Roles of the school in the security of the pupils Security Education Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Subject: Security Education

Topic: Roles of the School in the Security of the Pupils

Sub-topic: Understanding the School’s Responsibilities

Duration: 45 minutes

Class: Primary 5

Term: First Term

Week: 6

Previous Knowledge: Students should have a basic understanding of personal safety and security measures.

Learning Objectives:

  • To understand the importance of school security.
  • To identify the roles of the school in ensuring pupil safety.
  • To learn how to contribute to their own safety within the school environment.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking
  • Communication
  • Problem-solving

Learning Materials:

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Handouts with key points
  • Visual aids (pictures of school security measures)
  • Scenarios related to school security




1. The Meaning of School Security 🏫

  • School security means keeping our school safe. It’s like when we lock the doors of our home to keep it safe from strangers.
  • 🚧 Imagine a school as a big, safe castle. Security makes sure we have a safe place to learn and play.

2. The Importance of School Security 🌟

  • School security is super important! It’s like a superhero protecting us.
  • 📚 We come to school to learn, right? School security helps us focus on learning, knowing we’re safe from harm.

3. Roles of the School in Ensuring Pupil Safety 👩‍🏫🚸

  • Our school has special jobs to keep us safe. Like the principal, teachers, and even security guards.
  • They make sure no strangers come in without permission. Just like our homes, schools have rules for safety.

4. How Pupils Can Contribute to Their Own Safety Within the School Environment 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️

  • 🧒 We can also help keep our school safe. Just like being a little superhero!
  • 🤝 We should listen to our teachers and follow school rules. It’s like teamwork!
  • 📢 If we see something strange, we should tell a teacher. We’re like school detectives, helping keep our school secure.



School security means keeping our school safe. It’s like having a guardian or protector for our school. Just like your parents keep your home safe, school security keeps your school safe. They make sure that everyone in the school, including students like you, is protected from harm or danger. Think of school security as the superheroes who watch over your school to make sure it’s a safe and comfortable place for everyone to learn and have fun. 🏫🔒🦸‍♂️


The importance of school security:

  1. Safety: School security ensures the safety of everyone in the school, including students, teachers, and staff. It helps protect you from potential dangers or harm.
  2. Peace of Mind: Knowing that there is security in your school helps students and parents feel more at ease. You can focus on learning without worrying about safety.
  3. Preventing Bullying: School security measures can help prevent bullying and ensure a friendly environment where all students are treated with respect.
  4. Emergency Response: In case of emergencies like accidents or unexpected situations, school security can respond quickly and efficiently to help students and staff.
  5. Protecting Property: School security helps protect school property and resources, preventing theft and vandalism.
  6. Privacy: It ensures that your personal information and data are kept safe, respecting your privacy.
  7. Maintaining Order: Security measures help maintain a sense of order and discipline in the school, creating a better learning environment.
  8. Parental Confidence: Parents are more likely to send their children to a school with good security, knowing that their kids are in safe hands.
  9. Positive Learning Environment: When you feel safe and secure, it’s easier to focus on your studies and enjoy your time at school.
  10. Promoting Respect: Security measures can help promote respect for rules and guidelines, teaching students the importance of discipline and responsibility.

These are some of the key reasons why school security is essential. 🏫🔒👮‍♀️📚




  1. School security ensures the _______________ of everyone in the school. a) education b) safety c) happiness d) discipline
  2. It provides _______________ of mind for students and parents. a) bags b) peace c) food d) games
  3. School security helps _______________ bullying. a) encourage b) prevent c) organize d) reward
  4. In case of emergencies, security can _______________ quickly. a) respond b) sleep c) study d) cook
  5. It protects school property and prevents _______________. a) sharing b) theft c) laughter d) reading
  6. School security helps maintain _______________ and discipline. a) chaos b) order c) fun d) music
  7. It ensures the _______________ of personal information. a) loss b) safety c) sharing d) discovery
  8. Parents have more _______________ when they know their children are safe. a) confidence b) homework c) dreams d) jokes
  9. A safe environment promotes a positive _______________. a) playground b) garden c) learning environment d) zoo
  10. It can help prevent _______________ for rules and guidelines. a) respect b) rewards c) rebellion d) reading



The roles of the school in ensuring pupil safety include:

