Objective Questions Jss 1 Third Term Mid Term Solution Mid Term Test


  1. The ability to float in water is called ______. a) Gravity
    b) Buoyancy
    c) Density
    d) Pressure
  2. Disease-causing animals are known as ______. a) Parasites
    b) Pathogens
    c) Hosts
    d) Vectors
  3. The part of the javelin you hold is called the ______. a) Point
    b) Grip
    c) Shaft
    d) Tip
  4. A recreational activity is something people do for ______. a) Work
    b) Fun
    c) Exercise
    d) Learning
  5. The ______ is a phase in the javelin throw. a) Run-up
    b) Jump
    c) Dive
    d) Twist


  1. The Igala Kingdom is in ______ State. a) Lagos
    b) Kogi
    c) Kano
    d) Kaduna
  2. One reason for the fall of the Igala Kingdom was ______. a) Unity
    b) Internal conflicts
    c) Wealth
    d) Expansion
  3. The council of elders is a part of the ______ Kingdom. a) Tiv
    b) Nupe
    c) Igala
    d) Benin
  4. Nupe Kingdom’s income came from ______. a) Trading
    b) Mining
    c) Fishing
    d) Crafting
  5. The Igala Kingdom originated around the ______ century. a) 7th
    b) 8th
    c) 9th
    d) 10th


  1. A sales journal records sales made on ______. a) Cash
    b) Credit
    c) Loan
    d) Barter
  2. Sales made on May 28 were ______ bags of rice. a) 10
    b) 15
    c) 20
    d) 25
  3. The price per bag of rice sold to Obi was ______. a) N5,000
    b) N10,000
    c) N20,000
    d) N25,000
  4. The total sales amount on May 30 was ______. a) N2,000
    b) N5,000
    c) N7,500
    d) N10,000
  5. A sales journal helps to keep track of ______. a) Expenses
    b) Debts
    c) Credit sales
    d) Purchases


  1. The number 16869 is divisible by ______. a) 2
    b) 3
    c) 5
    d) 7
  2. A number divisible by 4 is ______. a) 36116
    b) 16869
    c) 22374
    d) 16869
  3. The number 76356 is divisible by ______. a) 3
    b) 6
    c) 12
    d) All of the above
  4. Three pens cost ______ if one pen costs N54. a) N108
    b) N162
    c) N216
    d) N54
  5. The number you are thinking of is ______. a) 10
    b) 16
    c) 20
    d) 25


  1. Indiscipline means lack of ______. a) Freedom
    b) Control
    c) Respect
    d) Power
  2. A consequence of indiscipline is ______. a) Chaos
    b) Order
    c) Success
    d) Peace
  3. Indiscipline can lead to ______ performance. a) Good
    b) Poor
    c) Average
    d) Great
  4. Indiscipline can cause loss of ______. a) Money
    b) Respect
    c) Friends
    d) Family
  5. Indiscipline can result in ______ problems. a) Legal
    b) Health
    c) Social
    d) Economic


  1. One commandment is “You shall not ______.” a) Work
    b) Steal
    c) Play
    d) Talk
  2. God gave the Ten Commandments to ______. a) Abraham
    b) Isaac
    c) Moses
    d) David
  3. “Remember the ______ day and keep it holy.” a) First
    b) Third
    c) Fifth
    d) Sabbath
  4. “You shall not commit ______.” a) Lying
    b) Stealing
    c) Adultery
    d) Coveting
  5. “You shall not give false ______.” a) Money
    b) Testimony
    c) Gifts
    d) Promises


  1. A theme of the poem ‘Diversity’ is ______. a) Unity
    b) Conflict
    c) War
    d) Loneliness
  2. Diversity means having ______. a) Sameness
    b) Differences
    c) Similarities
    d) Equality
  3. The poem ‘Diversity’ talks about ______. a) Food
    b) Nature
    c) People
    d) Music
  4. One important aspect of diversity is ______. a) Acceptance
    b) Rejection
    c) Ignorance
    d) Division
  5. Diversity can lead to ______. a) Harmony
    b) Confusion
    c) Anger
    d) Sadness


  1. Cyber bullying is a form of ______. a) Exercise
    b) Abuse
    c) Game
    d) Study
  2. A common method of file sharing is ______. a) Bluetooth
    b) Fax
    c) Mail
    d) Phone call
  3. An external device connected to a computer is a ______. a) Software
    b) Peripherals
    c) Program
    d) Application
  4. Sending an email involves ______. a) Writing a letter
    b) Composing a message
    c) Making a call
    d) Sending a fax
  5. Supercomputers are classified by their ______. a) Size
    b) Speed
    c) Weight
    d) Age


  1. Edge finishing is used to prevent ______. a) Shrinking
    b) Fading
    c) Fraying
    d) Staining
  2. A part of the sewing machine is the ______. a) Handle
    b) Needle
    c) Pedal
    d) Spool
  3. The needle of a sewing machine is used for ______. a) Cutting
    b) Stitching
    c) Measuring
    d) Pressing
  4. The pedal of a sewing machine is used to ______. a) Control speed
    b) Measure fabric
    c) Hold fabric
    d) Cut threads
  5. The spool of a sewing machine holds the ______. a) Needle
    b) Thread
    c) Fabric
    d) Foot


