Revision and Recap of First Term Social Studies Concepts Social Studies Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 11

Lesson Plan Presentation: Revision in Social Studies

Subject: Social Studies

Class: Primary 5

Term: First Term

Week: 11

Topic: Revision

Sub-topic: Recap of First Term Social Studies Concepts

Duration: 40 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Students are expected to recall information about community, government, and basic geography discussed in previous lessons.

Key Words:

  • Community
  • Government
  • Geography
  • Culture
  • Citizenship
  • Diversity
  • Rights
  • Responsibilities
  • Resources
  • Environment

Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Recall and define key Social Studies terms.
  2. Explain the roles of community members and government.
  3. Identify the importance of cultural diversity and responsible citizenship.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking
  • Recall of information
  • Citizenship awareness
  • Cultural understanding

Learning Materials:

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Visual aids (maps, pictures of communities)
  • Social Studies textbooks
  • Flags representing cultural diversity


  1. Recap of key Social Studies terms.
  2. Discussion on community roles and government responsibilities.
  3. Importance of cultural diversity and responsible citizenship.

Recall and Define Key Social Studies Terms:

  1. Community: A group of people living together in a specific area, sharing common interests and resources.
  2. Government: The organized system or authority responsible for making and enforcing laws, managing public affairs, and providing services.
  3. Geography: The study of the Earth’s surface, including its physical features, climate, and human populations.
  4. Culture: The shared beliefs, customs, arts, and way of life of a particular group of people.
  5. Citizenship: The status of being a member of a particular country and having rights and responsibilities within that community.
  6. Diversity: The presence of a variety of different cultures, ethnicities, and backgrounds within a community or society.
  7. Rights: Entitlements or freedoms that individuals have, often protected by laws or regulations.
  8. Responsibilities: Duties and obligations that individuals have toward their community or country.
  9. Resources: Materials or assets that are valuable and can be used to meet needs or achieve goals.
  10. Environment: The surroundings in which people, animals, and plants live, including both natural and human-made elements.

Explain the Roles of Community Members and Government:

  1. Community Members:
    • Teachers: Educate and guide students.
    • Police Officers: Maintain law and order.
    • Doctors: Provide healthcare.
    • Farmers: Cultivate and supply food.
    • Parents: Nurturing and supporting families.
  2. Government:
    • Local Government: Manages community services like schools and waste collection.
    • National Government: Creates laws, defends the country, and provides national services.
    • Leaders: Make decisions and represent the people.
    • Courts: Ensure justice and resolve legal matters.

Identify the Importance of Cultural Diversity and Responsible Citizenship:

  1. Cultural Diversity:
    • Fosters understanding and appreciation of different perspectives.
    • Enriches communities with a variety of traditions, languages, and customs.
    • Promotes tolerance and harmony among diverse groups.
  2. Responsible Citizenship:
    • Involves respecting the rights of others.
    • Contributing positively to the community through active participation.
    • Upholding ethical and moral values.
    • Engaging in informed decision-making for the common good.

Understanding these terms and coUnderstanding these terms and concepts is crucial for being an informed and responsible member of society.

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions:

  1. A community is a group of people living together in a specific area, sharing common interests and __________.
    • a. Mountains
    • b. Resources
    • c. Deserts
    • d. Islands
  2. Government is the organized system responsible for making and enforcing laws, managing public affairs, and providing __________.
    • a. Entertainment
    • b. Education
    • c. Services
    • d. Decorations
  3. Geography is the study of the Earth’s surface, including its physical features, climate, and human __________.
    • a. Animals
    • b. Populations
    • c. Inventions
    • d. Colors
  4. Culture includes shared beliefs, customs, arts, and the way of life of a particular __________.
    • a. Country
    • b. School
    • c. City
    • d. Family
  5. Citizenship is the status of being a member of a particular country with associated rights and __________.
    • a. Toys
    • b. Freedoms
    • c. Cars
    • d. Animals
  6. Diversity enriches communities with a variety of traditions, languages, and __________.
    • a. Rules
    • b. Foods
    • c. Inventions
    • d. Colors
  7. Community members like teachers educate and guide __________.
    • a. Children
    • b. Animals
    • c. Plants
    • d. Clouds
  8. Police officers maintain law and order to ensure community __________.
    • a. Parties
    • b. Safety
    • c. Sports
    • d. Buildings
  9. Doctors provide __________ to keep the community healthy.
    • a. Education
    • b. Entertainment
    • c. Healthcare
    • d. Transportation
  10. Farmers cultivate and supply __________ to meet the community’s food needs.
    • a. Money
    • b. Clothes
    • c. Food
    • d. Books
  11. National government creates laws, defends the country, and provides __________ services.
    • a. International
    • b. Local
    • c. Personal
    • d. Educational
  12. Leaders make decisions and represent the __________ in the government.
    • a. Animals
    • b. Plants
    • c. People
    • d. Oceans
  13. Courts ensure justice and resolve legal matters in a fair and __________ manner.
    • a. Just
    • b. Unfair
    • c. Random
    • d. Strict
  14. Responsible citizenship involves respecting the rights of others and contributing positively to the __________.
    • a. Environment
    • b. Internet
    • c. Classroom
    • d. Playground
  15. Understanding geography helps us learn about the Earth’s __________ and human populations.
    • a. Culture
    • b. Customs
    • c. Surface
    • d. Language


Step 1:

  • Begin with a quick review of Social Studies terms.
  • Display visual aids to trigger memory and encourage discussion.

Step 2:

  • Discuss the roles of community members, such as teachers, police officers, and doctors.
  • Explore government responsibilities at local and national levels.

Step 3:

  • Introduce the concept of cultural diversity, showcasing different cultures represented in the class.
  • Discuss responsible citizenship, emphasizing rights and responsibilities.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Facilitate the review of terms.
  • Provide examples and explanations for community roles and government responsibilities.
  • Encourage class discussions on cultural diversity and citizenship.

Learners Activities:

  • Participate in discussions.
  • Share personal experiences related to community roles.
  • Engage in a short activity, like creating a cultural collage.


  • Continuous observation during discussions and activities.
  • Participation in class interactions.
  • Quick quizzes on key Social Studies concepts.

Ten Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is the main topic of today’s lesson?
  2. Define the term “community.”
  3. Name two community members and their roles.
  4. Explain the responsibilities of the government.
  5. Why is cultural diversity important in a community?
  6. What does responsible citizenship mean to you?
  7. Name one right and one responsibility of a citizen.
  8. How does geography influence a community?
  9. Describe a situation where community members work together.
  10. What have you learned about Social Studies this term?

Conclusion on the Topic: In today’s revision, we’ve revisited important Social Studies concepts. Remember, understanding our community, government, and embracing cultural diversity makes us responsible and informed citizens. Keep exploring and appreciating the world around you!

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