  1. Providing a Secure Environment 🏫🔒: Schools must ensure that the physical environment is safe and well-maintained. This includes checking for hazards, repairing damaged equipment, and securing the premises.
  2. Supervision and Monitoring 👀: Teachers and staff should supervise students during school hours, ensuring they are safe in classrooms, hallways, and other areas. Surveillance cameras may also be used to monitor activities.
  3. Emergency Preparedness 🚨: Schools need to have plans in place for various emergencies, such as fires, natural disasters, and lockdowns. Regular drills and training ensure that everyone knows what to do in case of an emergency.
  4. Health and Wellness Support 💪: Schools promote pupil safety by providing healthcare services and first aid. They may also have counseling services to address emotional and mental health issues.
  5. Safety Education 📚: Schools teach students about safety rules and practices. This includes road safety, fire safety, and internet safety. Knowledge is empowering in keeping pupils safe.
  6. Bullying Prevention 👥: Schools should have anti-bullying policies and programs to prevent bullying and provide support to victims.
  7. Visitor Control 🚪: Ensuring that only authorized individuals enter school premises helps maintain safety. Visitors should check in at the front office.
  8. Transportation Safety 🚌: If the school provides transportation, it must ensure that buses are well-maintained and follow safety regulations. Additionally, staff should ensure order and safety during pick-up and drop-off times.
  9. Conflict Resolution 🤝: Schools can teach conflict resolution skills to pupils to help them handle disagreements and disputes in a non-violent manner.
  10. Promoting Inclusivity 🌟: Schools foster a safe environment by promoting inclusivity, respect for diversity, and discouraging discrimination or bias.
  11. First Aid Training 🩹: Staff should be trained in first aid, and schools must have first aid kits readily available.
  12. Cybersecurity 📱💻: In the digital age, schools should educate pupils about online safety and implement cybersecurity measures to protect against cyber threats.
  13. Crisis Communication 📢: Schools must have a communication plan for notifying parents and guardians during emergencies.
  14. Safe Playgrounds 🎈: Play areas should be well-maintained and equipped with safe structures to prevent accidents.
  15. Identifying Vulnerable Pupils 👧👦: Schools should identify pupils who may be vulnerable or at risk and provide additional support.

These roles ensure that schools are not only places of learning but also safe environments where pupils can thrive and grow. 📚👩‍🏫👨‍🎓🔒

  1. What is one role of schools in pupil safety? a) Providing entertainment b) Giving away free snacks c) Promoting a secure environment d) Teaching circus skills
  2. What should schools do to ensure safety during emergencies? a) Ignore the situation b) Have a well-prepared plan c) Pretend it’s not happening d) Bake cookies for everyone
  3. What kind of safety education do schools provide? a) Cooking lessons b) Fire safety training c) Surfing lessons d) UFO spotting tips
  4. Why is bullying prevention important in schools? a) To teach pupils how to become bullies b) To create an unsafe environment c) To promote a safe and respectful atmosphere d) To encourage aggressive behavior
  5. What does visitor control in schools involve? a) Letting anyone enter freely b) Checking in at the front office c) Starting a dance party at the entrance d) Hosting a carnival at the school gates
  6. What kind of skills can schools teach for conflict resolution? a) How to pick a fight b) How to make bigger conflicts c) How to avoid conflicts d) How to resolve disagreements peacefully
  7. Inclusivity in schools promotes: a) Exclusivity b) Respect for diversity c) Uniformity d) Ignoring differences
  8. What are schools responsible for regarding transportation safety? a) Decorating buses b) Keeping vehicles in poor condition c) Ensuring safe transport and supervision d) Teaching pupils to hitchhike
  9. What do schools do to identify vulnerable pupils? a) Make fun of them b) Ignore their needs c) Provide additional support d) Encourage them to be more vulnerable
  10. What’s the role of schools in crisis communication? a) Send prank messages to parents b) Have a plan to notify parents during emergencies c) Keep all information secret d) Play a game of telephone during crises


