) Water
    d) Sulfur
  16. __________ is the process by which cells break down glucose to release energy.
    a) Photosynthesis
    b) Respiration
    c) Digestion
    d) Reproduction
  17. The primary source of energy for almost all living organisms is __________.
    a) Water
    b) Sunlight
    c) Air
    d) Soil
  18. Plants need __________, sunlight, and chlorophyll for photosynthesis.
    a) Heat
    b) Oxygen
    c) Carbon dioxide
    d) Nitrogen
  19. Animals that eat only plants are called __________.
    a) Carnivores
    b) Herbivores
    c) Omnivores
    d) Detritivores
  20. The process by which plants use sunlight to make their food is called __________.
    a) Fermentation
    b) Photosynthesis
    c) Respiration
    d) Excretion
  21. __________ is a waste product of cellular respiration.
    a) Carbon dioxide
    b) Glucose
    c) Oxygen
    d) Nitrogen
  22. Plants release __________ into the air during photosynthesis.
    a) Carbon dioxide
    b) Oxygen
    c) Methane
    d) Hydrogen
  23. __________ is a substance made up of amino acids that plants and animals need to grow.
    a) Starch
    b) Protein
    c) Sugar
    d) Fiber
  24. The __________ is the part of the plant where photosynthesis mainly occurs.
    a) Root
    b) Stem
    c) Leaf
    d) Flower
  25. In photosynthesis, plants absorb __________ through their leaves.
    a) Nitrogen
    b) Oxygen
    c) Carbon dioxide
    d) Methane

Part III: Pre-Vocational Studies

  1. The growing of crops and rearing of animals is called __
    (a) Biology
    (b) Agriculture
    (c) Engineering
    (d) Health science
  2. Which of these is not a farm animal
    (a) Rabbit
    (b) Pig
    (c) Cow
    (d) Tiger
  3. The best soil for planting is ___ soil
    (a) Sandy
    (b) Loamy
    (c) Clayey
    (d) Silt
  4. The washing away of soil by rain water is called
    (a) Drainage
    (b) Erosion
    (c) Irrigation
    (d) Rainfall
  5. The part of the plant that grows above the ground level is called the ___
    (a) Shoot
    (b) Root
    (c) Leaves
    (d) Stem
  6. A _____ is the best for washing clothes manually.
    (a) Big bowl
    (b) Plate
    (c) Pressing iron
    (d) Cup
  7. Visitors are normally received in the ___
    (a) Bedroom
    (b) Kitchen
    (c) Sitting room
    (d) Bathroom
  8. Beans and fish are body repairing foods called
    (a) Vitamin
    (b) Carbohydrate
    (c) Protein
    (d) Fat and oil
  9. One thing you can find in a traditional kitchen is __
    (a) Cooker
    (b) Firewood
    (c) Deep freezer
    (d) Sink
  10. Knitting and crocheting are used for ___
    (a) Decoration
    (b) Building clothes
    (c) Display
    (d) Identity
  11. __________ is the practice of growing crops and raising animals for food and other products.
    a) Agriculture
    b) Mining
    c) Fishing
    d) Manufacturing
  12. In farming, __________ refers to the process of preparing the soil for planting crops.
    a) Harvesting
    b) Fertilizing
    c) Plowing
    d) Irrigating
  13. __________ is a method of controlling pests and diseases by using natural predators.
    a) Chemical control
    b) Biological control
    c) Mechanical control
    d) Cultural control
  14. The practice of planting different types of crops in the same area in successive seasons is known as __________.
    a) Crop rotation
    b) Monoculture
    c) Polyculture
    d) Soil tillage
  15. __________ refers to the protection of crops from diseases, pests, and weeds using various methods.
    a) Crop management
    b) Soil conservation
    c) Pest control
    d) Harvesting
  16. __________ is an important practice in Home Economics to ensure that food is safe to eat and free from contamination.
    a) Food preservation
    b) Food preparation
    c) Food storage
    d) Food safety
  17. The process of heating food to kill harmful bacteria is called __________.
    a) Freezing
    b) Boiling
    c) Pasteurization
    d) Drying
  18. In Home Economics, __________ refers to the careful planning and use of money and resources.
    a) Budgeting
    b) Investing
    c) Saving
    d) Spending
  19. __________ is a practice in agriculture where organic waste is added to the soil to improve its fertility.
    a) Composting
    b) Irrigation
    c) Plowing
    d) Mulching
  20. __________ is the technique of growing plants without soil, using nutrient-rich water instead.
    a) Hydroponics
    b) Aeroponics
    c) Aquaponics
    d) Traditional farming
  21. In Home Economics, __________ involves organizing and managing household tasks and resources efficiently.
    a) Home management
    b) Food science
    c) Nutrition
    d) Personal finance
  22. __________ is the method of preserving food by removing its moisture.
    a) Canning
    b) Freezing
    c) Drying
    d) Refrigeration
  23. __________ is a natural method of pest control that involves using plants or animals to reduce pest populations.
    a) Chemical pesticides
    b) Biological control
    c) Physical barriers
    d) Soil fumigation
  24. __________ involves maintaining and caring for livestock to ensure their health and productivity.
    a) Animal husbandry
    b) Crop rotation
    c) Soil management
    d) Irrigation
  25. __________ is a common technique used in Home Economics to make sure food items remain fresh for a longer time.
    a) Cooking
    b) Preservation
    c) Preparation
    d) Serving

