Qualities of a good leader Civic Education Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Subject: Civic Education

Topic: Qualities of a Good Leader

Duration: 45 minutes

Class: Primary 5

Term: First Term

Week: 6

Previous Knowledge: Students should have basic knowledge of what leadership means.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand what leadership is and its significance.
  2. Identify and describe essential qualities of a good leader.
  3. Appreciate the importance of these qualities in leadership.
  4. Develop the capacity to recognize these qualities in people around them.

Embedded Core Skills: Critical Thinking, Communication, Values Awareness

Learning Materials: Chalkboard, chalk, images of famous leaders, storytelling materials (a short story about leadership), handout with qualities of a good leader.


  1. Introduction to leadership and its role in society.
  2. Explanation of what makes a good leader.
  3. Presentation of qualities that define a good leader.
  4. Discussion on the significance of these qualities in leaders.
  5. Storytelling to illustrate the concept of leadership and the role of a good leader.

Presentation: Step 1 – Introduction to Leadership (10 minutes)

  • Begin by explaining the concept of leadership and its importance in various aspects of life.
  • Provide examples of leaders in society and ask students to share their thoughts on leadership.

Leadership in Society: 🌟

  • Leadership means guiding and helping a group of people to achieve common goals.
  • Leaders can be found in different places like schools, communities, and countries.
  • Think of leaders like teachers, parents, or even the president of a country. 🎓👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🇳🇬

Qualities of a Good Leader: 🏆

  • Good leaders are people who others look up to and trust.
  • They are honest and tell the truth, which helps in building trust.
  • Responsibility is vital; they take care of their duties and make sure things run smoothly.
  • Empathy is another quality; they understand and care about the feelings of others.
  • Leaders show respect to everyone, treating them kindly and fairly. 💪🤲🤝

Why Good Leadership Matters: 🌍

  • Good leaders make sure things work well, like a school or a community.
  • They listen to people’s needs and try to make things better.
  • In societies, good leaders help maintain peace and harmony, ensuring everyone’s voice is heard.
  • When leaders are responsible, they set an example for others to follow. 🌟✌️🕊️

Storytelling to Understand Leadership: 📖

  • Imagine a story about a kind and responsible leader in a school.
  • This leader helps classmates when they face challenges.
  • They listen to everyone’s ideas and make fair decisions.
  • This story shows how a good leader can positively impact a group. 📚😊👥

Step 2 – Qualities of a Good Leader (15 minutes)

  • Present the qualities of a good leader one by one (e.g., honesty, responsibility, empathy, etc.).
  • Discuss each quality, its significance, and provide real-life examples.
  • Encourage students to ask questions and share their opinions.
  1. Leadership means ____________ and helping a group achieve common goals. a) guiding b) following c) ignoring d) sleeping
  2. Good leaders are people who others look up to and ____________. a) distrust b) trust c) criticize d) avoid
  3. Honest leaders build ____________ with their followers. a) trust b) walls c) barriers d) confusion
  4. Responsibility is vital; leaders take care of their ____________. a) toys b) mistakes c) duties d) pets
  5. Leaders show ____________ to everyone, treating them kindly and fairly. a) respect b) fear c) anger d) indifference
  6. Good leaders make sure things work well, like a ____________ or a community. a) circus b) mess c) school d) jungle
  7. They listen to people’s needs and try to make things ____________. a) worse b) complex c) better d) louder
  8. In societies, good leaders help maintain ____________ and harmony. a) chaos b) confusion c) peace d) arguments
  9. Good leaders help maintain ____________ and harmony. a) puzzles b) war c) peace d) mess
  10. Good leaders set an example for others to ____________. a) follow b) forget c) ignore d) scold
  11. A good leader in a story is someone who is ____________ and responsible. a) lazy b) kind c) dishonest d) unfair
  12. They help classmates when they face ____________. a) solutions b) challenges c) victories d) fun
  13. Leaders listen to everyone’s ____________ and make fair decisions. a) dreams b) complaints c) ideas d) secrets
  14. The story shows how a good leader can positively impact a ____________. a) mess b) group c) disaster d) mystery
  15. Good leaders help maintain peace, order, and ____________ in society. a) chaos b) freedom c) mess d) confusion