  1. Follow School Rules: Adhering to school rules and guidelines helps maintain a safe environment.
  2. Respect Others: Being respectful and considerate of fellow pupils promotes a harmonious atmosphere.
  3. Say No to Bullying: Stand up against bullying and report it to teachers or adults if you witness it.
  4. Participate in Safety Drills: Act responsibly during safety drills and evacuations.
  5. Keep Walkways Clear: Avoid blocking hallways and exits to ensure clear paths for evacuation.
  6. Use Equipment Safely: Follow instructions when using school equipment or machinery.
  7. Maintain Cleanliness: Dispose of trash properly and help keep the school environment clean.
  8. Fire Safety: Learn about fire safety and understand fire evacuation plans.
  9. Respect Personal Space: Be mindful of personal space and boundaries to prevent conflicts.
  10. Communication: Report any dangerous objects, behaviors, or security concerns to school authorities.
  11. Safety on the Playground: Play safely on the school playground, following playground rules.
  12. Listen and Learn: Pay attention during lessons to stay informed about safety guidelines.
  13. Responsible Use of Technology: Use digital devices and the internet responsibly and safely.
  14. Report Health Concerns: If you’re feeling unwell or have a health issue, inform a teacher or the school nurse.
  15. Emergency Contacts: Ensure you know your emergency contact information and how to reach parents or guardians.





  1. What’s one way pupils can contribute to their safety at school? a) Start schoolyard fights b) Follow safety rules and guidelines c) Hide in the restroom d) Skip classes
  2. If you see a fellow pupil being bullied, what can you do to contribute to their safety? a) Join in the bullying b) Ignore the situation c) Report it to a teacher or adult d) Laugh at the victim
  3. How should pupils behave in the classroom to enhance their safety? a) Create chaos and disorder b) Listen to the teacher and follow instructions c) Ignore lessons and sleep d) Draw on the walls
  4. What’s one important role pupils play in fire safety? a) Starting fires for fun b) Creating fire escape plans c) Blocking fire exits d) Hoarding flammable materials
  5. How can pupils contribute to their safety on the school playground? a) Push others off the swings b) Follow playground rules and avoid risky behavior c) Hide in the bushes d) Start a food fight
  6. If a pupil finds a dangerous object on the school premises, what should they do? a) Keep it as a souvenir b) Show it off to friends c) Report it to a teacher or adult d) Use it for a science experiment
  7. How can pupils help maintain a clean and safe school environment? a) Litter everywhere b) Pick up trash and dispose of it properly c) Hide trash in lockers d) Paint graffiti on school walls
  8. In what way can pupils promote respectful behavior within the school? a) Bully others b) Insult classmates c) Treat others with kindness and respect d) Steal from classmates
  9. How can pupils contribute to their safety during school assemblies? a) Shout and disrupt the assembly b) Listen to instructions and be attentive c) Sleep during the assembly d) Leave the assembly early
  10. What’s an essential role for pupils during school evacuation drills? a) Ignore the drills b) Follow the evacuation procedures and exit safely c) Panic and run in all directions d) Try to hide during the drill



Introduction (5 minutes):

  • Start the lesson by asking students what they understand by “security.” Discuss their responses.
  • Explain that today’s lesson is about school security, and the school plays an essential role in keeping pupils safe.

Step 1: Understanding School Security (10 minutes):

  • Discuss with the students the concept of school security. What does it mean? Why is it important?
  • Introduce key terms like safety, surveillance, and protection.
  • Present real-life scenarios or stories of schools ensuring the security of their pupils.

Step 2: Roles of the School (15 minutes):

  • Explain that the school has specific responsibilities in ensuring the security of its pupils.
  • Discuss the following roles:
    • Monitoring and controlling access to the school premises.
    • Providing safe transportation services.
    • Conducting emergency drills and safety awareness programs.
    • Implementing anti-bullying and anti-harassment policies.
    • Encouraging students to report any security concerns.

Step 3: Pupils’ Role in School Security (10 minutes):

  • Highlight that pupils also have a part to play in their own security.
  • Discuss the importance of:
    • Following school rules and security guidelines.
    • Reporting any unusual activities or people.
    • Treating fellow students with respect.
    • Participating in safety drills and taking them seriously.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Explain concepts clearly.
  • Engage students through discussions.
  • Share real-life examples and scenarios.
  • Use visual aids to enhance understanding.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Participate actively in discussions.
  • Ask questions and seek clarification.
  • Share their own experiences or insights.
  • Interact with visual aids and handouts.


  • Have a short quiz or discussion to assess students’ understanding of the roles of the school in their security.
  • Ask open-ended questions to promote critical thinking.


  • Summarize the key points of the lesson.
  • Reinforce the importance of school security.
  • Encourage students to be proactive in reporting any security concerns within the school environment.


  • Assign a small project or homework that requires students to identify and document safety measures within their school.

By following this lesson plan, you can help Primary 5 students understand the roles of the school in ensuring their security and empower them to contribute to a safe school environment.

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