Part IV: National Value

  1. The head of the family is known as the __
    (a) Grandfather
    (b) Father
    (c) Grandmother
    (d) Mother
  2. A group of people with common origin and interest joined together by blood or marriage is referred to as a ___
    (a) Society
    (b) Family
    (c) Community
    (d) Village
  3. The union between a man and a woman is referred to as __
    (a) Marriage
    (b) Love
    (c) Divorce
    (d) Courtship
  4. An unmarried woman is called a ___
    (a) Bachelor
    (b) Lady
    (c) Mistress
    (d) Spinster
  5. Nigeria is a country made up of __ states
    (a) 36
    (b) 30
    (c) 21
    (d) 19
  6. A place where people save money and other valuable things is called ___
    (a) A post office
    (b) A bank
    (c) An archive
    (d) A museum
  7. In traffic light, messages are sent by light with different___
    (a) Sound
    (b) Word
    (c) Letter
    (d) Colour
  8. The body responsible for conducting general elections in Nigeria is called ___
    (a) FEDECO
    (b) INEC
    (c) MAMSER
    (d) NEPA
  9. A place where a collection of books is kept for reading is called __
    (a) Bookshop
    (b) Library
    (c) Book fair
    (d) Reading room
  10. Nigeria became independent on ___
    (a) October 1, 1960
    (b) October 1, 1963
    (c) October 1, 1965
    (d) October 1, 1975
  11. The most populous African country is
    (a) Ghana
    (b) Togo
    (c) Niger
    (d) Nigeria
  12. A rainbow consists of ___ colours
    (a) 9
    (b) 8
    (c) 7
    (d) 6
  13. The head of a secondary school is called __
    (a) A principal
    (b) A headmaster
    (c) A minister
    (d) A supervisor
  14. A person who sells newspaper is called __
    (a) A journalist
    (b) A writer
    (c) A vendor
    (d) A grocer
  15. How many local government councils are there in Nigeria?
    (a) 376
    (b) 478
    (c) 375
    (d) 774
  16. The coat of arm and the Nigeria national flags are national __
    (a) Signs
    (b) Symbols
    (c) Patriot
    (d) Nationalism
  17. The red colour in the traffic light indicates __
    (a) Stop
    (b) Get ready
    (c) Go
    (d) Move
  18. The children’s day celebration is always on ___ of every year
    (a) May 12th
    (b) May 29th
    (c) May 27th
    (d) October 1st
  19. The people who make the laws of the country are called ___
    (a) Doctors
    (b) Engineers
    (c) Legislators
    (d) Teachers
  20. Oba is to Lagos, as ___ is to Kano
    (a) Obi
    (b) Eze
    (c) Emir
    (d) Onojie
  21. __________ is the practice of keeping people and property safe from harm or danger.
    a) Security
    b) Safety
    c) Risk
    d) Protection
  22. __________ should be used to lock doors when leaving your home to keep intruders out.
    a) Key
    b) Alarm
    c) Light
    d) Lock
  23. If you see someone suspicious in your area, you should __________ immediately.
    a) Ignore
    b) Report to a trusted adult
    c) Confront them
    d) Leave the area
  24. __________ involves teaching students how to recognize and avoid dangerous situations.
    a) Security education
    b) Math education
    c) Science education
    d) Art education
  25. In case of a fire, you should __________ to ensure you get out safely.
    a) Hide
    b) Call 911
    c) Use the nearest exit
    d) Stand still

