Second Term Revision and Readiness Test Basic Science Primary 4 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 1

Basic Science – Second Term Revision

  1. What is change?
    • Change is the process or result of something becoming different.
  2. Mention the two types of change.
    • (i) Physical Change
    • (ii) Chemical Change
  3. What is metamorphosis?
    • Metamorphosis is a biological process that involves a complete change in the form and often habits of an animal during its development.
  4. Mention two adult animals and their young ones.
    • (i) Lion – Cub
    • (ii) Dog – Puppy
  5. Complete metamorphosis undergoes…
    • Four stages.
  6. Incomplete metamorphosis undergoes…
    • Three stages.
  7. Mention two main parts of an adult insect.
    • (i) Head
    • (ii) Abdomen
  8. What is weather?
    • Weather is the day-to-day state of the atmosphere in a particular place.
  9. What is climate?
    • Climate refers to the long-term patterns and averages of weather conditions in a particular region.
  10. How do you call the science of weather?
    • Meteorology.
  11. Mention two weather instruments you know.
    • (i) Thermometer
    • (ii) Barometer
  12. List two weather conditions.
    • (i) Rainy
    • (ii) Sunny
  13. Write the correct type of change against each of the following objects.
  • (i) A dead lion: Chemical Change
  • (ii) Colour of chameleon: Physical Change
  • (iii) Cassava processed into garri: Chemical Change
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