First Term Examination Home Economics Primary 4 First Term Lesson Notes Week 12

First Term Examination: Home Economics Primary 4

Exam Instructions for Teachers:

  1. Ensure a Fair Environment:
    • Monitor the classroom to prevent any form of cheating.
    • Ensure all students follow the rules and write their own answers.
  2. Prepare Materials:
    • Provide clear, legible copies of the exam to all students.
    • Ensure each student has a pen or pencil.
  3. Explain the Exam Format:
    • Inform students about the different parts of the exam (Objective, Theory, True/False).
    • Remind students to read each question carefully.
  4. Address Malpractices:
    • Make sure students understand that sharing answers or copying from others is not allowed.
    • Emphasize that any form of dishonesty will result in penalties.
  5. Provide Assistance:
    • Answer any questions students have about the exam format.
    • Ensure a quiet and respectful atmosphere during the exam.

Exam Instructions for Students:

  1. Follow the Rules:
    • Do not talk or share answers with other students.
    • Only use the materials provided for the exam.
  2. Read Carefully:
    • Read each question and option thoroughly before answering.
    • Make sure you understand what is being asked.
  3. Answer Neatly:
    • Write clearly in the space provided.
    • Check your work before submitting your paper.
  4. Time Management:
    • Manage your time wisely to complete all parts of the exam.
    • Do not spend too long on any one question.
  5. Ask for Help:
    • If you do not understand a question, raise your hand for assistance.

Part A: Objective Questions

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the correct answer from the options provided.

  1. Home Economics involves managing __________ resources. a) Home
    b) School
    c) Office
    d) Playground
  2. A __________ is used for creating fabric by making loops with yarn. a) Needle
    b) Hook
    c) Spoon
    d) Hammer
  3. The six classes of food are proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and __________. a) Salt
    b) Sugar
    c) Water
    d) Oil
  4. __________ helps to keep food fresh and clean. a) Oven
    b) Refrigerator
    c) Blender
    d) Stove
  5. A __________ is used for sewing fabric together. a) Hook
    b) Needle
    c) Ruler
    d) Brush
  6. The function of food includes __________ and repair. a) Decoration
    b) Growth
    c) Cleaning
    d) Painting
  7. __________ is used to cut fabric in sewing. a) Needle
    b) Scissors
    c) Knife
    d) Fork
  8. Crocheting uses a __________ to create fabric. a) Needle
    b) Hook
    c) Scissors
    d) Pencil
  9. A __________ is used to mix or puree food. a) Spoon
    b) Knife
    c) Blender
    d) Plate
  10. __________ is a simple sewing tool. a) Needle
    b) Ruler
    c) Brush
    d) Eraser
  11. To maintain kitchen tools, you should __________ them properly. a) Ignore
    b) Clean
    c) Hide
    d) Throw
  12. A __________ helps us understand how to manage home resources. a) Book
    b) Computer
    c) Home Economics
    d) Science
  13. __________ is a career related to Home Economics. a) Chef
    b) Teacher
    c) Driver
    d) Pilot
  14. A __________ tool is used to create patterns in sewing. a) Needle
    b) Scissors
    c) Hammer
    d) Ruler
  15. __________ helps in creating fabric by making loops. a) Sewing
    b) Crocheting
    c) Drawing
    d) Painting
  16. The __________ provides energy and helps growth. a) Air
    b) Food
    c) Water
    d) Exercise
  17. __________ are used for knitting. a) Needles
    b) Scissors
    c) Brushes
    d) Pens
  18. The primary purpose of a __________ is to blend food. a) Knife
    b) Blender
    c) Spoon
    d) Fork
  19. __________ is used to create a fabric pattern. a) Needle
    b) Ruler
    c) Hammer
    d) Glue
  20. A __________ is used to cut fabric. a) Needle
    b) Scissors
    c) Hammer
    d) Screwdriver
  21. __________ helps to manage home resources. a) History
    b) Home Economics
    c) Geography
    d) Mathematics
  22. To identify a __________ item, look for unique textures. a) Crocheted
    b) Painted
    c) Written
    d) Photographed
  23. A __________ is used to stitch pieces of fabric together. a) Needle
    b) Hammer
    c) Paintbrush
    d) Ruler
  24. __________ involves creating fabric with loops and yarn. a) Crocheting
    b) Painting
    c) Cooking
    d) Reading
  25. __________ are large tools used in the kitchen. a) Utensils
    b) Equipment
    c) Books
    d) Toys
  26. The six classes of food include __________ and fats. a) Carbohydrates
    b) Books
    c) Shoes
    d) Pens
  27. __________ is the study of managing home resources and skills. a) Science
    b) Art
    c) Home Economics
    d) Music
  28. __________ helps to keep food fresh. a) Blender
    b) Oven
    c) Refrigerator
    d) Stove
  29. __________ tools are used to prepare and cook food. a) Kitchen
    b) School
    c) Office
    d) Playground
  30. __________ is a tool for creating patterns in fabric. a) Needle
    b) Brush
    c) Paint
    d) Hammer