Part V: Computer:

  1. To turn off the computer means __
    (a) Shut up
    (b) Put off
    (c) Shut down
    (d) Log off
  2. ATM means
    (a) Auto Teller Machine
    (b) Automatic Teller Machine
    (c) Auto Teller Memory
    (d) Automatic Teller Memory
  3. Which of these is another name for the monitor
    (a) VDU
    (b) CPU
    (c) GIGO
    (d) CLS
  4. The primary means of entering information into the computer is through the ___
    (a) Disc
    (b) Keyboard
    (c) Printer
    (d) Photocopy
  5. We __ the mouse to select object
    (a) Click
    (b) Stop
    (c) Forward
    (d) Backward
  6. __ is the microcomputer that resembles a briefcase
    (a) Palmtop
    (b) Tower
    (c) Slimline
    (d) Laptop
  7. The longest key on the keyboard is called __
    (a) Enter key
    (b) Space bar
    (c) Caps lock
    (d) Shift keys
  8. Computer can be used in the following places except __
    (a) School
    (b) Business centre
    (c) Cyber cafes
    (d) Toilet
  9. Who made the first adding machine in 1642?
    (a) Moses Sodja
    (b) Sir Morland
    (c) Charles Babbage
    (d) Blaise Pascal
  10. __ is regarded as the father of the computer
    (a) Ada Lovelace
    (b) Blaise Pascal
    (c) Charles Babbage
    (d) John Napier
  11. A __________ is a machine that helps us to perform various tasks using software and hardware.
    a) Computer
    b) Television
    c) Radio
    d) Telephone
  12. The __________ is the part of the computer where you can see images and text.
    a) Monitor
    b) Keyboard
    c) Mouse
    d) Printer
  13. __________ is used to type letters and numbers into a computer.
    a) Keyboard
    b) Mouse
    c) Speaker
    d) Monitor
  14. The __________ helps you move the cursor on the screen and click on items.
    a) Mouse
    b) Keyboard
    c) Monitor
    d) Printer
  15. __________ is the brain of the computer that processes all instructions.
    a) CPU
    b) RAM
    c) Hard Drive
    d) Monitor
  16. A __________ is used to print documents from the computer.
    a) Printer
    b) Scanner
    c) Keyboard
    d) Speaker
  17. __________ software helps you to write, edit, and print text documents.
    a) Word Processor
    b) Spreadsheet
    c) Browser
    d) Game
  18. The __________ stores all your files and programs.
    a) Hard Drive
    b) Monitor
    c) Mouse
    d) Printer
  19. __________ allows you to browse the internet and visit different websites.
    a) Web Browser
    b) Word Processor
    c) Spreadsheet
    d) Game
  20. __________ helps you to save your work so you can access it later.
    a) File
    b) Trash
    c) Desktop
    d) Recycle Bin
  21. A __________ is a small, removable device used to store and transfer data.
    a) Flash Drive
    b) Monitor
    c) Keyboard
    d) Mouse
  22. __________ is a program that helps you find and fix problems on your computer.
    a) Antivirus
    b) Spreadsheet
    c) Word Processor
    d) Web Browser
  23. __________ is the term used for the temporary storage of data that your computer uses while it’s running programs.
    a) RAM
    b) Hard Drive
    c) Monitor
    d) Keyboard
  24. To __________ a computer means to turn it on and start using it.
    a) Boot
    b) Shutdown
    c) Restart
    d) Update
  25. __________ are used to input audio into a computer, like talking into a microphone.
    a) Speakers
    b) Microphone
    c) Mouse
    d) Monitor
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