  1. The Romantic Period of Western music began in the ______ century. a) 16th
    b) 17th
    c) 18th
    d) 19th
  2. One composer from the Romantic Period is ______. a) Bach
    b) Handel
    c) Chopin
    d) Mozart
  3. Romantic music is known for its ______. a) Simplicity
    b) Emotion
    c) Silence
    d) Repetition
  4. A famous piece from the Romantic Period is “Hallelujah Chorus” by ______. a) Handel
    b) Beethoven
    c) Chopin
    d) Liszt
  5. The Romantic Period focused on ______. a) Religion
    b) Nature
    c) Science
    d) Politics


  1. One basic part of a plant is the ______. a) Flower
    b) Leaf
    c) Stem
    d) All of the above
  2. Plants can be used for ______. a) Food
    b) Medicine
    c) Clothing
    d) All of the above
  3. A type of asexual reproduction in plants is ______. a) Budding
    b) Pollination
    c) Fertilization
    d) Germination
  4. Pollination is the transfer of pollen from ______. a) Leaf to leaf
    b) Root to stem
    c) Flower to flower
    d) Anther to stigma
  5. Cross-pollination occurs between ______. a) Same flower
    b) Different flowers
    c) Same leaf
    d) Different leaves


  1. “Bonjour” means ______ in English. a) Good night
    b) Good morning
    c) Thank you
    d) Goodbye
  2. The French word for “apple” is ______. a) Pomme
    b) Poire
    c) Banane
    d) Raisin
  3. “Merci” is used to say ______. a) Hello
    b) Goodbye
    c) Please
    d) Thank you
  1. The French word for “yes” is ______. a) Non
    b) Oui
    c) Peut-être
    d) Jamais
  2. “Comment ça va?” means ______. a) What’s your name?
    b) How are you?
    c) Where are you from?
    d) What time is it?


  1. “Baba mi” means ______ in English. a) My father
    b) My mother
    c) My brother
    d) My sister
  2. Baba mi je ______ eniyan. a) Eni ti o dara
    b) Eni ti o buru
    c) Eni ti o gun
    d) Eni ti o kere
  3. Baba mi maa n fun mi ni ______. a) Owo
    b) Amoran
    c) Ebi
    d) Aso
  4. Baba mi maa n se abojuto ______. a) Ile wa
    b) Aja wa
    c) Ebi wa
    d) Ile iwe
  5. Baba mi nife mi ju ______ lo. a) Mama mi
    b) Ile mi
    c) Omo mi
    d) Gbogbo aye


  1. The Igala Kingdom is in ______. a) Kogi State
    b) Lagos State
    c) Kano State
    d) Kaduna State
  2. Tiv Kingdom’s council of elders is a ______. a) Economic structure
    b) Socio-political structure
    c) Religious structure
    d) Cultural structure
  3. Farming is a source of income for ______ Kingdom. a) Igala
    b) Tiv
    c) Nupe
    d) Benin
  4. Attacks from neighboring kingdoms caused the fall of ______. a) Nupe Kingdom
    b) Tiv Kingdom
    c) Igala Kingdom
    d) Oyo Kingdom
  5. Age-grade systems are part of the ______ Kingdom’s structure. a) Nupe
    b) Tiv
    c) Igala
    d) Yoruba


  1. A hammer is used for ______. a) Cutting
    b) Shaping
    c) Measuring
    d) Painting
  2. A file is used to ______ metal surfaces. a) Smooth
    b) Bend
    c) Heat
    d) Color
  3. Pliers are used for ______ metal wires. a) Heating
    b) Cutting
    c) Painting
    d) Measuring
  4. A hacksaw is used to ______ metal. a) Cut
    b) Shape
    c) Bend
    d) Heat
  5. An anvil is used as a ______. a) Cutting tool
    b) Measuring tool
    c) Holding tool
    d) Solid surface for hammering


  1. An imaginative composition can show a ______. a) Real place
    b) Village
    c) Fictional world
    d) Family
  2. A portrait drawing is a picture of a ______. a) Landscape
    b) Person
    c) Building
    d) Animal
  3. Looking into a mirror helps you draw a ______. a) Self-portrait
    b) Landscape
    c) Still life
    d) Abstract art
  4. Drawing from a picture means drawing from a ______. a) Live model
    b) Photograph
    c) Imagination
    d) Description
  5. Visual art includes drawing, painting, and ______. a) Writing
    b) Singing
    c) Sculpting
    d) Dancing


  1. Agriculture involves growing ______. a) Buildings
    b) Plants
    c) Furniture
    d) Clothes
  2. A common farm animal is a ______. a) Dog
    b) Horse
    c) Fish
    d) Bird
  3. Farmers grow crops to produce ______. a) Medicines
    b) Food
    c) Clothes
    d) Toys
  4. Agriculture provides jobs for many ______. a) Animals
    b) Machines
    c) People
    d) Computers
  5. A tractor is a common ______ used in farming. a) Tool
    b) Vehicle
    c) Machine
    d) Animal


  1. The Romantic Period of Western Music began in the ______ century. a) 16th
    b) 17th
    c) 18th
    d) 19th
  2. A famous composer of the Romantic Period is ______. a) Bach
    b) Mozart
    c) Chopin
    d) Handel
  3. The “Hallelujah Chorus” was composed by ______. a) Handel
    b) Beethoven
    c) Chopin
    d) Liszt
  4. Romantic music is known for its ______. a) Emotion
    b) Simplicity
    c) Quietness
    d) Uniformity
  5. One characteristic of Romantic Period music is ______. a) Complexity
    b) Harmony
    c) Monotony
    d) Regularity
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