Step 3 – Storytelling (10 minutes)

  • Share a short story that illustrates the role of a good leader in a community or a school.
  • Engage students in a discussion about the qualities displayed by the leader in the story.
  • Integrity: A good leader is honest, ethical, and acts with strong moral principles.
  • Confidence: They have self-assurance and inspire confidence in their team.
  • Effective Communication: Good leaders are skilled communicators, both in speaking and listening.
  • Empathy: They show understanding and care for the feelings and perspectives of others.
  • Decisiveness: Leaders make well-considered decisions and are not afraid to take calculated risks.
  • Vision: They have a clear vision and can articulate it to their team.
  • Adaptability: Good leaders can adjust to changing circumstances and remain flexible.
  • Accountability: They take responsibility for their actions and decisions.
  • Motivation: Leaders inspire and motivate their team to achieve their best.
  • Problem Solving: They have strong critical thinking skills and can find solutions to challenges.


Teacher’s Activities:

  • Present the content clearly and interactively.
  • Use relatable examples and stories.
  • Encourage students to express their thoughts and ask questions.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Listen actively and participate in discussions.
  • Share their understanding of leadership and good leadership qualities.
  • Analyze the leadership qualities of the character in the story.


  1. Ask students to describe a leader they admire and the qualities that make them a good leader.
  2. Conduct a short class discussion to summarize the key points of the lesson.
  3. A good leader demonstrates honesty and acts with strong moral __________. a) Values b) Principles c) Goals d) Skills
  4. Effective communication is one of the qualities of a good leader, which includes both speaking and __________. a) Listening b) Writing c) Shouting d) Ignoring
  5. Empathetic leaders show understanding and care for the feelings and __________ of others. a) Goals b) Perspectives c) Objects d) Rules
  6. Decisive leaders are not afraid to take calculated __________. a) Risks b) Breaks c) Orders d) Steps
  7. A good leader can articulate a clear __________ to their team. a) Vision b) Problem c) Resolution d) Direction
  8. Leaders need to adjust to changing circumstances and remain __________. a) Flexible b) Rigid c) Simple d) Stubborn
  9. Leaders take __________ for their actions and decisions. a) Accountability b) Credit c) Excuses d) Breaks
  10. Inspiring and motivating a team is part of a leader’s role in fostering __________. a) Motivation b) Competition c) Confusion d) Chaos
  11. A good leader is a skilled __________ solver who can find solutions to challenges. a) Problem b) Decision c) Dream d) Leader
  12. Effective leaders have self-assurance and inspire __________ in their team. a) Confidence b) Fear c) Confusion d) Resistance
  13. One of the qualities of a good leader is demonstrating __________, which involves doing what they say they will do. a) Integrity b) Deception c) Betrayal d) Disloyalty
  14. Good leaders are skilled __________, both in speaking and listening to others’ viewpoints. a) Communicators b) Fighters c) Isolators d) Agitators
  15. Leaders need to show __________ by being willing to learn from their mistakes and improve. a) Humility b) Arrogance c) Ignorance d) Stubbornness
  16. A good leader is __________, which means they can accept feedback and criticism positively. a) Open-minded b) Close-minded c) Stubborn d) Resistant
  17. The ability to __________ to their team’s needs and concerns is an essential quality of a good leader. a) Adapt b) Control c) Ignore d) Frustrate



  • Summarize the importance of leadership and the qualities of a good leader.
  • Encourage students to recognize these qualities in leaders around them and strive to develop them.

By the end of this lesson, students will have a better understanding of leadership and the qualities that make a good leader. This knowledge will help them become responsible and effective leaders in the future.

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