Part B: Theory Questions

Instructions: Write a short answer to each question.

  1. What is Home Economics?
  2. Name two tools used in crocheting.
  3. List the six classes of food and give one example for each.
  4. How should kitchen utensils be cleaned and maintained?
  5. What is the importance of food in our diet?
  6. What is the difference between a sewing needle and a crochet hook?
  7. Provide two examples of knitted items.
  8. How does crocheting differ from knitting?
  9. What are some simple sewing tools?
  10. How should a sewing machine be cared for?
  11. What are some uses of a blender in the kitchen?
  12. Name three types of kitchen equipment and their uses.
  13. How does Home Economics help in managing home resources?
  14. Describe how to identify a crocheted item.
  15. What are some careers related to Home Economics?
  16. What is the role of food in growth and repair?
  17. Explain the difference between utensils and equipment in the kitchen.
  18. How is a knitting needle used in creating fabric?
  19. What does Home Economics teach us about daily living?
  20. How does a refrigerator help in food preservation?
  21. What types of articles can be made with a crochet hook?
  22. Describe the function of a blender in food preparation.
  23. What is the main difference between knitting and crocheting?
  24. How do you use a sewing needle for stitching?
  25. Why is it important to maintain kitchen tools?
  26. Explain the purpose of a blender in a kitchen.
  27. What is the use of a ruler in sewing?
  28. How can you tell if an item is crocheted?
  29. Name two types of kitchen equipment and their functions.
  30. What does a sewing machine do?

Part C: True or False Questions

Instructions: Write “True” or “False” for each statement.

  1. Crocheting uses a needle to create fabric. (True/False)
  2. A sewing needle is used for knitting. (True/False)
  3. The six classes of food include vitamins and minerals. (True/False)
  4. A blender is used to mix or puree food. (True/False)
  5. Home Economics includes managing personal finances. (True/False)
  6. Knitting and crocheting both use yarn to make fabric. (True/False)
  7. Kitchen utensils include items like spoons and forks. (True/False)
  8. A sewing machine is used for crocheting. (True/False)
  9. Food provides energy, helps growth, and repairs the body. (True/False)
  10. The primary purpose of Home Economics is to study animals. (True/False)
  11. A crochet hook is used to make loops in yarn. (True/False)
  12. The function of food does not include growth. (True/False)
  13. Knitting requires a hook. (True/False)
  14. A blender is used for sewing. (True/False)
  15. Crocheting and knitting are similar in that they both create fabric. (True/False)
  16. Home Economics teaches skills for managing a household. (True/False)
  17. Kitchen equipment includes items like blenders and ovens. (True/False)
  18. A sewing needle is used for creating loops in yarn. (True/False)
  19. A blender can be used to mix ingredients. (True/False)
  20. Crocheting involves making fabric with a hook. (True/False)
  21. Food helps in growth and repair. (True/False)
  22. The six classes of food do not include water. (True/False)
  23. A sewing machine is used for mixing food. (True/False)
  24. Knitting uses needles to create fabric. (True/False)
  25. Home Economics includes studying plants. (True/False)
  26. Crocheted items are made with a hook. (True/False)
  27. A blender is used for cooking. (True/False)
  28. Sewing tools include items like needles and thread. (True/False)
  29. Home Economics does not involve cooking. (True/False)
  30. Kitchen utensils are used for eating and cooking. (True/False)

Good luck with the exam!

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